Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1732201-Chapter-One-Battle-At-Kiana
by Thorn
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1732201
Chapter one of my running novel "Supernaturals: The Formation"
Aquice ran through the burning city towards the Capunda army. He sneaked around earlier when the fight began between Calavunda and Capunda, where Aquice was a part of the latter.
         Aquice turned into a back alley, where the surrounding roofs cackled into flames. Without any warning, a plank connecting two roofs overhead snapped into two, burning timbers and ash falling into his way. Aquice halted to a stop and surveyed the mess.
         It would have taken too long to go around, since it covered all of the alley, and it was also too dangerous to get that close to Calavunda's army. So Aquice, summoning up his natural-born powers, let a flow of water spiral from his hands into the burning remains of the walkway. The flames went out as soon as the water hit. As soon as the last of the fire went out, Aquice stopped the flow as easily as he started it. With no fatigue from the task, he continued on his way.
         Aquice had to put out two more fires along his way to Capunda's battle front. One occurred when a shack tipped over since its structure beam failed and another when a careless squad of Calavunda's men knocked over a burning basket in haste to the front line.
         Finally, Aquice found a back alley that led around to his own army. Viewing his squadron down a slight hill, he paused glancing around with the height advantage. He couldn't find Aero; he needed to tell him important information.
         Running down the hill, his squadron turned to face him, swords raised briefly, but lowered when they noticed it was Aquice.
         Aquice shouted over the nearby clang of swords, "I need to find Aero, does anybody know where he is?"
         One of the archers stepped forward. Waving around his blue-painted bow of the squad, he said, "Yes, he was on a roof top earlier, shouting instructions to other squads."
         "Where is this building?" Aquice asked, directed toward the archer.
         The archer looked and pointed along the battle front towards a wooden two story house near the middle of the front line. However, Aquice was long gone by the time the archer looked back. Shrugging, he drew another arrow.
         Aquice spotted the light blond hair of Aero on the building once or twice as he ran towards it. As he approached, Aquice shouted, "Aero, I need to talk to you."
         Aero appeared at the side of the building, "Ok, I am coming down!" he said, stepping on the very edge of the roof.
         "Wait! I need to talk up there; privately." Aquice said before Aero jumped.
         Aero pushed himself backward with a quick hand motion in front of him. When he stood up again, Aero looked around briefly, then finding something pointed, "There is a ladder over there Aquice."
         Aquice looked around and saw almost immediately where Aero was pointing. Five men in armor were carrying a ladder with a line of archers behind. Aquice caught them quickly, and taking the ladder asked, "Where are you taking this?"
         One of the men said, "Over there to Aero."
         "Perfect, then just follow me." and Aquice, taking the ladder single handedly, walked quickly back to Aero's building.
         When Aquice set the ladder down he said to the archers behind him, "Wait before I come down again before you go up."
         Aquice climbed the ladder two rungs at a time. Reaching the top, he spotted Aero and walked forward.
         "Aero, I believe we are fighting a losing battle." Aquice said.
         Aero laughed, "Look, their army is barely bigger than ours, we will crush them."
         "That is the problem; they have twice as many men behind the lines hidden from view. We need to retreat."
         Aero laughed again, "You know our men are five times better than Calavunda's. We will still win anyways."
         "So you are suggesting we keep fighting? I don't like this plan." Aquice said glancing at Calavunda's soon to be large army.
         Aero turned to face the other army too. Then he said, "We can cut off the reinforcements before they reach the front line. We should each take our squadron and go around to behind."
         Aquice knew this was a good plan. "Let's go for it." he said, turning to the ladder.
         As Aquice went down the ladder, he heard Aero warn, "Beware for Firecio though, he is obviously here."
         Aquice shouted, "I know." back up to Aero and continued down the ladder.
         Once Aquice got to the bottom, he quickly went to his squadron on the eastern side of the city. The squadron started out as exactly 100 men, the best of Capunda's army (though Aero would disagree). Three hours into the battle there were still only four causalities.
         Aquice ran into the center of his squadron and shouted so everyone can here, "We are going around the front lines. Follow me."
         He ran up the hill the same way that he came from earlier. His squadron formed two lines behind him. Aquice knew that this time it would take longer.
         As the line went up the hill, Aquice went ahead a bit and put out all of the fires that could cause damage to his army. This continued slowly so soon Aquice was worrying that they wouldn't make it in time. Suddenly, he heard a shout of surprise behind him.
         Aquice turned to see a group of five Calavunda soldiers charge into the line about halfway down. Two of them tackled his men, which happened to be the soldiers with axes. The axes were pinned between the struggling bodies; however, the axmen soon gained control and finished the soldiers off. The other three went smoother as before they were all killed, they fell to one of the multitudes of swordsmen.
         All of this happened before Aquice got to the fight. When he got there, he surveyed the scene. The five soldiers came from another alley that had a clear view of Calavunda's army. The five obviously saw them and charged. However, it looked as if they told no one else.
         Quickly he barked an order, "Get out of view. Make sure that the bodies are hidden as well.
         Aquice waited, scared that their plans might fold here. He let out a sigh of relief when the small fight was quickly hidden without Calavunda's army noticing. However half of the squadron was still on the other side of the intersection.
         Aquice drew out his sword from the sheath hanging from his left shoulder to right hip. The swords almost crystal-like, with a shining blue length glittered due to the flames still burning on the roofs above. Then crouching down, he quickly went to the opposite end, hiding behind baskets and other large things the flames twisted into unidentifiable objects. 
         He easily found a place where he could not be seen in-between two baskets. Aquice looked backwards where he saw some half heads poking around both corners.
         Aquice looked back and began the signaling. Whenever it was clear he made forward hand motions. When an enemy was about 10 paces away, he gave a stop signal, telling everyone to hide. Soon the army was clear of the intersection and Aquice was on his way.
         Aquice led them all to the meet point without further incident. Aquice looked around for Aero. Not spotting him, he scanned the ambush area.
         The ambush area looked to be a symmetrical square. Four roads stretched widely at the approximate midpoint of each side. Two side alleys stretched into the corners closest to the battle still raging loudly. Aquice assumed that the reinforcement's would come up the southern entrance so they wouldn't have to turn to get to the battle. It would increase the surprise attacks effect on the battle.
         Suddenly Aquice turned to a voice he heard right behind him.
         "Looks too perfect to be an ambush site. Everything seemed so easy in the battle so far."
         Aquice turned to face Aero directly. "That is what is disturbing me."
         Aero laughed, "Relax, this battle is going fine."
         "Maybe that is what they want you to think." Aquice said, turning to watch the square..
         Aero laughed again, "I can't believe you do not realize why. Remember that Kiana was Capunda's capital before the war began. The council planned it this way."
         Aquice was confused. He definitely remembered this was their old capital city but how did they plan for the war. Then he remembered the major reconstruction of the city, years ago when he was a kid. The council must have planned the city to be hard to capture from the south and easy to recapture from the north if needed.
         Aero spotted the look on his face, "Yeah planned, making it hard to gain from the south by making the northern buildings taller for the archers and the road size smaller in the southern parts to avoid the over large Calavunda's army closing around them too quickly. There’s more but it is something similar to that."
         Despite the facts, Aquice couldn't quite feel comfortable with the ease of the battle.
         Then they both heard a noise and Aquice stiffened. Calavunda's reinforcements were coming.
         Aquice turned to face Aero quickly. "What's your plan?"
         "We wait until we see the last line, then attack. If they see us first, cut through until our squadrons meet, and wipe out the ones still coming. Then either was we can push them back to the front line and surround the enemy. Should be easy." Aero smiled and with that quickly jumped onto the roof too their right, and moving like a cat, Aquice saw him easily reach the other alley by jumping from roof to roof. When Aero reached the other side Aquice saw him wink.
         Aquice turned to the street entrance where the oncoming army marching was getting louder. He waited a minute then the first person came into view.
         This was not going to be easy at all.
         The leader with flaming red hair walked bodily forward. His sword was already drawn, with the same color as his hair, only a little more crystal-like. It was the only thing he was holding, no shield, no other weapon of any kind. The general appearance of this person did not scare himself, Aquice thought. After all, he fought him before.
         Firecio's face burned with anger. Each step made it seem to grow too impossible lengths so by the time he was halfway across the square, his eyes seemed to turn red.
         Then the sword caught fire along the entire length. The color of the sword exaggerated the flames licking in all directions.
         Aquice was startled. He had never seen Firecio that mad. With a jolt, he remembered his squadron behind him, unhidden. Turning quickly, he saw he needed not worry; they were safely hidden along with him.
         Turning to face the square again, he saw Firecio, sword still on fire, walking to the battle ahead. Aquice realized with another jolt that the army was right there, the first line already halfway across the square.
         Aquice saw line after line of men with Calavunda's armor marching directly across the square. Their eyes all looked straight ahead, so they were safely hidden from searching eyes. Aquice eventually lost count when the time was ready to attack.
         He counted the lines remaining both to himself and the squadron behind him.
         "Five, four, three, two, one…" Aquice whispered, holding up the proper number of fingers for those behind. Drawing his sword, which flashed blue in the flames above, Aquice turned to the army. A spearman caught the glint of blue and gave a shout.
         Before Aquice knew it, the fight started. The spear man gave a shout and the line shifted to face the danger. Aquice took off running to the line, the squadron starting briefly behind.
         The spearmen set their spears down at an angle, making a line of points. Aquice ran towards the line, preparing to swing his sword.
         A blue flash went before the spearmen's' eyes as Aquice swung his sword so fast, the spearheads fell to the floor, cut off from the shaft. Before the spearmen knew what really happened, Aquice took care of them.
         Aquice flew past the bodies using the momentum of the run. Instantly he was surrounded by Calavunda's armor. He stopped before going straight into the men.
         Aquice turned around to get back to his squadron. He briefly saw them all dodge the spears and attack. Then Aquice heard a war cry behind him, realizing someone was attacking him. He spun his sword and stabbed backwards, straight into the warriors gut.
         Again and again Aquice turned to new dangers and always the blue sword flashed down on the enemies.
         A cry of alarm rang over the struggles around him and Aquice realized that Aero's squadron caught the reinforcements from behind. Then, quickly, Aero met Aquice in the middle.
         Aquice stood, back to back with Aero. Now Aquice could use his powers safely so he lifted his hand and water came quickly out, either knocking out the weapons straight out of the enemies hands or tripping them onto the floor, where they did not ever get back up again. Either way, the enemy soon was taken care of.
         Aquice saw that the back of the line as thinning out so he shouted to Aero, "Come on, let's finish this two way battle." unable to put it in better words.
         Aero understood though so Aquice led them both in another charge, his own blue sword and Aero's light grey one taking care of all nearby enemies. They easily got to the end and Aquice halted, stunned again.
         Aquice saw Minerocio fighting with his dark black sword against three of his own squadron. While Aquice watched, Minerocio easily got them all, two by the sword and one by a black pebble apparently flicked off a finger.
         Then Minerocio turned, saw Aquice and gulped. Hesitantly, he raised his sword and charged. Aquice raised his own and charged.
          A fury of sparks went off the bang of the two swords. Both him and Minerocio barely held their swords and Aquice spun around. Instantly they were fighting again. Aquice spun left, right, then downward, all parried by the black sword.
         Minerocio feinted a swing then stabbed. Aquice spun his sword, batting down both into the ground, each with one hand twisted trying to hold on to it still. Aquice, lifted his other hand and pointing, fired water at Minerocio, who was too busy trying to free his sword from the pin.
         Minerocio gasped at his mistake but instantly used his power to become completely stone. The water bounced of the statue, which still had the same face, and still held the sword at the same angle.
         "Aero!" shouted Aquice.
         Aero turned with a sharp horizontal swing, giving him the time to turn to Aquice. Spotting Minerocio, Aquice saw Aero lift his hand.
         The statues of Minerocio flew up on an air current, despite the weight of it. Minerocio got out of his statue form in surprise but was hit with another current, throwing him high and far. Aquice saw Minerocio fall, saw him roll into a ball and turn to stone once more, and knew  that Minerocio was out for the battle; for a little bit anyways.
         Aquice turned back to the battle behind him, sword in a ready position, breathing evenly. Aero was already surrounded by enemies but seemed to be fine. Both his and Aero's squadron were effectively driving Calavunda's army together.
         Aquice ran forward raising his sword and bringing it down on the nearest enemy. He and his army began pushing forward to the rest of the battle.
         Aquice fought his way over to Aero and blasted the nearest enemy back with a wave of water asked, "Seems to be going fine, we should meet the forefront in no time."
         Aero laughed, "You seemed a little worried earlier; you need to relax. I knew this was going to be easy."
         Aquice thought, as a couple of Calavunda's men charged them, that Aero had too much fun in battle and knew that someday it would bite back hard on not just him and Aero, but all of Capunda.
         The line surged steadily forward losing about a third of its men while Calavunda was forced to divide as both forces of Capunda collided. Aquice and Aero ceased fighting when they were clear and headed behind the front line.
         They both ran towards the other Capunda generals. Spotting Tanner, the highest ranking member at the battle, Aquice led Aero towards him.
         "Captain." Aquice shouted over the din of the battle.
         The captain turned to Aquice and walked briskly towards him.
         "Progress report, Aquice." said the captain.
         "We broke them in half. Minerocio seems to be out of the battle. Firecio is here somewhere."
         The captain nodded then pointed, "Attack over there, the bigger half of Calavunda. If they retreat, let them and take all surrenders prisoner."
         "Yes sir." Aquice said and ran off while Aero was given his orders.
         Aquice led the attack further onward on their stronger side. His path arched out like an arrow through the middle of the army. The outer half of the army instantly called a retreat at the sight and soon cleared out.
         Aquice turned to the left.
         Right at the forefront, Firecio's crimson blade seemed to sparkle as it gave wounds to Capunda's army. Despite their training, none could reach Firecio's body. Aquice raise his hand and pointed at Firecio.
         Water gushing out of his body raced towards Firecio. It hit him and Aquice saw his give a gasp of surprise. Stopping the flow, Aquice took off sprinting, his right hand holding the sword at ready for an upper cut. Firecio easily regained his balance back, and spotting Aquice, got in a steady position.
         Their sword met with a clang of sparkles similar to the match with Minerocio, and bits of fire seemed to fall off Firecio's sword and sputter out on the ground. The nearby soldiers, swordsmen, and spearmen seemed to stop fighting and watch the intense battle.
         Aquice turned right, left, and stabbed but could not reach Firecio's body just like the rest of his army. However, Firecio could not do the same against Aquice.
         After a minute, neither even nicked the other, as though they were practicing in high speed. The Aquice, spotting an opening, brought his left hand around and forced water through his palm.
         He saw Firecio growl and raised his own hand but could not send an inferno to Aquice. Soon Firecio was drenched from head to toe and stepped back.
         Aquice stopped his power and the two of them stared at each other, a few feet apart.
         "You finally won a battle," Firecio said with water pouring out of his mouth. "Retreat." he said softly then louder, "Retreat Calavunda, they took back their city."
         Aquice smiled for the first time that day, happy and surprised that he beat Firecio. Despite the fact that Firecio was the strongest of all of them, Aquice won fair and square.
         Calavunda's army was in an unofficial half-retreat before Firecio made it an order so they soon cleared out. Aquice sheathed his still gleaming blue sword and returned back to their base.
         Aquice found Tanner using directions from an archer. "Captain Tanner, they sounded the retreat."
         "Did they? I am impressed Aquice. Did you by chance spot Firecio there?  He was not on the eastern half of their army." that captain said as he approached Aquice.
         "Yes, I beat him in a duel and he started the initial retreat." Aquice said, bowing his head slightly in honor of the captain.
         "Nice work, Aquice. Our work here is almost done."
         The Captain gestured his hand to the last scuffles of the fight.
         Aquice smiled; finally Capunda won a battle in this unprovoked war.
© Copyright 2010 Thorn (thungon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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