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Week Four Assignment
Character Name: Evangeline (Evie)
Age: 104- Born in 1905
Occupation: Grandmother/ Mother
Family Member/ Significant Others:-  Daughter(Abigail) Grand-daughter ( Bethany) Great GD ( Evangeline-Eva) 
Personality Traits: Cantankerous, Lively, Mountain Woman, Medicine Woman, Storyteller
Character History: Mother died in childbirth and lived with her Uncle Alistair for first six years. Then went to live with her Grandparents for the rest of her life in the mountains of North Carolina
Highest Level of Education: None…can read some and write her name
Physical Traits: Medium Height---Black Hair with Red flecks when young—White hair older- Striking woman with high cheekbones and graceful stance
Biggest Motivator: She wants the truth to be told
Biggest Fear: Retribution on her family for telling her story
Things they like: Ice crème, fires, sitting staring at the stars, moon and sun, listening to the wind speaking with her.
Things dislike: Liars, Cheats, Traitors…prejudice
Where they live: Mountains of NC---Mitchell or Yancy County
What do they like about themselves?
What do they dislike about themselves:
Favorite childhood memory: She and her grandmother making herbal medicines and learning folkways
Most traumatic life event: The Hanging of Mary in Erwin TN….
Most prized possession: A medicine doll her grandmother gave her
Kind of transportation use: Walk or wagon—later years other people helped her
Most interesting thing about: Never traveled further than 50 miles from her home in NC…after she came there
What does voice sound like: Velvet
What five words most people would use to describe character: Honorable, Compassionate, Cantankerous, Respected, Elder
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: The hanging of Mary.
What does the character want most in life: For the story that lives inside of her to be told.

Character Name: Evangeline ( Eva)
Age: 36
Occupation: Writer
Family Member/ Significant Others:-  Mother ( Bethany) Brother ( Andrew)
Personality Traits: Closed, Up-tight, Unemotional, Rational,
Character History: Grew up with single mother in Atlanta GA. Several events happened to her that caused her to mistrust others. Living with Wall Street type---finds true relationship while writing her Great GM story.
Highest Level of Education: Masters Degree
Physical Traits: Beautiful—tall—elegant—red hair with green eyes---darker skin than normal---runner, athletic build
Biggest Motivator: Control
Biggest Fear: Being out of control and invested in another
Things they like:  Sunsets, cool mountain air, spending time in solitude
Things dislike: Touchy people, speaking to groups, being the center of attention
Where they live: Atlanta
What do they like about themselves? Her ability to assess people          
What do they dislike about themselves: Her inability to truly love another person
Favorite childhood memory: Being in the mountains at her GGM’s romping through the forest and hills
Most traumatic life event: Discovery of her ancestry
Most prized possession: The doll her GGM passes to her
Kind of transportation use:  BMW
Most interesting thing about: She has a great gift of intuition, but does not share it with anyone
What does voice sound like: Meek---develops into a strong voice as time goes by
What five words most people would use to describe character: Shy, unassuming, standoffish, smart, resilient
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: Coming to the mountains to record her Great Grandmother’s story
What does the character want most in life: To let go and love

Character Name: Ian McDougal
Age: 42
Occupation: Mountain man, moonshiner
Family Member/ Significant Others:-  Husband of---------, Grandfather to Evie, Father of Alistair,
Personality Traits: Adventurer, Outgoing, Funny, Talkative,
Character History:  He left an educated and illustrious life in NYC to travel. He went and spent time with French Fur Traders and with the Ojibwa Indians, then met up with some Cherokee and traveled south to Western NC/ East TN
Highest Level of Education: Some college
Physical Traits: Tall, lean, dark hair with red cast that is streaked with grey and graying around the temples, green eyes, trimmed beard
Biggest Motivator: Being free to live as he desires
Biggest Fear: Being taken from his family—losing his way of life.
Things they like: Sitting on the porch with his wife listening to the sounds of nature, mountain music, making moonshine with his friends, reading David Copperfield to his wife and children
Things dislike:  Dishonesty, people who are not loyal, snobbery
Where they live: In the mountains of North Carolina
What do they like about themselves? He likes his sense of humor and his ability to be generous
What d o they dislike about themselves: He often drinks too much and tells secrets when he is drinking
Favorite childhood memory: Going to Paris France with his father
Most traumatic life event:  The death of his daughters
Most prized possession: Bow and Arrows with a quiver given to him by a local Cherokee man
Kind of transportation use: Horse—horse and buggy---walking
Most interesting thing about: He longed to see his father once again
What does voice sound like: Scottish accent mixed with mountain flavor, smooth
What five words most people would use to describe character: Respectable, forthright, easily swayed, leader, humorous
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: Meeting his wife
What does the character want most in life: To grow old with his wife and live a simple uncomplicated life

Character Name: Still working on authentic name???
Occupation: Mother
Family Member/ Significant Others:- Wife of Ian, Mother of------,----- and Alistair, Daughter of ------ and -------- 
Personality Traits: Head strong, compassionate, take-action personality, intuitive, reliable
Character History: Grew up in one of the last villages of the Cherokee that were not moved on the Trail of Tears. Lived a simple life being instructed to be a Medicine person by her Grandparents, until she met her husband.
Highest Level of Education: none
Physical Traits: Tall, stunning, dark skinned with black eyes, long black hair that is graying, graceful
Biggest Motivator: Protecting her family and way of life
Biggest Fear: The ways of her people being lost
Things they like: Her gift of medicinal plants, helping others, keeping the Cherokee ways alive, her husband and children
Things dislike: Hateful people, dishonesty, prejudice
Where they live: In the mountains of North Carolina
What do they like about themselves?  Her knowledge of people and plants…being able to communicate with the wee ones, her intuitive ability
What do they dislike about themselves: Her lack of formal education, feels responsible for the events that transpired around her children.…blames herself
Favorite childhood memory: Walking the forest with her grandmother learning the ways of plants, spending the night under the stars, singing people to health
Most traumatic life event: The death of her daughters
Most prized possession: Medicine doll
Kind of transportation use: Walking----riding a horse
Most interesting thing about: Never been more than 25 miles from where she was born
What does voice sound like: sultry
What five words most people would use to describe character: healer, witch, head-strong , defiant, loving
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: Meeting her husband
What does the character want most in life: To have her way of life protected

Character Name:          
Occupation: none          
Family Member/ Significant Others:- Daughter of Ian and   
Personality Traits: Headstrong, always right, mean spirited in some ways, defiant
Character History: Grew up in the mountains with parents she was ashamed of. Dreamed of leaving and living in New York City in a more social lifestyle. Resentful of her family….longs to leave her surroundings
Highest Level of Education: none          
Physical Traits: Red hair, green eyes, dark skin, beautiful, exotic appearance, tall and lean
Biggest Motivator: Love          
Biggest Fear: Being found out          
Things they like: Fancy clothing, modern living, china
Things dislike: The Cherokee people, her family
Where they live: In the mountains of North Carolina
What do they like about themselves? Her way with men          
What do they dislike about themselves: She does not like that she despises her mother and her heritage
Favorite childhood memory: Buying a fancy dress at the local store and having tea with her friends family
Most traumatic life event:  Children in town teasing her and abusing her about her family          
Most prized possession: A copy of a fashion magazine she found in someone’s trash
Kind of transportation use: Walking, horse and buggy
Most interesting thing about: She falls in love with the thing she despises.
What does voice sound like: Deep and sultry
What five words most people would use to describe character: Fearful, resistant, hateful, self centered, sensual
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: Meeting her boyfriend
What does the character want most in life: To escape the mountains and the life she lives.

Character Name:          
Age: 16          
Occupation: none
Family Member/ Significant Others:- 
Personality Traits: Loving, head-strong, compassionate, nurturing, free
Character History:  Grew up the first child…loved her family and friends. Married at 14, died at 16
Highest Level of Education: none
Physical Traits: Long dark hair, dark eyes, small in stature, beautiful smile
Biggest Motivator: Pleasing her parents
Biggest Fear: Leaving home
Things they like: Flowers, herbs, dancing, being in nature, singing the medicine songs
Things dislike: Cities, mean people, being away from home
Where they live: In NC, then moved to KY
What do they like about themselves? Her imagination
What do they dislike about themselves: Her shyness
Favorite childhood memory: Walking in the mountains with her father to his still and helping him make moonshine
Most traumatic life event:  Getting married and moving away from home
Most prized possession: A tiny ring her father gave her that was her Scottish Grandmother’s
Kind of transportation use:  Walking---Horse and Buggy
Most interesting thing about: She dreamed her death before it happened
What does voice sound like: Sweet
What five words most people would use to describe character: Beautiful, Shy, Loving, Spirit- filled, Innocent
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: Getting married and moving away
What does the character want most in life: To take her daughter and return to North Carolina

Character Name: Alistair
Age: 20
Occupation: Drifter
Family Member/ Significant Others:- 
Personality Traits: Lost, drunk, unreliable, aloof, uninvolved, untrustworthy
Character History: Grew up the youngest child, restless and longed to leave but never motivated enough to change.
Highest Level of Education: none
Physical Traits: Tall, dark, handsome,
Biggest Motivator: Alcohol
Biggest Fear: Never doing anything with his life
Things they like: Women, gambling
Things dislike: Himself
Where they live: All over the place
What do they like about themselves? Not much
What do they dislike about themselves: Most everything
Favorite childhood memory: His father teaching him how to transport moonshine
Most traumatic life event: Being asked to leave his home---parents kicking him out
Most prized possession: A pocket watch his father gave him
Kind of transportation use: walking---horse and buggy
Most interesting thing about: He secretly contacted his Grandfather and educated himself
What does voice sound like: rough—with a gravel texture
What five words most people would use to describe character: Shiftless, near-do-well, cunning, untrustworthy, drunkard
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: Coming back home to make amends
What does the character want most in life:  To be accepted

Character Name: Mom
Age: 36
Occupation: House wife
Family Member/ Significant Others:- Me, my father, my brother 
Personality Traits: Confident, Funny, loved to talk and take care of her family          
Character History: Went to college and met her husband on a blind date. They married in three months and she left her way of life and moved to a farm.
Highest Level of Education: College Graduate
Physical Traits: Medium Height, heavy in her later years, beautiful eyes, pretty
Biggest Motivator: Taking care of her children
Biggest Fear:  I am unsure
Things they like: Sunny days, reading, sewing, talking with friends
Things dislike:  Tea, lies, mean-spirited people
Where they live: On a farm in KY
What do they like about themselves? Sense of humor
What d o they dislike about themselves: Being a stay at home mother
Favorite childhood memory:
Most traumatic life event:  The death of her brother in a skiing accident
Most prized possession: A diamond ring her mother gave her
Kind of transportation use: Car
Favorite food: Fried Chicken
Most interesting thing about: She longed to travel to Rio De Jenerio
What does voice sound like: Raspy
What five words most people would use to describe character: Fun, Respected, Giving, Outgoing, Intelligent
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: Leaving her old way of life
What does the character want most in life: To love her family

Character Name: My brother
Age: 4
Occupation: none
Family Member/ Significant Others:- My mother and father and me 
Personality Traits: Shy, fun loving , an adventurer
Character History:  As a toddler he had been very sick, so he was always smaller than other children his age. Now he towers over everyone
Highest Level of Education: Some college
Physical Traits: Platinum blonde, scrawny
Biggest Motivator: ???
Biggest Fear: Being caught by my parents doing something he should not be doing
Things they like: Ice crème, playing war, helping his father on the farm
Things dislike: Being punished for small incidents
Where they live: On a farm in KY
What do they like about themselves? His laugh
What do they dislike about themselves: Being smaller than other kids
Favorite childhood memory: Working with his father on the farm
Most traumatic life event: A pig attack
Most prized possession:  A train set
Kind of transportation use: none
Most interesting thing about:
What does voice sound like: Young and high pitched
What five words most people would use to describe character: fun-loving, bashful, playful, argumentative, resilient
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: The sow attack
What does the character want most in life: To be left alone

Character Name: Me
Age: 6
Family Member/ Significant Others:- My mother, father and brother 
Personality Traits: out-going yet shy, talkative, imaginative
Character History:  Adopted at birth
Highest Level of Education:
Physical Traits: dark hair, brown/green eyes, ivory skin
Biggest Motivator:  To be accepted
Biggest Fear:  People will not love her
Things they like: spending time with her imaginary friends, nature---being outdoors
Things dislike: people who make fun of others
Where they live: On a farm in KY
What do they like about themselves? Their imagination, ability to hide in plain sight
What d o they dislike about themselves: their sadness,
Favorite childhood memory: Staying with her grandmother
Most traumatic life event: The sow attack
Most prized possession: a radio
Kind of transportation use:  bicycle
Most interesting thing about: Lived in a world of imagination
What does voice sound like: soft
What five words most people would use to describe character: pretty, respectful, nice, sweet, loving
What is the most important thing to ever happen to character: The sow attack
What does the character want most in life: to be accepted
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