Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1749090-Revolution
Rated: E · In & Out · Philosophy · #1749090
If given the chance to help spur change, what would you do?

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You're standing in the streets watching as your fellow people begin to gather. The chants demand change--a better government, a better life. More and more people begin to enter the square as the morale and determination sky rocket. Revolution is whispered throughout the crowd. A person asks if you're joining, smiling and weaving through the crowd before you can answer.

What do you see?

What do you do?

: Bonnie
: 02-07-11 @ 1:12pm
: I would grab hands with my fellow man and ask a few round us to start singing... We are the world, we are the children.... in the hope that every one joined in and that the "Movement" would be peaceful........no violence please!

: Alexandra Jones
: 02-07-11 @ 3:03pm
: I see a woman clutching a small baby in a sling to her breast. Her eyes are full of determination and defiance. She is prepared to do anything so that her child might have a better life. I slip into the crowd and pick up the chorus of the song.

: janice48 Have a Nice Day!!
: 02-07-11 @ 8:13pm
: I see a lot people with signs. And I would join in with the crowd and hold a sign.

: Grin 'n Bear It!
: 02-07-11 @ 9:48pm
: What I do will depend on what I see. If it is a group of people committed to making changes benefitting the majority without violence, I would look for the leaders and ask what I can do to help the cause.

: Finn O'Flaherty
: 02-07-11 @ 10:55pm
: I see a molotov cocktail being thrown from the crowd and the police responding with tear gas and violence. I would run.

: Hayley I. (aka Kilpik)
: 02-08-11 @ 4:18pm
: I would stoop to peer at the abandoned poster signs that litter the streets. If the words "peace" and "equality" pop up enough, I'll gleefully join. If not, maybe I'll call my friend, Batman. He's good at quelling these types of things.

: Billmania
: 02-09-11 @ 11:44am
: I would grab my phone to vidoe tape the whole thing. I might be able to make some money off of this or atleast 5 minutes of fame on you tube. The hit the talk show circuit and discuss the entire thing.

: The Huntress ~ Finding Love
: 02-10-11 @ 10:21am
: I see determination on the faces of my fellow man, but their ideals and intentions may not be well received, and this may not be my fight. I would stay, watch events unfold, and be ready to protect the innocent who inevitably get caught up in such things.

: Jasmine
: 07-22-18 @ 10:22pm
: I see someone's child. The agony of his aged mother flashes before my eyes. I'll go back home and raise my child to be the change.

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