Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1754455-First-Encounter
by SarahW
Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #1754455
Just a quickie
I knocked on the door of the out of the way hotel room hoping he would answer soon. It is so cliched to be meeting at a hotel on the side of the freeway but no one can know about us, our relationship.

He opens the door and I quickly slip in. The inside of the room is just as bad as the outside but I don't care and when I turn to look at him I can tell he doesn't either. We stand their looking at each other gauging who would be the first to make a move. This goes beyond the flirting at work, the brief touches as we walk by one another or hand each other a document in a meeting. This is the moment that all of those innuendos and heated gazes have come to.

I open my mouth to speak and he is on me before a word can come out. His mouth descends on mine and my insides explode with the force of my desire. My thong immediately is drenched with my lust for this man, for the images that have been burning in my mind for the last couple of months. I return his kisses as heatedly and as fast as he had descended on me. We are pounding each others mouths with our tongues as a precurser to what are bodies want to do to each other.

I feel his hands go to the hem of my skirt and he roughly pulls the material up and around my waist. He yanks my thong from between my thighs and pushes it to the side. Immediately his fingers push inside and I gasp into his mouth and as his fingers roughly plunge into me, my body thrusts into his hand urging him to be harder, to go deeper. I moan with all of the arousal that has coursed through me since we had started the dance that dropped us into this place, at this time.

I feel my body reacting, getting wetter and wetter with each thrust of his fingers making me course towards the release that I need, that I am due from the weeks of torturous sexual tension.

His fingers leave my body and I groan in frustration. My hand seeks his as I need it back in me, punishing me for being here for wanting this. I feel him grab my hand and thrust it behind my back as he swings me around and pushes me forward onto the bed so that my ass is in the air. I hear his zipper open and feel the silky head of his penis slide over the soft contours of my ass leaving a slick wet path over my cheeks. He is finally positioned at my opening and pauses for all of a half a second before thrusting into me.

I gasp with the force of his passion but can't believe how incredibly amazing it is to be impaled by him. His penis is thick and I have to spread myself wider to allow all of his girth in.

His hands grab my hips and pull me down the incredible length of him until he is pounding into my cervix with all of his might. His hand reaches around my hip to cup my mound and I writhe and pump and push back against him needing it all at this moment. Needing his cum to fill me, to bathe me from the inside.

Our bodies are slapping together in the fiercest motions, not stopping, only wanting more. I can feel the muscles in my body clenching urging him to bring me to my climax. He responds by growing thicker inside me. I can feel him pulsing in me and I know he is going to cum. The knowledge sends me over the edge and I arch my back throwing my head back as I silently scream my pleasure and my body releases its juices all over him. I feel him buck against me and feel the warmth enter my body as he finds his own release. We both fall in a tangled mess onto the sheets depleted, for the moment.

Slowly some feeling and energy return to our bodies and we look at each, stare into one anothers eyes not believing how great it is between us.

"Fuck." I whisper.

"Fuck." He acknowledges in agreement then smiles and reaches for me to begin again.
© Copyright 2011 SarahW (speakers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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