Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1756990-My-Angry-Rant
Rated: · Critique · Opinion · #1756990
This is for all of those people who think it's cool to bash people.
I guess I've gotten enough of the hater reveiws to give me the right to my first rant. You people who are being rude to not only myself but others based solely on the fact that they are homosexual are just plain ignorant. Obviously you don't quite get that yes, we may love someone of the same sex but we are also people and therefore have the right to life, liberty, and the pursute of happiness as it says in the constitution. I honestly don't recall it saying 'everyone except homosexuals have certain inalienable rights that we hold to be self evident'. You want to follow that logic, then why are we not in the friggin fifties and people with different skin tones being held to the same? Or let's go back a bit more and only men are covered? Would you enjoy it if homosexuals became the norm and now heteros were not able to marry? And because you could not marry, if they had to go to the hospital you were banned from seeing them because, 'you are not legally married'? I love my girlfriend with all of my heart. I plan on holding her, protecting her, loving her, comforting her, watching really bad movies on a perfectly good Friday night with her after telling my friends I was too busy to go hang with them, own ten and a third million cats with her, debate whether we're gonna have rugrats or not with her, and grow old and die with her. I love her with a real, pure love, so what's so bad about that? If marrage is so sacred, ban DIVORCE! Don't prevent two people that would rather die than leave the other from being together for the long haul, which I must say, you heteros don't seem to take the whole vows thing very seriously. I would gladly push my girlfriend out of the way of a car, take the hit, and be slowly killed via being dragged if she would live, and I know for a fact that she would do the same. I plan on proposing to her one day, I want to get married and do the whole 'big, white wedding' with her. I want to lift a veil over her head, say my 'I do's', kiss my wife, and become her husband. But since I'm a chick, it's wrong for me to love her. Why? Why is love so wrong? Doesn't the bible say to love each other? I don't think it says love certain people and judge others. I love my girlfriend and if you don't like that, then don't read my crap; all of the lovey-dovey things are for her. And what's the old saying? Oh yeah, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Use it. I do. If I really don't like what I've read, I will just rate it and won't leave a comment. If I leave a comment, I'll always say what was good and how to try and improve, and I'll do it NICELY! Thank you, you mean, narrow-minded, hypocritical, selfish individuals who like to bash. You are now known to be scum in a static item. Thanks for listening. Rant terminated..... Now!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1756990-My-Angry-Rant