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Rated: · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1761557
Concept: Combination of Horror comic with super heroes in a Dark Scary Haunted Mansion
((Plot: Bruce Wayne and his wife Selina Kyle Wayne try to figure out who is killing people nightly on The 1000 acre Brewsker Ranch.
Authors: AzabacheSilver and FaithBlinding. Special thanks to FleurDeLyseHunter and HillaryTan12
Blackhawk is a creation of my own who I based on three Legendary DC Comics Characters: Hawkman/Blackhawk/& Spectre. Except he has telekinetic control powers and an alien artifact that helps him in his battle with evil.
The UnExpected was a Horror comic published by DC Comics with various non related stories. This is an update on the idea.

This story takes place in a possible future of the DC Universe, so the characters mentioned are much older than they are in current stories. Blackhawk and Green Latern: Eshe Zebah are creations of mine based on other characters and concepts from DC Comics. The characters with a Texas Accent are written as they sound.))

Bruce Wayne and his Wife Selina are on a small private jet arriving at the airport in nearby Manchastes, Texas .Bruce was now much older than he was in his days as a Billionaire Playboy, but he enjoyed the company of his beautiful Latina wife, Selina Wayne Kyle. Selina and Bruce had not met each other in some ritzy night club, as Bruce was in reality the crime fighter Batman. His lovely wife had been the former terror of Gotham museums, called Catwoman. But now she only dons her Catwoman costume these days to help Bruce out occasionally. Both were heading to the very large and historic Brewsker Ranch located many miles south east of Laredo, Texas. The Chrysler 300 that picked them up at the strip had a Chauffeur who loaded his bags with out complaint, but he seemed very tired. Selina, being brought up in poor slum felt she identified with the help better than the rich friends that Bruce hung out with. Curiosity, like her name sake, got the better of her and Selina had to know why this Chauffeur was tired

As Bruce and Selina got into the back seat, Selina noticed the Chauffeur yawned a big yawn as he got back into the car. "Long night. Didn't think the clubs were that wild out here." Selina joked to the Chauffeur. "Oh, sorry." the Chauffeur retorted. "It's just no one can sleep with that damn curse". "What Curse are you talking about" Selina said intrigued. "Selina, you shouldn't pry" Bruce spoke. "The curse?" Selina repeated. "Selina, don't pry" Bruce scolded her. But she gave Bruce a look that made him realize she was trying to find out something. "She senses something is wrong" Bruce thinks. "Oh, it's ok. Everybody ahround here knows about the Curse." The Chauffeur continued. "Some crazy old Mexican Professor at the local college who runs around in a red bandanna put a curse on The Brewsker Ranch. He claims the Brewskers are murderers, but that's crazy." he spoke. "They're good people!" he said as he stopped

"So anyways, when every someone is alone in the Ranch at night, they have to be careful. Or The Santa Muerte will get them." he stated
"Santa Muerte? What is that?" Bruce asked. "It's a pagan saint that the poor worship in Mexico" Selina answered him. "Bane even held it in reverence." she whispered quietly to him. Bane was a Latin American Super Criminal who once almost killed Batman, so Bruce was now more interested in learning about The Santa Muerte. "Uh lotta criminals and thugs worship her. Tha Church says she some incarnation of thu Devil sent to deceive the poor" the Chauffeur. "All I know, is that people are dying mysteriously. A friend of mine was found killed by a bomb blast, but there was no damage to anything around." "Maybe some killed your friend with a bomb and then move the body", Selina suggested. "Mam, I had spoke to hum ten minutes before that. Musta been dun by someone lot faster than me" The Chauffeur told her. "And who would do that?" Selina asked. "I have no idea who would do that to my friend or why. But since then, three people have been dying on the ranch each night for the last two weeks. Each death looks like they were some sort of battlefield casualty, like bombs or machine guns kill em. I know whut that looks like, I became a veteran in Iraq" The Chauffeur informed her. Bruce mused to himself in thought, "Perhaps some sort of Drug Gang that had a vendetta against the Brewskers?" "That is strange" Selina spoke as she looked at Bruce. She could tell her husband, The Dark Detective that was Batman has his mental gears turning. "He always loved a good mystery" Selina thought

Soon they entered the Ranch as the car stopped at the front door, suddenly the front door opened. An older woman was running out side with her suit cases in hand with a maid's uniform on was coming out the opened door as they arrived. A beautiful young woman in black and pink maid's uniform was trying to stop her. "El Muerte ElMuerte(The Death The Death)!" The older woman screamed. "¿Qué está pasando?(What's going on?)" Selina asked of the older woman who had screamed. "Un muerta nina! I saw it! It was La Muerte!" the older woman, who screamed again. "What happened" Bruce asked as he got out of the car. "Vaya con dios!(Literally Go with God, but in this instance it means "I am leaving")" She yelled back at she raced down the path. "No, no fue La Santa Muerte!(No, it was not La Santa Muerte!)" the beautiful maid yelled at her friend as she raced away. "No puede ser!(It couldn't be!)" "El Muerte ha golpeado de nuevo!(death has struck again)" exclaimed The gardener who came running at the sound of the maids conversation. "Ella es la justicia para los pobres y oprimidos!"(She is justice for the poor and downtrodden!)" the beautiful maid wept "Lo siento, pero no hablo Inglés"(I'm sorry I don't speak English), she added quickly. Luckily for Selina could speak Spanish fluently and asked her again in Spanish, "What happened" "Tres personas han ido a estar con El Señor! (People have gone to be with the lord)" she exclaimed as she wept.

Selina found out from the Maid that Mrs. Leeds had been found by her holding a hand-grenade and trying to pull the pin out, but the beautiful maid, whom introduced herself as Rosario Texada had stopped her last night. When Rosario stopped her from pulling the pin, the grenade disappeared before their very eyes. Mrs. Leeds, an older woman hispanic/anglo descent who had been the family's maid for years claimed she had been put under some strange spell.If Rosario had not stopped her, she would have been blown to bits by some evil magical grenade. Selina told Bruce what was going on, but Bruce could understand what she was saying. "Come now Selina, do you really believe in "Magic Grenades"?" he chastised her.
The maid did the sign of the cross as she breathed a silent prayer. "Do you believe in your friends, the magicians Dr. Fate, Dr. Occult or The Demon, Blue Devil, or your little ex Zatana?" Selina whispered as she pulled him close. "Me and Zatanna were along time ago, Selina. Before I met you" Bruce whispered trying to keep his super identity a secret. "By the way, that wasn't nice how tied her up, ducted taped her mouth before you pitched out her out a window. She did help you our later after all" Selina hated hearing Bruce defend Zatanna, but she did owe her for helping her out afterward when she really had good reason not to. "Well it's a good thing Bumbles bounce. So what do you think is going on." she said quietly to him with a smile.

"I don't know, yet" he said as he watched the Chauffeur try to comfort the weeping maid as she rose to go back into the house.
"¡No! ¡No! ¡No! No puedo volver atrás en el!" (No! No! No! I can't go back in!)" She cried as she turned away
Soon they entered the house, and there to greet them dressed as a matronly cowgirl was non other than his father's old friend and Waynetech Investor, Leeannabelle Brewsker. "Rosario, please come back!" Leeannabelle pleaded as she saw the pretty maid leave. "Mi advertencia os dejo... no dormir solo. (My warning I leave with you...don't sleep alone)" she warned to Mrs. Brewsker as she ran quickly down the dirt path. Leeannabelle's heart sank as she saw Rosario leave, she had always treated Rosario like the daughter she could never have. But the other staff hated her now, because she so fiercely defended La Santa Muerte. But now she feared the saint she revered had now turned on her friends and family. "I'm sorreh Bruce ya had to come aht ah time like this" Leeannabelle apologized to her guests. "Is this your wife, Selina you told me so much about?" Leeannabelle suddenly gushed as she saw Selina. "I remember when you were jest knee high to grasshopper, Bruce. Now ya grown up and married to this purdy little thing." "Excuse meh for axing, but are ya of Spanish Descent, Selina?" she asked Mrs. Wayne. "Actually, I'm Irish/Puerto Rican" Selina replied. "Ahm of Mexican descent myself. Descen'ded from great families that both fought each other in thu Texas Revolution. One ancestor besieged the Alamo, the other died to defend it." Mrs. Brewsker said "Not many people can say thet" she said proudly
"I'll bet" Selina quipped, kinda finding herself liking this quirky older Texan

"I sure hope Rosario comes back. The residents keep telling me to destory her shrine. I don't want to do it, Ah don't believe in that Santa Muerte, but if someone as good hearted as Rosario believes in it, can it be bad?" Leeannabelle asked, in essence really asking herself. "Selina, let me go check on our room" Bruce told Selina. Selina got the hint that he really wanted to look around the mansion "Okay, Brucie. Let us girls do are girl talk" Mrs. Brewsker joked. Selina cracked a smile, she never ever heard anyone refer to the great Bruce Wayne as Brucie

Rosario misses Mrs. Brewsker and realizes that her precious shrine may be in jeopardy but can't face the death and destruction any longer. She knows that the visions of the dead will haunt her forever.
Suddenly a person appears from behind her, a woman dressed as a goth with an ankh around her neck, and an ankh tattooed around her left eye. "Rosario, no temas. Por favor, ayúdame. No quiero herir a nadie. (Rosario, do not fear. Please help me. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.)" This dark clad woman told Rosario.
"Tengo la sensación de que eres el único que me puede ayudar. Quiero dejar de lastimar a estas personas. (I sense you are the only one who can help me. I want to stop hurting these people.)" she continued
"Pero ¿por qué hacer esto después de que os he venerado durante tantos años?(But why would you do this after I have revered you for so many years?)" queried Rosario.
"Rosario, yo no soy el que te crees que soy. Soy la muerte. Sí te conozco me adoras como un santo, pero estoy realmente una psico-pompa a la otra vida. (Rosario, I am not who you think I am. I am Death. Yes I know you worship me as a Saint, but I am really a psycho-pomp to the afterlife.)" she replied
"Sé que son la muerte y el culto, para que no me va a llevar. (I know you are death and I worship you so that you won't take me.)" answered Rosario.
"Pero este hombre me obliga a hacerle daño a su familia y amigos. Hay que tener el anillo de él. (But this man forces me to hurt your family and friends. You have to take the ring from him.)" she pleaded
"Anillo? ¿Qué anillo?(Ring? What ring?)" Rosario replied, "y ¿quién es este hombre que tiene poder sobre ti ... La Muerte? (and who is this man that holds such power over you...Death?)"
"El anillo que tiene el hombre, el que lleva el pañuelo rojo.(The ring that man has, the one who wears the red bandanna.)" Death replied.

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch...
Mr. Brewsker had met Bruce in the Hallway as he was trying to search the house
"Tell you what Bruce, ahl this crazy business started when thet crazy Latino Studies professor accused me of being a murderer." Mr. Brewsker was explaining to Bruce.
Rosario hurriedly repacks her bags to return to the ranch on her mission from Death.
"All I do is own all the gunstores this side of San Antonio. Izzt muh fault people buy guns to kill each other?" he replied
"But he claims I am responsible for all the deaths of Mexicans that the gangs commit in Mexico. But I am not the only gun dealer on the border!"
"Whut tha hell is a Latino Studies professor anyways. Who needs to study how to be Mexican anyways." Mr. Brewsker laughed
"Now Billy Joe, be a little more sensitive. My new wife is hispanic" Bruce told Mr. Brewsker
"An she's a cute one too. You're a lucky man, Bruce" Mr. Brewsker said as he left Bruce to continue to his room.

Rosario burst onto the scene revenge held deeply in her heart and a plan showing in her devious smile. Mrs. Brewsker asked as she saw Rosario Texada return, "Rosario, you are back! Why did you run away?" "¡Oh Señora Brewsker! Hay muchos misterios por descubrir en las antiguas tumbas.(Oh Mrs. Brewsker! There are many mysteries to be discovered in the ancient tombs.)" Rosario answered her. "Whut does that mean?" Mrs. Brewsker mused.

Back at the Gate, There stood the man wearing the red banadanna. "Escucha a George, el que ustedes llaman George El Chamán! (Listen to George, The one you call George The Shaman!)" he shouted. "El Brewskers son delincuentes que merecen la muerte para todos los niños mexicanos muertos en los enfrentamientos entre las bandas! (The Brewskers are criminals who deserve death for every Mexican child killed in the fighting between the gangs!)" he said, denouncing them. Several students from the nearby Community College stood around him as he spoke outside the gate at the Brewsker Ranch. Rosario listened intently as she searched for the ring that Death had described to her. "Por El Poder de La Santa Muerte! Le llamó a tomar la justicia. La Justicera, que ahora busca la Brewskers mal y los mercenarios sedientos de sangre que trabajan para ellos! ", gritó George a ellos." (By The Power of The Santa Muerte! I summoned her to take justice. La Justicera, she now seeks the evil Brewskers and those blood thirsty mercenaries that work for them!") George shouted to them.

"El Sr. Wayne, puedo tener unas palabras con usted? "(Mr. Wayne, may I have a word with you?"), Rosario whispered as she quickly walked past him nodding her head toward the kitchen.
"Sí, Rosario. Veo que están de vuelta. (Yes, Rosario. I see you are back)" Bruce said, taking a moment to stop his search for clues in the house, he was curious why she returned.
"Tuve una visita inesperada a mi casa, señor. (I had an unexpected visitor at mi casa, Senor.)" she quietly told him with fear still in her eyes. "No voy a explicar quién era, porque estoy seguro de que, como un gringo, no lo entendería.(I won't explain who it was because I'm sure you, as a gringo, would not understand.") Bruce noticed Mr Brewsker had left to go shout in rage at George The Shaman. "¿Qué quieres decir?"("What do you mean?") Bruce turned and asked her.
"Pero debo decirles que el hombre que buscamos es el profesor de Estudios Latinos. Él está usando el anillo que tiene todo el poder!" ("But I must tell you that the man you seek is the Latino Studies professor. He is wearing the ring that holds all the power!") Rosario spoke, "Si no podemos más que capturar el anillo que se mantenga el poder sobre la muerte y la destrucción que ha gobernado este rancho de la tarde." ("If we can but capture the ring we will hold the power over the death and destruction that has ruled this ranch of late.")
"Un anillo de qué tipo de anillo? ¿Por qué me piden ayuda?" ("A ring what sort of ring? Why are you asking me to help?") Bruce asked, then Death appeared behind Bruce and held up a jet black ring, and placed it between them as she disappeared
Bruce recoiled in horror at the ring, "Black Lantern's ring!"
Suddenly the ring disappeared as it showed up
"Eso fue una ilusión, el Sr. Wayne!" ("That was an illusion, Mr. Wayne!") Rosario spoke, "El profesor tiene el anillo de verdad!" ("The professor has the real ring!")
Bruce had watched a Justice League surveillance film, where an impostor from Apokolips had taken his place, was then murdered in the streets of Gotham. He was resurrected by the Black Hand as a Zombie and used his influence to kill several of the Justice League during an event everyone referred to as Blackest Night. He realized that this evil ring must be instantly recovered and destroyed
It had the power to turn people into evil zombies, and even had sent his dead parents to try to murder him once
"La Muerte me dice que usted es El Palo de La Noche, que protege a los inocentes! Por favor, ayúdenos!" ("Death tells me you are the Bat of the night which protects the innocent! Please help us!") she pleaded with him

Bruce ran to go find Selina, "We need to summon a mutual friend" he said when he found her. He had brought Rosario along to tell her story
"Un anillo de Linterna Negro! Usted está seguro?" ("A Black Lantern's ring! You are sure?") Selina asked Bruce after she was informed by Rosario of her story.
"Sí señora, vimos el anillo como una visión de La Muerte!"("Yes Senora, we saw the ring as a vision from La Muerte!)" whispered Rosario.

Selina dialed on her Cell Phone, the number connected and soon someone answered.
"Selina, or should I say Mrs. Bruce Wayne. Enjoying your time as man and wife?" the boiserous male voice answered.
Rosario Leaned in wondering who it could be that was so powerful as to tempt death.
"Ron, er Blackhawk. I need your help to battle a Black Lantern. Bruce thinks he might be making The Black Entity kill people" Selina told him.
"Black Entity! In what form?" Blackhawk replied. "Here Ron, you know some Spanish. You can ask her yourself" Selina said as she handed Rosario the phone
Blackhawk tried in his best Spanglesh to ask Rosario what Death looked like.
"¿Qué significa la muerte parece?(What does Death look like)?" he asked
"La Muerte se me reveló como una mujer atractiva, joven pálido vestido de negro. Un top negro y jeans. Ella también lleva una cruz egipcia de plata en una cadena alrededor de su cuello, y tiene una extraña marca alrededor de su ojo derecho." ("La Muerte revealed herself to me as an attractive, pale young woman dressed in black clothes. A black top and jeans. She also wears a silver ankh on a chain around her neck, and has a strange marking around her right eye.") Rosario excitedly replied. (roughly translated as a woman with stars around her eyes.
Ron realized what she was talking about, and then asked Rosario to hand the phone back to Selina
Por Favor Senora Wayne" she said as she handed the phone to bruce.
"Oh, man! That is the Black Entity. But the nice version, its the Black Entity's Dream-self called Death. If it had been it's true form, Oblivion or it's avatar Black Hand, I would have to call my Green Lantern friend Eshe to summon the whole Green Lantern Corps." He told Selina.
"She doesn't understand what she really is, or maybe she does, but I talked to her when I was temporarily sent to The Dream when I was granted my first possession of the The Spectre's powers temporarily in a dream I had. She's really a dead woman called Didi I think, whom is current host for the Black Entity's Dream-self. I suspect, much like past Spectre host have been for the Green Entity's Dream-self." he continued
"I forgot you were once the Spectre." Selina said getting the shivers, as a host of the Spectre once chased her around Gotham
"Oh mi Dios Didi es poseído,"("Oh my God, is Didi possessed by La Muerte") Rosario cried as she overheard what was said and slumped to the floor.
"Once, the Presence himself told me I am destined to be The Spectre" Blackhawk retorted, "But I can call on the real deal if it gets bad"
Blackhawk turned to a pale goth woman who just got out of the shower, it wasn't Death, but a super heroine Raven, who was a former Teen Titan
"Babe, you think we can get all thu way from Murray, Texas to The Brewsker Ranch in a day?" He asked her
"Babe, you're the Texan. You know this state, what do you think?" She said as she kissed him
"We'll be there tonight!" Blackhawk told Selina over the phone as he and Raven got ready to go on a mission after she got dressed.

Rosario opens her eyes slowly as she regains consciousness.
"They're coming" Selina told Bruce and Rosario. "Oh thank gawd" Bruce said, breathing a sigh of relief.
Bruce didn't like to deal with magical things himself, he preferred to fight men than magical entities. "Leave those things to Blackhawk, Raven, and Dr. Fate." he said.
"Que Dios nos ayude," Rosario beseeches as she quickly crossed herself. (May God help us all)

A plan was formulated as Raven and Blackhawk arrived
Selina would get her Catwoman costume on, and Raven would accompany her. Raven actually had a connection to the Black Entity and it was the source of all her powers
If this professor tried to use the ring to attack them, Raven would be more than his equal as she had much better mastery of these energies
Rosario was to go back to the Ranch and stay in her room with Blackhawk. If Death tried to come out and attack the employees or the Brewskers, Blackhawk was to use his awesome Rod of The King to try to keep her at bay. The Rod could be used to fight any entity
Batman was to stay at the Ranch too, and try to help any employees or the Brewsker family
Soon it was night fall, and Selina had found out where the professor was staying that night.
Rosario tried not to look suspicious as she moved silently to her room where she huddled under her covers.
Blackhawk crouched up in one corner of her ceiling, eying Rosario's ornate Santa Muerte shrine in her room across from her bed. His bird like wings made him look like a black angel watching over her
Batman crept silently around the house, trying to wait to see if Death would make an appearance tonight
Rosario glanced at her protector with thankfulness in her eyes.
Blackhawk smiled, trying to assure her he was there to help

Selina started to pry up a window in the Professor's house, and Raven floated in
"Nice trick!" Catwoman commented on Raven's flying ability. "Would have come in handy in some of my old scores" she whispers. "Well, I am not a criminal. No offense, Mrs. Wayne" Raven replied cooly
Catwoman and Raven saw weird black light energy emanating from the bed room.
"Lets' put this bad guy down quick" Raven retorted at the sight. "Wait, let's see what we are up against." Catwoman told her as she very slowly and quietly opened the door to the room
"gasp" Catwoman said
"They saw a room full of 500 hundred followers all tightly packed in a room along with George The Shaman praying to his La Santa Muerte Shrine. The statue was wearing the Black Ring."
"Interlopers! Come to steal our Lady's black ring! Stop them, George said as he turned to shout at Catwoman and Raven.
"Ya know, fist fighting is really my boyfriend Blackhawk's forte!" Raven said as she slugged a woman trying to grab at her throat.
"In the streets of Gotham, a girl learns to take care of herself" Catwoman said as she leapfrogged over one attacker and kicked both her feet out to knock two others down.

Suddenly, Rosario's Shrine began to glow!
"Rosario, your shrine!" Blackhawk said
"Mi dios! Mi Dios!" she exclaimed!, "lo que puede significar esto?"(what can this mean?)
Then a Black Light construct of La Santa Muerte stepped forward from the Shrine towards Rosario. Blackhawk leaps between them and the Skeletal figure grabbed Blackhawk around the throat. Death then appeared to Blackhawk, "Don't struggle. Soon this horrible event will be over. I am sorry it had to be this way." she said regretfully
"Pero yo te adoraba! Debe conceder favores conmigo para esto! ("But I worshiped you! You must grant me favors for this!") Rosario screamed at Death whom she was able to see.

Batman was sneaking in a Hallway, when suddenly an armored car with a skeletal turret gunner appeared behind him. It fired 40mm greanades at him, but Batman started to dodge the shells

Por favor, perdone la vida de mi defensa! ("Please spare the life of my defender!") she pleaded.
"Death, listen to me! You must not do this, this is not of the Law!" Blackhawk told her as he struggled in the bony grip of the Santa Muerte made of her Black Light.
"The Law! The Law condemns all to Death!" Death said with tears, regretting she had to end his life.
"Estamos cubiertos por la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesús! ("We are covered by the blood of our Lord Jesus!") Rosario blurted out.

Catwoman and Raven meanwhile were continuing to fight their way towards George the Shaman. Raven had resorted to using her powers to throw the objects in the room at her attackers

"Death, you are merely a construct of Universe, like this crazy Santa Muerte you made. Uhh! You are put here for a purpose. Death is not your only purpose!" Blackhawk told her as he tried to break free of her construct
"What do you mean?" Death asked, as if their words were somehow helping her rebel against George's control
"I am going to be the Spectre, but we Spectres thought I was just the Wrath of God. But we Spectres were wrong, we were to be the Will of God. But when Adam and Eve rejected God, our purpose got corrupted. We became the Wrath, as God's will was thwarted!" Black Hawk said as he struggled in the grip of the bony hands of The Santa Muerte construct
"You are not meant to be death! You are meant only to be the Law! You don't have to condemn! Save!" Blackhawk pleaded with her
Rosario burst from the room shouting, "Señor Wayne, Wayne señor ven pronto! ("Senor Wayne, Senor Wayne come quickly!")
"I don't have to condemn! But I am death!" Death said

Batman saw the armored car construct starting to fade, and he heard Rosario's cry
The room's grenade damage seemed to magically fade away as the armored car did

"¿Cuál es el significado de esta mi protector?" ("What is the meaning of this my protector?') Rosario asked Blackhawk.
"Spectre, Death and seven others are called The Endless. They thought they were gods, but in reality they are levers for God to pull when he wants to affect reality. They were the merely dream-selves of the Ring Entities that the Guardians of The Universe discovered when they formed the various Lantern Corps" Blackhawk said
"Death, you are the Dreamself of The Black Entity. But you were a woman once!" He told her
"Yes, I was Didi, erhm I can't remember anymore about myself really! It's been so long since I was alive." Death replied
"Try to remember! Would Didi think that this is right?" Blackhawk asked her
"No, I don't think so. I just can't break this control this man has of me." Death replied
"Es el anillo! Se tiene el poder!" ("It's the ring! It holds the power!") Rosario shouted
"And you consider yourself a god, what sort of God can be controlled by a person!" Blackhawk said
"But I'm not strong enough" Death said crying, the Santa Muerte Construct faded
"Sostuvo ningún poder real sobre nosotros en absoluto." ("She held no real power over us at all.") Rosario realized and she reached over and held her sobbing sister Didi.

"Destroy our attackers! Destroy the evil ones!' George commanded of Death as he was enraged at Catwoman and Raven trying to disrupt his plans of revenge.
Raven and Catwoman looked up and two dark shadows lept from behind the throne at them. "Shadow Demons!" Raven cried

"We can break this! Oh, Lord! Let me have the strength of your will once more. Let me save your Law from evil!" Blackhawk cried out in prayer.
Rosario and Didi held hands and took the wings of Blackhawk into each hand forming a circle.
Suddenly Blackhawk's eyes started to glow green, and the true Spectre (Crispus Allen) appeared. "His will be done!" The Spectre said.

The Black ring suddenly flashed on George's altar!
"No, what is happening!" George The Shaman cried out as the Shadow Demons stopped attacking Raven and Catwoman and turned toward him
George grabbed the ring from the altar to protect himself and put it on his finger as he forgot La Muerte had forbidden him to do, but something horrible happened as he put it on his finger
He suddenly was transformed into a gruesome zombie, that stumbled forth and fell on the floor and crumbled into ashes.
The followers of George The Shaman stood away in horror. "¿Qué podría haber más poder que la Santa Muerte!" ("What could have more power than La Santa Muerte!") one of George's followers the screamed
And then Crispus Allen, the Spectre appeared in the room and said triumph, "Sólo Dios mismo tiene el poder." ("Only God himself has the power.")
© Copyright 2011 Azabache Silver (rerockstead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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