Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1765161-A-Night-Away
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1765161
A fantasy...what would you do to make a fantasy come true?
A Night Away
Written by J. Marie Ravenshaw

I was dancing in the midst of what seemed like millions of other people, their bodies moving in time to the beat. It was a ‘rave-ish’ scene, with techno beats pumping so loud I could feel the bass throughout my entire body. Bright lights were flashing in an otherwise darkened warehouse. I was in my element. I love to dance, relished the carefree feeling of it; the feeling that nothing was anchoring me to this world. The smell of sweat and cologne surrounded me. I moved my body rhythmically to the resounding beats, well aware of what my movements mimicked.

I dressed for it even, not leaving much to the imagination. I chose to wear the short black leather skirt with a barely there halter, no bra. My scarlet hair snaked down to my mid back. My emerald eyes scanned the crowd and zeroed in. I was hunting…looking for the perfect prey. I found it in a man that looked nothing like my normal conquest.

He was across the room dancing with a woman. He danced to the music, grinding his hips against the woman and pumping his fist in the air. His movements were a promise of things to come. His shoulder length, black hair was pulled back into a tight pony-tail, giving the illusion of a shorter hair-cut. His aqua gaze met mine. His eyes positively glowed, radiated as if there were a candle behind them lighting them from the inside out. I gazed into those eyes as I continued to move my body in time to the music.

He lifted a raven brow, interest written plainly across that masculine face. Then he smiled. It was more like a smirk actually, a mischievous smirk. My lips curled up into my best seductive smile and I looked into those candle-lit eyes the best I could in the dim lights. I turned away from him and feigned interested in the man dancing behind me. Tease…you are such a tease…That, I may be, but not for long. I knew the game; I’ve played it so often. They, men, enjoy the chase and I was sure I just lured that man in…hook, line, and sinker.

I wrapped my arms around the man’s neck and moved my hips suggestively. As I faux-fucked the man’s leather-clad thigh, I felt another pair of warm hands wrap around my hips from behind. A warm body pressed up against my back as I continued to move against the man in front of me. I leaned back into the man that had sidled up behind me, knowing the body behind me belonged to the man that I had made eye contact with from across the room, my target.

The raven haired man behind me began to move his body against mine. The feeling of warm breath on my neck and the brush of a slightly whiskered cheek against my shoulder made me shudder, silently inviting him to continue the movement. I unwrapped myself from the man in front of me and brought my hand up to the side of Raven’s face which was now buried in the crook of my neck. My fingertips traced along his jaw line, encouraging him to move in closer to me. He took the bait and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could tell that he was enjoying our close proximity. The evidence of that enjoyment was pressed long and proud against my back-side. I could feel his hips grind against me, as he moved to the beat.

With his face buried in the crook of my neck, he spoke, “Mmm, you smell so good.” I acknowledged him by turning around in his embrace. Facing him, it was just the two of us now. No distractions. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gazed into his candle-lit aqua eyes. I straddled his thigh as we swayed to the music. Arching my back, I writhed against him. He encouraged me by running his fingertips down my spine. He leaned in and kissed my neck, nipped at my collarbone. His warm breath against my skin caused a familiar tightening low in my body. My eyes rolled up into my head as I shuddered in pleasure. God I need this. His hands moved down my back slowly and cupped my butt cheeks pulling me even closer to him. He lifted his head from my neck and moved one hand from my bottom, down to my right inner thigh. That hand moved slowly down to my knee and abruptly pulled my leg up around his hip, bringing me that much closer to him. He leaned toward me and claimed my lips.

The kiss started off soft, as if he didn’t already have permission to completely ravage me. Then the kiss became more urgent. Our tongues explored, writhing against each other, tasting, twisting. I moved my hand to his tight pony-tail and removed the tie letting his hair fall free. My fingertips entwined in the hair at the nape of his neck. Oh, so soft… I held his head against me as I continued to taste him. The music and crowd around us faded away, it felt as if this Raven-haired man and I were the only two people on the dance floor. He lifted his head, breaking our kiss and met my gaze. He ground his hips against me in time to the music. We didn’t talk at all, just stared into each other’s eyes, getting lost within the depths of them.

He turned me around in his embrace. His hands cupped my breasts from behind as he leaned in towards my cheek. His warm breath pulsed against my ear. In a voice roughened by the promise of sex, he said, “Do you want to finish this in the middle the dance floor? If not, we need to go somewhere…like now.” He ground his hips into my backside to emphasize his growing need.

I turned toward him and felt my lips curl into my best come hither smile. Peeling my body from his, I grabbed onto his hand and led him to the far wall. I roughly pushed him up against it. Leaning into him, I licked his lower lip, smiling suggestively. I reached down and cupped his manhood, rubbing. My lips brushed against his as I spoke, “I want this.”

He smiled devilishly, “And you’ll have it.” He looked from side to side, “Here?”

I brushed a finger along his lower lip, cocked my head to the side and said, “Maybe just a little longer.” I leaned in and kissed him. It was a hard kiss and quite chaste compared to what we had already shared. I turned around, with my back to him, and ground my ass into his hardness.

He moaned in response, “Damn, you keep this up and we won’t make it to the big show.”

I turned my head to look at him over my shoulder, and met his eyes. “What do you have in mind?” My brow rose in question and I licked my lips as a small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth.
He smiled devilishly in response, looked around, and cocked his head to the right, “Over there, let’s go.” I looked over to where he was indicating as he led me toward our destination. I smiled inwardly and thought Oh how romantic…a storage closet. I reminded myself that I wasn’t looking for anything romantic; I was looking for something dirty…primal…animalistic. It looked as if I was going to get my wish.

He opened the door to the storage closet. It was empty with nothing but small tools lining the wall and a workbench of sorts in the middle of the small room. Oh this is too fucking perfect. He pulled me inside and scanned the crowd outside. He closed the door, muffling the techno beats. Unbelievably, the door had a lock. I heard it click into place as he turned his attention back to me. His eyes quickly appraised my body and he licked his lips in anticipation. My breath caught as he yanked me forward and roughly pushed me up against the closed door.

He kissed me hungrily, quickly moving lower to my neck and collarbone. He released the tie that held my halter top in place and it fell, revealing my breasts. He moved downward. A growling noise emanated from low in his throat as he sucked my pink, taut nipple into his mouth. I could feel his tongue working my nipple in his mouth. He looked up at me from his vantage point, gazing into my eyes. His teeth clamped down lightly around my nipple. At the same time his fingertips worked my other nipple, pinching and pulling. The sensation was walking the line between pain and pleasure and I reveled in it. His eyes became more intense when I screamed in response to his attention.

My head fell back against the door, eyes closing briefly, body enjoying the sensations. My breath quickened and my heart doubled in speed. Warmth gathered in my core. He yanked my skirt down and was taken aback when he noticed my panties; a barely there, lacy, black thong. I leaned back into the door with an anticipatory smile. He lowered himself down to his knees and spread my thighs apart with his hands. He hooked his finger around the crotch of the panties, looked up at me smiling, and pulled…hard. I gasped as I heard a rip, he tossed my now useless panties to the side. Then he turned his attention to the already glistening center of me, he gasped, “beautiful.”

He lunged toward my core and wrapped his lips around the most intimate part of me. I threw my head back against the door, buried my hand in the length of his hair, and moaned my pleasure. As he sucked rhythmically, he lifted my leg over his shoulder. His tongue worked me masterfully, laving a path of heat in and around me. It wasn’t long before I was screaming my pleasure, writhing, begging for mercy.

Right when I thought I had enough, his finger entered me. His finger moving back and forth quickly inside of me as he continued to torment me with his tongue. I came apart, arching my back toward him, and screaming aloud. I could feel my core filling and releasing. I closed my eyes at the pleasure, white sparks filling the dark space that usually rested behind my eyelids. My chest was heaving, arms contracted, fingers splayed in his raven hair pulling him even closer to my core. My entire body was rigid as I came hard and strong. He released me when he was sure he had wrung the last spasms of orgasm from me and rose from his position on the floor.

As I opened my eyes, I realized he was standing directly in front of me, “Liked that huh?”
All I could do was nod in response. He smiled and unbuttoned his pants. I stopped him and took over. I unzipped his pants and pushed him against the door, switching positions with him. I kissed him thoroughly as I released his manhood from its confines. I wrapped my hand around his hot, hard cock. Breaking the kiss, I looked down at him. He was weeping already…so very ready. Oh but I am so hungry. Stroking his shaft with one hand as I pushed his pants further down his legs with the other, I maintained eye contact. He removed his shirt in one smooth practiced motion.

I knelt down, that tear was beckoning; I had to taste him. Maintaining eye contact, I flicked my tongue out and circled the head of him. Lifting his cock toward his navel, I ducked my head and gave a languorous lick from base to tip. I brought him back down to mouth level and wrapped my lips around him. He moaned and I mimicked him, tongue vibrating on the underside of his shaft. I slid my mouth up and down the length of him…over and over. Suddenly he grabbed my hair and pulled me off of him, “No. No more, I need to be inside you…”

He pulled me up from the floor using my hair as a handle. He spun me toward the workbench in the middle of the small room. Letting go of my hair, he positioned my hands on the table and said in a rough voice, “Grab on, and Do. Not. Let. Go.” He ran his hand down my spine, I shivered in anticipation. I could feel the head of his manhood rubbing against my clit, teasing me. He whispered, “Oh god.” Then he quickly thrust into me. Grinding my teeth at the incredible sensation of his hard length inside of me; he filled me as he pushed himself in to the hilt. We both moaned at the sensation of it. He grabbed my hips roughly, fingers digging into my flesh, and started to thrust in and out. My nipples brushed against the edge of the table with each thrust. The sound of smacking flesh over-riding, but matching, the techno beat that played just outside the door.

His thrusts became more urgent. He grabbed my hair like a ponytail, turned my face toward him, and kissed me roughly as he continued his relentless thrusting. The pressure was building. He maintained his grip in my hair, pulling even harder. I screamed, “HARDER! Oh please….harder!” That did it. The dam broke and we both came in unison, screaming our pleasure. He continued to thrust until he was spent. Then he released the hold he had in my hair and I sagged forward, panting. He leaned onto my back, breathing heavy. We stayed that way, trying to catch our breath.

Then he stood up, pulling himself from within me, I shuddered. He leaned over and pulled up his pants. I slowly stood from my position and retied the halter top that was hanging from my waist. I walked over toward the door and picked up the discarded skirt and pulled it on. I turned back toward him as he pulled on his shirt. He looked up as a very satisfied masculine smile spread across his face. I smiled back.

He walked toward me, wrapped his arms around my waist and said, “That was fantastic. You were right, this really did spice it up, huh? I cannot believe you are my mild mannered Katie. A black lacy thong? Not what I’d expect from the queen of granny panties.” He chuckled when he saw the appalled expression on my face. “What we just did goes against everything that you are and it was totally…HOT!!” There was silence for a minute as he hugged me to him. Then he bit his lower lip and said, “I suppose, we should probably go relieve the babysitter, huh?”

I pulled away from him and slapped him hard across the chest. He yelled, “Jesus Christ Katie, what the hell was that for?”

I sighed and said, “Jesus Kevin!! I cannot believe that you broke role…”

Kevin smiled and kissed my forehead as he led me out of the storage closet, through the club, and toward the exit. Outside, he leaned into me and said, “Thank-you baby.”

I looked him in the eye and said, “My pleasure. Oh, and I love the black hair. I almost didn't recognize you.” I smiled seductively. We kissed briefly, walked out to his car hand in hand, and drove home together. We’d pick up my car from the club parking lot tomorrow.

What couple doesn’t want to enact their fantasy? We did, and it was great! We’ll do it again too. Kevin is already coming up with all kinds of crazy scenarios. I can’t wait!

The End

Word Count: 2635

Written for: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold April 2011
Prompt: Write about your own personal fantasy...or someone else's fantasy...or about an erotic encounter in a fantasy world of your making. You choose as long as fantasy is involved.
© Copyright 2011 J. Marie Ravenshaw (bean2031 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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