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by fekth
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Fantasy · #1765274
A prologue I did, may do more when I have some time.
Carmilla stretched languidly, the friction of the silk sheets against her naked skin sending little jolts of pleasure down her spine. Her mouth curved in a wicked smile, throwing the sharp points of her needle sharp canines into stark relief. Rolling onto her front she propped herself up on her elbows and gazed at her unconscious lover. He was sprawled on his side, his fine elfin features partially obscured by a fall of blonde hair. His skin, pale at the best of times, was unblemished ivory now, almost corpselike. She had gone close to the edge this time, almost taken enough to still his fluttering heart forever. The Elf stirred in his sleep, unconsciously rolling towards her, a mute testament to his need. The movement exposed his neck with the two fresh puncture wounds, dark red against the pale skin and the hunger flared within her again, tinting her vision with a rosy hue as the bloodlust began to rise.

She quickly turned away, desperately fighting the growing need. Long claws extended from the tips of her delicate fingers, tearing long rents in the silk as she gripped the sheets, trembling with the effort of her struggle. Slowly the shaking subsided and the claws retracted, her breathing slowed and she was in control once more. No, she must not kill this one, not yet. Not when he was such a useful tool. Enthralling the Elf Lord had been a stretch for even her powers and it would not do to let her baser appetites lay ruin her carefully laid plans. 

She was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she did not hear the elf awaken and his unexpected voice caused her to start.
‘Mmmmmmm’ he smiled up at her ‘can we do that again?’
Her vulpine smile returned as she ran a finger along the stark lines of his tightly muscled body. ‘Later my pet, right now we have other things to discuss. Have your scouts had any news?’
Sighing, the elf sat up, tossing his long hair over his shoulder with a practised flick of his head. ‘Yes, they returned hours ago. I would have told you already but you attacked me before I could.’
Carmilla gave a sultry pout and batted her long dark lashes, inside she was bursting with excitement. ‘And what did they say?’
‘The Valley is two days march to the north. My spellweavers have verified the presence of the artefact there.’
Carmilla sprang from the bed, her excitement now too far gone to contain. “We must leave at once! Gather a small escort and I will bring my bodyguard.’
The elf smiled wistfully at her childish exuberance, even though she was older than him by far, her mercurial nature often gave her the appearance of youth. ‘It may not be that easy my sweet.’
A frown creased the beautiful features of the vampire. ‘What do you mean?’
‘The artefact is not unguarded. Your source who told you the valley was deserted was only partly right, an ancient people once lived in those valleys and their spirits dwell there still. The temple is under their protection.
With a scream of frustration Carmilla turned on the Wood elf, her eyes glowing crimson. ‘It’s her isn’t it?’
The elf nodded nervously.
The vampire turned away and strode to the open window, a dark silhouette against the moonlight.
‘After all these years I have it within my grasp once more and you are there again to defy me! Well I’m coming you Bi*ch! I’m coming for you and my destiny.’
Turning back to the elf, now sitting fearfully on the edge of the bed Carmilla regarded him for a moment before speaking. Her voice now had a soothing musical quality. ‘Go now Thessis, go to your people and call them to arms. I need the hosts of the forest with me. Bring them to me Thessis, for we march to war.’
All trace of thought had left the face of the elf. He rose and walked towards the door. ‘As you command my lady.’ The whisper hung in the air as he left the room.

Hatshepsut, princess of the Enteri, defender of the vale of suns stirred. In the dark recess of her sarcophagus her eyes opened, glowing with a cold blue fire in the darkness. Her arms, wrapped in the finery of her burial clothing pushed upwards, easily lifting the massive stone lid of her sarcophagus.
Stepping down from the funerary bier she looked around noting the deep layer of dust blanketing the room, she had slept for a long time. But something was coming now, a threat both old and new. Anger flared within her, they were coming to pillage her valley! This was unacceptable.
Throwing back her head she issued a deep cry that reverberated through the tomb. Dust jittered on the floor as the very stones vibrated with the force of her call. All around her the valley began to awaken, as ancient warriors rose to the call of their princess. A shuffling noise issued from the doorway to her chamber as Tuthamon stumbled in. The lich was still slightly disoriented from his recent awakening but she could feel the familiar power radiating from him, seeping out into the valley to animate her army.
‘They come, Tuthamon. They come to plunder our valley.’
‘What is your command highness?’ rasped the mummified priest.
‘Prepare my forces, animate them all. And send a messenger to the vermin. We will need help this time and we have something they desperately want.’
‘As you command, highness.’ the old priest shuffled out of the room.
Hatshepsut moved to the racks containing her weapons and armour, brushing the dust of centuries from them, underneath they shined sharp and bright as every. Suddenly her head snapped around, her glowing blue eyes fixed on some point to the south, seeming to look directly through the stone walls of her tomb.
‘I hear you cousin!’ she cried in a voice that made the tomb shudder. ’Come then! Come to me and be damned!’
© Copyright 2011 fekth (fekth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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