Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1767792-Unsinkable-Majesty
Rated: E · Other · History · #1767792
Its about the sinking of the R M S Titantic
                      Dreams and ambitions have crossed Britans eye.
                      A city at seas to one day sail under God's starry sky.
                      It shall be massive made from rivots and steel.
                      Eight hundred and eighty two feet to stay afloat backboned.
                        By hundreds of boatyards realms.
                        Inspiration has filled a countrie's resolve
                      Inovation for the new and out with the old
                      Who wil venture to make such a dream come to life
                      Something so grand as this will take years to define
                        Laborers and welders are called to come in
                        To commence wok on a project  that seems to have no end
                  Months have passed with sweat brimming down boatmen's eyes
                      As a dream of the future has met it' deadline
                To see so many people with smiles running across each face
                  To have accomplished  such a task in record pace

                      The question now rings through Whie tar Lines
                      Who will Captian this vessel through  the oceans tides
                        Weeks go by before a man is chosen
                        But in the end the good  Captian EJ is unanonymously voted
                        With great applause he accepts this task wh the nod ohs cap
                          Unaware of the chaos soon to attack
                        April 10, 1912, a ship of grandure sits in Harbor Liverpool"s mouth
                        You can smell the paint as if it had just come off the line
                          With ropes attached to a ship so devine
                          So their she sits, what an emaculant sight
  Ready for it's maiden voyage across agreat ocean  at Captian and crews
                            Many  now come from abroad
                              Most holding third class tickets
                              Livig in sterage in cabinss small
                            Was it a curse to sysucha shipcoul not plunder
                          While claps andscrams resignte like thunder

                            A tuboat toot signals last call
                              As men, women and children file into this giant's hull
                              Golden vents crackle now  with th steam of burnng coal
                            This city of seas purpelles now churnig, carying 2200 souls
                              Waves of godbye come from all decks
                              Out to see there she glides
                              As swans from above do so fly
                                Was this a day of days t truley marvel
                              Before almost coliding with another boats rumble
                                All you see now is ocean blue
                                A ship to make records, to ew York they persue
                                With on stop t make on this infamous journey
                                  Docking for moments at Irelands gurney
                                Off they go quickening pace
                                  Uncertian of the  nigtmars soon to  be faced

                                A day has passed on such a wonderous day
                                Passengers unaware of the dept soon to  be paid
                                The good Captian anounces they picking up sped
                                  While iceburg warnings  come to thee
                                  Parties ar commne with brandy and cigars
                                As the wealthy  talkof money and cars
                                Life on deck comes with peace and ease
                                Laugter and joy come from walking aboard
                                  with a calm gentle breeze
                                  Another day ends, but not for all
                                The crowsmen will see the culprit to this giant's   
                    At the eye of the man, the tyrant does stand.
            Ice as big as a mountian storming in this mamoths way   
                        The crowsmen alerts all decks to stop in it' tracks 
  Now a  ship meant to break records is shreding steel  a ice rips               

                              With no time to spare, orders where given
                              To reverse all systems and shut down all engines
                              To late where they as destiny has come
                                Taking in it's wake, a ship sp young
                                Clashing was heard all through the dwecks
                          Ice ripping a gash through the hull, sparing no time for any defence
                                  Compartments are flooding, as so many are running
                                  Could this ship have ever been saved
                                  Chaotic mayhem now spreads through the choridors
                            Of men, women and  childrten, crying, knowing, most will be  slain
                              The bow sinks lowe as the water moves even slower
                                                  to claim all life aboard
                                  Certianly unexpected, for no one can be protected
                                                  on this cold desolint night
                                    The order has been given to save all women and children
                                      from this cold frightning sights

                Lights now start to flicker as the mercilless water pulls the ship even deeper

            Water moves faster as there is no time to master a plan to save everyone
                  The good Captian's realization fights the sensation to jump, but rather
              go down in glory to this infamous story of the grandest ship of it's generation
                      Lifeboats now carry survivors so weary
                            afraid to go back and rescue those cleft behind
                              Rips now split down the center seam
                        Giving no warning as the bow now is no longer seen
                            Screaming and begging climbs up the stern's legging
                                        As it's the last to go
                                  The water so freezing,leaving no time for thinking
                                                As fifteen hundred die off so very slow
                                    A ship now missed, a titan it was can only be seen under
                                            the water's abyss 



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