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Rated: E · Article · Reviewing · #1768127
Step by step instructions for creating a template--for beginners
Creating Your Own Review Template

There are several benefits from having your own review template. It will save you time on your reviews. It makes your review look neat and attractive. It can also remind you of the elements of a review that you want to consider.

As you travel around Writing.com you will see many kinds of review templates. Study them and use the parts you like to create your own design. You may want to use parts from several different templates to come up with one that you are comfortable with.

The purpose of this article is to walk to, step by step, through the process of creating a template. You can always edit your template as you become more experienced and see various templates designed by other members.

You can have several different templates. For instance, if you are reviewing for Showering Acts of Joy, you may want a template with a signature image from that group at the bottom of your review. If you are reviewing for more than one group you may choose to have separate templates for each group. But, for now, let's just get through the steps of creating your first template:

1. In the left margin menu click on "My Account." Near the bottom select "My Review Tool."
2. A page will pop up with an empty box. This is where you will create your Review Template. At the top there is a small box. In this box you will need to name your template. (Example: Showering Acts of Joy)
3. Now you are ready to create your own template. You are welcome to type your own template in the box, or you can simply "copy" the template below. To copy, you highlight the entire text you want to copy, right click on your mouse, and select "copy."
4. Next, you "paste" the copied text into your template box. (Right click on your mouse and select "paste.")
5. Be sure to change the user name to your own, and make any other additions or changes you wish to make.
6. Before you finish up, click on "Preview" to see what your template looks like. You can always scroll back down to the bottom box and edit anything you don't like.
7. When you are satisfied click on "Store Template" and you are done! Voila!
8. Next time you do a review you will need to click on "Review Tool" at the bottom and it will take you to the blank page. Click on the drop-down menu and select the template you want to use.
9. Type in your review. Remember to always Preview your review before submitting it.
10. When you are happy with your review click on "Submit." Beautiful!
11. A new page will pop up giving you the review link. If your group requires you to post a review link in their forum, you will need to "copy" the review link and "paste" it into the Group's Forum as a New Message.


If you are reviewing for SAJ, look at the bottom of the "The Grammar Garden's Gardeners for two links to group signatures. Choose an image you like, and copy the link. Paste the link into your template. I prefer to place it at the top so the writer knows it's from SAJ. Click "Save" to save the template.

Other groups probably have links to their signature too. If you are adding your own image, use the image link, like this: {image:XXXXXXX}, using numbers instead of X's.

The template to copy (if you wish) is just below. But first let me give you a couple of links to other articles for beginners:

Giving Your First Review  (E)
Step by step instructions for submitting a review--for begginers
#1768111 by Pat ~ Rejoice always!

Guidelines for Reviewing  (E)
A Guide to Writing Reviews
#1725553 by Pat ~ Rejoice always!

Here is what I use for my opening statement:

{size:3.5}Hello, {user:warriormom}. This is a review from {item:1499415}! {e:smile} After reading {item:1722418} I have the following comments to offer.{/size}

The above ML Writing will yield the following statement:

Hello, warriormom. This is a review from "Showering Acts of Joy Group! *Smile* After reading "Release I have the following comments to offer.

*Key* This makes the review more personal. It lets the author know what group this review is affiliated with. It names the item being reviewed and it tells the author that you have comments to offer. That's all a review really is. Our comments about their item. It is their item, and all we can do is offer our comments.

*Key* Below is the template that I used as a beginner. You are welcome to use it if you like. You may prefer to change it up or use one entirely your design. Even if you don't like templates, try to keep in mind the ideas listed below as you are doing your reviews.


{c:navy}{size:3.5}{b}Hi {user:warriormom}. This is a review from {item:1499415}! {e:smile} After reading {item:1722418} I have the following comments to offer.{/b}{/c}

{e:vignette5}{c:navy}{b}First impression: {\b}{/c}
{c:navy} (Write your comments about the story or poem as a whole.) {/c}

{e:vignette5}{c:navy}{b}Things That Might Make It Better:{/b}{/c}
{c:navy} (Mention some specific ideas that could make their story or poem stronger) {/c}

{c:navy} (If you are weak in this area, leave this part out.) {/c}

{e:star}{c:navy}{b}Things I Like:{/b}{/c}
{c:navy} (Pick out some specific lines or other things you like about it.) {/c}

{e:vignette1} {c:navy}{b}Final Comments {/b} {/c}
{c:navy}End with some positive comments and encouraging words.){/c}



If you use this Writing ML to create your template you will get the following result:

SAJ Girl and Duck with Umbrella made by Sherryb

Hi warriormom. This review is part of your shower from "Showering Acts of Joy Group! *Smile* After reading "Release I have the following comments to offer.

*Vignette5*First Impressions:
(Write your comments about the story or poem in general.

*Vignette5*Things that might make it better:
(Mention some specific ideas that could make their story or poem stronger)

(If you are weak in this area, leave this part out.)

*Star*Things I Like:
(Pick out some specific lines or other things you like about it.)

*Vignette1* Final Comments
(End with positive comments and encouraging words.)


Showering Acts of Joy Group  (E)
On indefinite hiatus
#1499415 by Pat ~ Rejoice always!

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#1472983 by Not Available.
© Copyright 2011 Pat ~ Rejoice always! (mimi1214 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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