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by bbjing
Rated: E · Article · Arts · #1771828
hazy day but unique

twas a very cold morning
i need to wake up early
so foggy outside but i have to force myself to get up
i did stoop up slowly,while turning off my alarm clock

i need to bath
im gonna have a long day for the travel
i had my morning coffee

did not eat anything solid
i might puke on the road
winding road

i wore my green vest and gray shirt,with me is moss green sweater and pants
off to travel
i walked downhill and uphill by stairs
waited for the van to arrive,
no van available which is about to leave

i just rode the jeep and enjoyed the ride
most of the commuters are natives of benguet
they woke up early too for the market day
me,im going to the mall
my usual routine from the city

i enjoyed the simplicity of the people,
the concrete roads made for them and the efforts of everyone to keep their place beautiful and preserved

however,time makes me wonder
i kept aiting for the van to leave
i sat on the middle
reservations were made
i had no choice
so let it be i said

my vanmate on the left is a girl with very red lipstick
i wondered where she's going
im already 24 but i don't love to put red lipstick
my vanmate on the right was a guy nothing impressive about him

the van made its trip by 8 am ,we reached baguio city at 11 am,,,

off for lunchtym
but i really admired the strawberry bazaar festival,the Benguet state university

then the girl on my left sprayed perfume in her yellow sweatshirt
i did not like the smell

i just put alcohol on my hands to compensate the smell inside

well i walked
down to baguio city
i lost my way
i thought i know where im going
twas so hot
i perspired for the first time
i asked a guy where is LBC,where is the road to SM
oh it was far
i just rented a taxi
the fare was expensive
he turned and turned around

at SM i felt happy
i bought my favorite stuffs
summertym again
for 3 hours i did enjoy my time all by myself

need to get back at the terminal at 4pm,,,
luck put its hands on me
i was on the front seat

on the way the fogs were all over
very cold
very winding
but the drivers are experts on the road
with the help of foglights they are able to handle the haze
then i arrived at 7 pm
i felt bad with my dinner

i t0ld myself
i should not go home early

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