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Rated: E · Other · Death · #1775222
A poem for my Aunt
“Take it easy, Life is too short
Don’t worry about the little things”
She was fighting a horrific battle
And was waiting for her wings

She didn’t judge my life
She guided me along the way
She let me cry on her shoulder
Even when I was afraid

I came to her with problems
Even cried from my heart
I came to her with tears
She was there from the start

We even had our fights
Some quarrels here and there
We really had it out one time
But I really didn’t care

Then I saw, she was like me
She just wanted some love
She didn’t ask for much
Maybe just for a simple hug

I wanted her to feel love
The fear she always held
Anxiety that ran through her
It always made my heart melt

She cried with me on the phone
“No one really loves me”
My God, it was her birthday
Why couldn’t she just see?

What I wanted her to know
She always had a friend
She was never really alone
And it was never really the end

She deserved to be happy
I wanted her to feel love
She should have been smiling
And all of that mushy stuff

I know she didn’t see it
But I went to her that day
Showing her she’s always loved
Maybe she’ll see it, I prayed

That day I at least got a smile
Her spirits were raised more
She realized people loved her
As her heart would just pour

She smiled ear to ear
It shined through her eyes
She looked so very happy
She even started to cry

Blowing it off and playing cool
She always tried to hide it
Giving me the best advice
Trying not to throw a fit

She always has put on a face
The bravery through it all
The courage to fight on
Never to let someone see her fall

Trying to stay positive
Fighting back the tears
Sometimes down in the dumps
But putting aside all her fears

“Same Shit Different Day”
She told me and just smiled
I know it was a just a mask
But she made it last for a while

I know I drove her nuts
And she always kept her cool
I was always like her
Just as stubborn as a mule

But even from the sadness
She had an amazing soul
Sharing her stories with others
As her heart begins to unfold

She had this infectious laugh
And her smile that just shined
The love that she shared for all
It was really never far behind

She had this wonderful spirit
“Who cares what others say?”
This bravery she gave me
She showed it to me everyday

“Always try to be yourself
Screw those who didn’t like it
Accept yourself for who you are
Don’t even try to throw a fit”

“There really was no sense in it
Worrying over that little stuff
Now find something positive
You can always find the love”

“When you get to be my age”
Is what I would always hear
“Life is too short sweetie”
That was her biggest fear

She knew life was slipping by her
Her health had started falling
I could only sit back and watch
As she would just start bawling

I know she was suffering
She was hurting so bad
And then seeing her so sick
It made me so very mad

But she made her decision
She didn’t want to fight
It was hard for all of us
But it really was her life

We had to respect that
Even if it was so very sad
Her family stayed with her
Didn’t matter how bad

Even though she was sick
She put on a strong face
Life was way too precious
One more day she would not waste

She stayed so very strong
It was amazing everyday
I just want her here one more day
I would just sit here and pray

Watching her suffer so badly
Or be gone, and pain free?
It was selfish I do know
How could this even be?

She is now in peace
And she is now pain free
God so many people loved her
I wish she could have seen

She is now pain free
But I know she’s still around
She’s always in my heart
It is peace that she now found

We hear her laughter still
And we can see her smile
All we have to do is look
Way down deep inside

I’m going to miss her so much
But her love is not really gone
Her strength runs through us
We just have to stay strong

“Take it easy, Life is too short
Don’t worry about little things”
Cause on May 30th, at 7:55pm
An angel received her wings.
© Copyright 2011 MaiPenRai82 (maipenrai82 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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