Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1775846-The-Lost-City-Of-Torian
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1775846
A Apocalyptic romance novel depicting the life of a slave with many hidden secerts
                                                                                                        Chapter One
         The horse’s unshod hooves clattered on the cobblestone drive, accompanied by the loud baying of the hounds. Lord Richard Danner was returning from his yearly hunt in the high regions of the empires private hunting preserve. It was a successful hunt judging by the scores of game strapped to the back of the many pack horses. One from the many mounted riders signaled the servants to open the gate of the nearest corral. The herd of twenty or so wild horses was driven into the corral, fast and quick by the hounds snapping teeth and the cracked of the horsemen’s whip.
         Amber loved watching the wild horses when they first came in, marveling at their beauty. Their wildness was evident in their nervous eyes and flared nostrils as they were driven past the cobblestone drive, down the dirt road and into the open corral. Once in the corral, they circled around, trying to bolt back out but the servants quickly closed the gate behind them, blocking any escape.
         Another trumpet sounded at the manor house, blown by the servant standing at the edge of the long flight of delicately carved stone steps of the main house. The servants hurried from everywhere, from the house, the stables and the smoke house to see to the master’s horses and the fresh killed game.
         Amber longed to stay in the stables but duty had her trudging up the hill behind the other slaves towards the manor house. She found no pleasure in all this excitement like everyone else did. She could not understand the joy in killing a living animal. It sickened her beyond belief yet she knew it had to be done to control the over population of game in these lands. The meat went to supply the master’s household for the winter to come, which included servants and slaves. Slaves like Amber, who should appreciate the kindness her master shown towards her. After all, it was Lord Danner who took her in, gave her a home, protection under his name and even a station among the slave ranks. It may not be a highly honored position but it sustained her with life when unfortunate circumstances left her wandering the desolation of the desert lands, disorientated and alone. She had been so close to death, wandering in the blazing sun and even hotter sand, willing death to consume her. And the answer to all her woes came in the form of Lord Danner’s caravan. He found her with her dead horse, willing death to claim her also but fate had a different course for her. That was two years ago but for some reason it seemed longer than that. Life here, as a slave, she thought would be the answer to all her problems. She thought suffering the life as a slave was a way of escape from past regrets. How wrong she was.
         “Amber! Come here! “
         It was Lord Richard Danner himself who called out to her as she came over the rise. He sat tall in the saddle of his fiery steed. While he was an older man with graying temples of his ivory black hair, he had the vigor of a man less than twice his real age. Even in his dirt covered, trail ridden clothes, he still fit the picture of royalty, as one of the lands most well known magistrates of the Imperial Realm’s seven cities. He was royalty, from his every movement to each word fluently pronounced.
         “See to my horse. “ He dismounted, handing her the reins to his black gelding just as the two big dogs barreled down the steps of the manor house. They leaped up at their masters for a quick wrestle. These dogs were Lord Danner’s pride and joy. While not as valuable as she was to him but they were certainly far more loved. His interest in her was only for what she could do for him. He was a gambling man and he decided to take a gamble on her when he found her in the desert and he was right. She had brought him a great deal of wealth from the horses that she trained for him to sell.
         He wasn’t actually kind to her but neither was he cruel in the way others around her were. He never used a lash on her but that alone was reason enough for others on the estate to treat her with open animosity, if not just for the fact she was Klerian as well.
          She was like a favorite pet to Lord Danner, though she was sure she didn’t rate much above the dogs he was wrestling with. 
         “What fine looking dogs. “ Another voice spoke. The man who dismounted next to Lord Danner was a man she didn’t recognize from the rest of Lord Danner’s usual hunting companions. He wasn’t a small man, not like most northerners she lived with these last couple of years. He didn’t have the common black or brown hair like most of those of the high country region. His hair was long, blond, much like hers in color, which marked him a true descendent to some Klerian clan. Yet he was only partly so.
         His facial features, as handsome as they may be, did not have the same high cheek bone structure or the same blue colored eyes as her. His eyes were a ghostly color, a steely gray with hints of silver, small flecks of tiny fragments, which captivated her. He was a half breed, she didn’t doubt that but built like a Klerian warrior yet he carried no sword. So if he was Klerian, why did Lord Danner accept him as an equal? Why wasn’t he treated as an outcast like she was?
         “These dogs are the last of an ancient line of Great Danes. “ Lord Danner said with pride. “I have a litter of pups about to be weaned. Come have a look. Amber will see to your horses and tack. Amber? “
         Just who was this man?
         Amber’s curiosity was bursting. This man wasn’t a usual member of royalty that came and went from this estate, yet he was treated as if he were. She could never forget such a handsome face or the powerful well muscled body, quite evident under his long, tan riding jacket. While his clothes were dirt covered, the dirt couldn’t mask their true wealth. The fine thread of the fabric defined his station among the rest who carried wealth in this region. While her clothes were barely rags, like most of her own station, he obviously traveled in circles more familiar with Lord Danner’s kind. She was certain he was here for the week long celebration that was to follow their successful return. A long time on the trail and anyone would be eager for a week of drinking and dancing. Once it was over, he’d leave with the rest and she likely wouldn’t ever see him again. 
         She found herself staring at him with curiosity and he caught her doing so. Duty had her lower her eyes quickly. It wasn’t proper for her to be so forthright and punishment could be evoked if he wished it and she gave a sigh of relief when he didn’t react to her outright disobedience. She didn’t understand why not, Klerians were open sport for ridicule and abuse within Imperial Realm territories.
         Eyes lowered, she reached for his horses reins only to have him step in front of them, blocking her path as his steely gray eyes ran over the length of her in certain distaste. She quickly looked up; staring at the man with a shocked disbelief and when she should of lowered her eyes she kept staring. Everyone knew Lord Danner had excellent staff to take care of visitor’s livestock. Everyone here couldn’t stand her but not one visitor here ever questioned her abilities when it came to horses. She was caught by the power of his eyes, how they bore down on her. She expected a strike to come next but all he did was continue to stare at her. It was Lord Danner who reacted to her disobedience. 
“Amber! Have respect!” Lord Danner scolded her. Instantly she dropped the reins of to her master’s horse and dropped to her hands and knees in front of the strange man. Again she waited for punishment to ensue but none came.
         “I am sure Amber meant no disrespect Garret. You may punish her if you wish.
She doesn’t see so many of her kind this far into realm territory.”
         Lord Danner spoke in reference to her kind, confirming her suspicions that this man was Klerian.          
         “I don’t have much energy for it right now. I will let it go this time.”  He had a strong voice that matched his personality. This man commanded everyone’s attention and his presence alone was enough to demand respect.
         “As you wish. “ Lord Danner said, waiving off the matter with no real importance. “Amber may have been born an outsider but she as even tempered as a fine trained mare. There isn’t anyone in this land that I trust with my animals as much as her. She has a hand with the horses, trust me; your mounts will be quite safe. “
         ” All the same I will see to my own horses. “He said with a stern reply.
         Amber remained silent, keeping still on the ground, though she was certainly offended by the man’s domineering tone. While she would of loved to defend herself, defend her skill it just wasn’t done within realm society. Maybe she was just being too sensitive, use to the praise and leniency Lord Danner often flung upon her. She had no cause to be angry at this man, after all she would react the same if those fine animals were hers. A horse was a man’s livelihood. He often treated his mounts better than his own kin.
         “Suit yourself. Amber can show you to the stables. When you’re done, I will see you up at the manor house. “                     
         Without a word, Amber took her cue, rising, tugging on the reins of Lord Danner’s mount, pulling him along behind her. She left this Garret fellow to follow at his own leisure. His presence alone unnerved her because she wasn’t sure what to expect of him. He was hard to read and that made his presence very uncomfortable to her.
         The stables housed some of the finest animals in all the seven provinces. Like his dogs, Lord Danner only bred the best. Most of the foundation stock of his current herd were taken from the wild horses that roamed wild in the mountains of the desert canyons, deep in Klerian territories. Now those herds had been depleted, leaving only a few true wild herds still roaming free. These were hardy horses, excellent pack animals use to rough terrain and harsh conditions. Lord Danner learned the techniques it took to capture these cunning animals from her being the only man in all of the royal order to break and train them to sell at auction. Like precious gems, these horses fetched a good price, making Lord Danner a far richer man then he already was. She hated helping him to do it but it wasn’t like she was left with many choices. It was only because of her importance she was still alive and would continue to be so as long as she kept bringing Lord Danner profit.
         When she walked into the barn, heads turned in her direction, staring at this strange man behind her. She tethered Lord Danner’s horse and proceeded to show the man to a couple of empty stalls.
         “I will bring your horse’s food and water sir. “She remarked, making certain she kept her head lowered this time.
         “See to Richard’s horse. “He remarked with certain crispness, using Lord Danner by his given name. “I will see to my own horses. Just tell me where the grain and hay is kept?”
         “It's at the end of the aisle sir. “
         ” Good, then that’s all I will need. See to your own duties. ”
         “Yes sir.” she bowed and walked over to the tack room, grabbing a brush bucket before starting to unsaddle the horse. She skirted around the other grooms, who like her, tended horses returning from the hunt. She was almost done with her task when Kyle walked by her. She held her breath, waiting for trouble; only Kyle’s attention was not on her for once. He was looking for this new stranger.
         “Ahh, there you are. It’s nice to finally meet you Lord De Prince. I have heard so much about you from the traders who come and go from here. “He said, walking up, bowing from the waist.
         “How long will you be staying before riding out sir? “ Kyle asked him.
         “I will only be here for a couple of days. I will be riding out as soon as my business is done here. “He stepped out of the stall, saddle and bridle in hand. He set it down outside the stall, closed and latched the door before grabbing his large duffel bag, swinging it over his right shoulder.
         “See to my tack.” He ordered of Kyle and she snickered. It was good to see Kyle taking orders from a Klerian.
         “Right away sir, it will be taken care of with the utmost care.”
         Why did this stranger invoke so much curiosity in her? She was almost willing to risk punishment to demand some answers from him but common sense told her to keep her mouth shut. She had to remember her place and she was about to be reminded of it once again. Kyle had a way of finding her out no matter where she was.
         “Amber! “
         Kyle was head slave master and took his position very seriously. He didn’t like her and it showed quite clearly in his treatment of her. She could remain hidden behind Lord Danner’s horse, but to defy Kyle would get her a serious beating later, so she moved out from behind the horse.
         “Amber! You lazy cow! What are you doing just standing there? “
         ” I was looking after Lord Danner’s horse sir. “
         ” See to Lord De Prince’s tack.” he ordered her.
         How could she leave Lord Danner’s horse unattended? Yet to displease Kyle would get her a beating for sure. And if she followed Kyle’s order and Lord Richard wasn’t satisfied how his horse was cared for, he’d send Kyle after her anyhow. She wasn’t going to win no matter what she did so she decided to pick the horses comfort over the tack.
         “Lord Danner had ordered....”
         Her insides twisted with sudden regret when his stony face turned red with anger. He stormed towards her, grabbing her by the collar of her cotton tunic style type shirt, lifting her off her feet and tossing her a few feet down the aisle.
         “I will see to Richard’s horse. You take care of that tack and clean it to. And no more talk out of you or you’ll get worse. Hear me! “
         With a nod she lifted her sore body from the floor, favoring her left hip as she did so. She grabbed the saddle and bridle, trying to keep from wincing in pain as she walked towards the tack room. As she passed the barn door she noticed Lord De Prince had paused in the doorway. He heard it all, she was certain of it. He may have an emotionless expression but those steely gray eyes of his were filled with fire. He was angry and no doubt because she was moving to slow. She continued down the aisle, trying to muster up a little more speed.
         Later that day she heard carriages arriving, moving up the long drive, one right after another, pulling to a halt outside the stables. Once word spread of Lord Danner's return, all the neighboring ranches, servants and royalty were arriving for the festivities. For most it was a time to celebrate the successful hunt, but to Amber it was just more work for her. 
         After a few hours later the barn quieted down and Amber was finally left alone to finish her chores in peace. She worked by lamp light cleaning the many bridles, saddles and harnesses.  When she got to Lord De Prince’s saddle, she paused to admire its craftsmanship. It was a saddle of fine brown leather, crafted with skill and great wealth. The stitching was some of the best she ever seen, not to mention the cure of the leather itself. It was soft and supple under her callused hands. She took extra care wiping off the dirt, cleaning the brown leather to a shinny hue.
         It was late when she finally finished her chores and was able to head to bed. All she had left to do was check on the new arrivals to make sure they had plenty of food and water. The horses were resting quietly against the far side of the corral but as she entered they shifted to the other side, nervous of her presence. She paid them little attention and walked to the water tank, finding it pretty full. As she turned around to leave she found her eyes drawn to a mud covered, grey colored horse milling about with the mares. As he turned she caught the glimpse of a small diamond shaped brand on the inside of its leg, just above its right hock. Too many it would mean nothing, to her it meant he was far more than just any average wild horse. This horse, at one time, was a fine trained weapon, an essential beast of war who received such a mark after successfully honoring its master in battle.
With the fall of the true Klerian armies and any form of royal social structure, war horses weren’t like this one were of no use anymore. She was certain Lord Danner had no idea the true value of this horse. To him it was just another animal to be sold at an auction. He would not understand the faith and loyalty this horse possessed for its master, how it would serve it’s rider so far as to give up its life if called upon or it’s rider was killed in battle. If the latter, this horse would be honored with the death walk. It would of been turned loose, so that when it died its spirit would forever be free and wild. Every Klerian, with a sense of tradition, knew this brand, knew such horses such as this one, if captured, was to be turned loose. Its trust could not be forced. Only the horse could pick a new master, choose to end the death walk itself. And here she was, standing between what her Klerian heart told her to do but her mind warned her of the consequences. She wanted to open the gate, to set the animal free but he’d only be caught again and she’d face punishment, even death.
         It was early the next morning, after a night of tossing and turning worrying about the stallion out in the paddock, that she was awoken by the frantic, angry squeals of a horse. She quickly pulled on her boots and hurried outside to the wild horse paddock. Several of the farm hands had the gray stallion roped and were dragging him out of the corral, the stallion fighting all the way. It took three ropes to get the horse under some kind of control before they led him away towards the main house. She wanted to follow, even took a step to do just that when she was shoved from behind, knocked to the ground.
         “Get to work.” Kyle ordered her before following the others leading the horse away.
Her heart dropped to the floor. No! Her insides screamed. Anyone but Kyle. If he was going to try and break out the horse, he would end up killing it. Kyle would demand submission and a horse like this one was not going to give it.
Amber set to doing her chores, all the while worrying about the poor horse. It was early afternoon when Amos appeared in the barn. He came hurrying down the barn aisle, grabbed her arm and dragged her outside without so much as an explanation. The short, dark hair man was Kyle’s little puppet. He was not quite as abusive as Kyle but he had the same demand for authority that Kyle did. She was at this man’s mercy; no matter what was in store for her she had no right to question it.
         When she found herself being dragged past the manor house, towards the distance sounds of the festival, the urge to plant her feet, turn and run was strong. There were at least two hundred people milling about the back lawns of the manor house, in their fancy attire of beautiful dresses with vibrant colors of red, yellow and blue. Obviously this year’s fashion trend colors. The men, in their silk shirts, black pants and boots, escorted the women about the large brick walled arena.
         Amos forced her along through the iron gate entrance of the twenty foot walled arena, towards Lord Danner’s platform. As she walked by small paddock in the center of the large arena, she caught sight of the stallion that had been taken away earlier this morning. It’s body was covered in sweat, it’s sides heaving from exhaustion. The poor horse. Who knew what Kyle had done to it already. He was standing at the far end of the corral, whip uncoiled in his hand, with the horse as far away from him as it could get. Kyle’s way of breaking a horse was by breaking its spirit and that was if he didn’t kill the poor animal first. Lord Danner was not a man who cared for such abusive tactics, mainly because whip marks decreased the value of the animal but when he had been drinking, like now, he over looked Kyle’s heavy hand.  It gave Kyle full control to do whatever he willed and put a nervous fear in her. 
         “Ahh Amber. You’re here. “Lord Danner said, as she was pushed down to her knees in front of the platform.  With a wave of his hand, he signaled Amos away. She kept her head lowered to the ground, her insides twisting with sickness. She hated crowds and for good reason.
         “Our guest here...” Amber was allowed to look up to follow Lord Danner’s hand, as he indicated the impassive features of the man to his left. Lord De Prince wore no expression what so ever, he just stared at her with those penetrating eyes. A man, who hid his emotions so well, was indeed dangerous. “…has offered to pay a very high price for you.  “
         As she guessed, Lord Danner was drunk yet again, she was sure of it by the way he looked down at her with his blood shot eyes. By his slurred speech, there was no doubt in her mind that he had been drinking all night long and obviously started very early this morning.
         “Sell her. “ Lady Annette spat out. Sitting on the opposite side of Lord Danner, the young, dark haired women eyed Amber with an open look of contempt. “I don’t trust having this heathen scum always under foot. “
         “Excuse me? “ Lord De Prince broke in, drawing his eyes towards Lady Annette. Amber watched in amazement as Lady Annette’s ivory white skin flushed red.
         “Well come on Garret, look at her. “His eyes were directed back at Amber. “She’s filthy and she smells. The horses are better kept then her. “
         ” I must agree. “He remarked, causing Amber to drop her head. She was not going to let them make her feel ashamed. “But that is easily rectified. How a person looks is not how a person should be judged. “
         ” Oh please...” she remarked with a snobbish tilt to her chin. “ It’s her people who have raided every settlement from here to Border Town. They kill without remorse and have no conscience when they do it. Do not tell me you’re defending them? “
         ” And the Realm is just an innocent bystander? Do you forget a war has two sides? “Lord De Prince remarked with a cool disdain. “ Besides, the war have been over for years now. All that remains is a few pockets of rebellions that aren’t even worth mentioning. Its attitudes such as yours which has left mistrust lingering in those remaining Klerians who seek a better way by putting the past behind them. “
         ” Don’t get so defensive Garret. You act as if these savages are your people. You were born to privilege, despite your Klerian heritage. Your well educated, wealthy and are truly a symbol of what Klerians should aspire to. But you are the exception. These people will always be nothing more than savages. It’s just within their nature. The only use they have is to serve the realm as slaves. “
         While those around Lord De Prince weren’t aware of the hidden anger, Amber could feel it riveting from this man's very presence. You had to be Klerian to understand the hidden anger he was obviously feeling. ” As I said, war comes from two sides. I understand your fears Annette but it’s best not to make so many enemies in this day and age because those who seem to be the weakest one day just may prevail the next. “
         Now it was Lord Danner who broke out laughing. “Are you trying to say that the Klerians may one day rule over the realm? “
         There was a burst of laughter from everyone around them, except this Lord Garret. His gaze was that of a calculating, intelligent man. He was very slow and meticulous on how he answered.
         “All I am saying is that anything is possible and with all that is going on right now, it’s best to air on the side of caution. You know the old saying, “It’s best to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. “ “
         ” Indeed. “ Lord Danner said in a mocking tone, turning his attention to Amber. “Amber, tell this man just where Klerians belong. “
         Amber bit her tongue to keep from saying what she wanted to stay. She was very careful how she answered. “I belong where ever I am told that I belong sir. “
         ” You see Garret. Fine trained like an obedient dog. I hate to part with one I have groomed so well but all in all, horse sales haven’t been there best. She is a good hand but I’d make more money selling her rather than feeding and clothing her threw the upcoming winter. “          
There was a certain panic that rushed through Amber. Lord Danner was serious. After turning down hundreds of offers over the years he was excepting one now?
         “You have a new master Amber and so does that horse over there. “ Lord Danner said, nodding his head towards the corral. “Be prepared to leave when your new master orders it.”
         Amber’s mind was reeling but all she could say as she lowered her head again, bowing to him.
         ” Yes sir.” She said as she stood, turning towards the corral and Kyle’s angry stare. She took up the spare rope that was wound up on the post by the corral gate. She watched the horse pacing, trying to get an idea how she wanted to approach the wild beast. As she lifted the latch of the gate, she became very conscious of Kyle’s presence and that he uncoiled his whip.
         “We can’t make this to easy for you now can we? “He said as he drew his hand back to strike the horse. An old feeling returned to Amber so quick and sudden she didn’t have time to quall it before it took over her senses. She rushed at Kyle and with strength far beyond her size she grabbed him by the throat, squeezing the air out of him. Caught by surprise Kyle didn’t react right away, When he did he raised his free hand to strike her. She moved quickly grabbing his wrist and applied slight pressure to the right nerve forcing Kyle to his knees in pain.
         “You will never hurt another living animal again. “She hissed, her insides burning with open hatred. “I will squeeze the last breath from your lungs and then spit on your dead body. “
         He had no idea what she had said because she spoke in her native tongue. His face was turning red and the crowd had suddenly hushed. 
         “Amber! Release him now! “She vaguely heard Lord Danner’s voice in the background, like a splash of cold water she realized what she was doing. As quick as she had acted, she released him and stepped back quite a few feet. Staring at his gasping form, it began to come back to her about what she almost did. If Lord Danner hadn’t spoken, she would have killed Kyle. She didn’t doubt that. The consequence of such actions was certainly going to cost her, her life and there would be no one to contest it. Kyle was beyond anger now. She should not have done what she did. She should not have let the past rise up again.
She wasn’t sure what to do now. She looked towards Lord Danner who was on his feet. He was scowling when he nodded towards Kyle. She knew when Kyle picked up his whip Lord Danner was not going to stop him from using it on her. Lord Danner had protected her for long enough. Her actions warranted her to be punished and all she could do was hope that Kyle didn’t kill her. She dropped to her knees, turning her back to Kyle and waited for the strike to come.
         “Stop this now!” Lord De Prince yelled and Kyle hesitated. Amber looked up towards the platform, noting Lord De Prince was on his feet as well. 
         “Sit down Garret. “ Lord Danner demanded. “This doesn’t concern you. The girl will be punished by Realm laws. “
         ” She is my property and she is no use to me injured. After what that man was about to do to my property she should have killed him.
         ” There has been no payment exchanged. She is still my property. “Lord Danner spat back.
         “So be it. “ Lord de Prince said, pulling a small bag of coins from the loop of his belted pants, tossing the bag at Lord Danner. He caught it in mid air. “I think there is more than enough to compensate your slave master’s pride. “
         The gold pieces that Lord Danner poured out into his hand were enough to make even Amber’s mouth drop open in shock. There was enough money there to feed an entire house for over a year. Amber wasn’t sure if she should feel honored or offended that their wealth was wasted on such ridiculous things.
         “I am sorry Garret. Realm law rules here. “Lord Danner said, pocketing the money. Lord Danner nodded his head once again towards Kyle. “ She’s yours once her punishment is dealt with. “
         “I’ll teach you...” Kyle began to say and raised the whip to strike her. Everything that followed was a blur. There was a loud crash, a form went flying by her; a squeal of anger vibrated the air. The white horse charged at Kyle and there was nothing he could do to stop it. It reared up, striking him in the head with a hoof, knocking him to the ground. It continued to strike him until all that was left of Kyle was a bloody mass of an unmoving form. Then the horse bolted to the far side of the arena. Standing there, looking very defiant and proud of what he just did. The crowd, who had been screaming in horror a minute ago, was now silent with sickened astonishment. All Amber could think was that Kyle finally got what he deserved.
         Suddenly guards came from everywhere, moving into the arena keeping the horse at a distance while advancing on her. At their approach Amber dropped to her knees, expecting to be beaten to death then Lord De Prince yelled out. “She is not to be harmed. The man deserved everything he got. “
         The guards hesitated, looking towards Lord Danner for guidance. Amber half expected Lord Danner to ignore her new masters demands but instead raised a hand for the guards to stand down.
         “Get the horse out of there Amber and get out of my sight before I change my mind.” Lord Danner ordered her.          
         Amber didn’t waste any more time.  Kyle’s lifeless body was only an example of what this horse was trained to do and it reminded her she needed to be very careful and concentrate on how she was going to do this.
         The horse was instantly alert as if any second he was going to charge to attack any who approached him. She moved towards the pacing horse, slowly. It had managed to avoid her, staying as far away from her as it could from where she had been standing. She watched it, studied its movements, its postures, knowing when to still her step and when to advance. The horse saw what she was up to and slammed to a halt, stopped his nervous pacing, his body taunt with uncertainly. Large round eyes watched her as she eased around in front of him. His forelock covered one eye, his mane matted and tangled, his coat once white, now dingy gray and covered in a mixture of dust and mud. He snorted, his nostrils flared as he drank in her scent. When she got close, he squealed and bolted away towards the gate. He charged it from time to time but he was chased off by the guards beyond, snapping whips at him.
         “ Sh`hult! “ Amber yelled out in her native tongue. The command to halt brought the horse to an instant stand still. It turned and faced off with her again. This time it seemed more confused than fearful. Amber was taking a big risk. Klerian’s did not speak their native tongue, never in the company of realm society. But she couldn’t think about the consequences, just getting through to the panicked horse.
         “We`holten otta. “She spoke, commanding the horse to step forward and obey. The horse looked hesitant at first but slowly walked towards her. Amber glanced up towards the platform to note the reaction of those seated there and noticed Lord Garret had moved down to the arena wall, watching her intently. 
         The horse’s full attention was on her now. Its ears perked, its tongue licked its muzzle, his desire to bond was evident but his fear and uncertainty was stronger. She moved closer, slowly. One step at a time, halting each time the horse looked ready to bolt. Suddenly he charged towards her a few steps, his thick muscled neck arched, eyes filled with fury. He was calling her bluff but she stood her ground. He tossed his head in annoyance, sizing her up. She watched in detail, the veins that popped out under his sweaty skin, muscles so taunt she knew it was only a split second before he lunged at her again. The excitement of it had her fingers twitching with anticipation.
         A squeal of outrage riveted the air, teeth bared the animal lunged. The crowd gasped, for certain to see more blood spilled by this horse. She didn’t move or even flinch. The horse stopped only a few feet from her, teeth snapping hard in anger, his hoof pawing the ground. He was only giving her a chance to run but she didn’t She held her ground. Her deep blue eyes focused on his liquid brown depths, searching for any sign of the real animal below. She looked deep to see if he was worth the time to tame or if he was lost to his own wildness.
         The tension was leaving him; slowly his breathing was almost back to normal. And then, to everyone’s amazement the horses head lowered and he moved closer to her, his nose stretching towards her.
         “You must have been through a great deal to end up here. “She said quietly, in her native tongue. This horse seemed to long for a familiar sound, familiar touch. When he found himself trapped in a strange world, he seemed comforted by her voice, by the familiarity of the words and her appearance. Taken from all he knew, trembling in fear and anxiety, this horse looked for solace in the form of one he could trust. Never before had she witnessed that need so strong, as in this one. Then again, never had an animal like this one ever come through the gates into this land. It was a shame that this animal would be wasted on those who didn’t understand his true value. She used the rope in her hand to make a makeshift halter. He allowed her to put it on and followed alongside her without any resistance.

© Copyright 2011 T.M. Marie (horsesarefun at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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