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The story of the first prophet Adam through Islamic belief.
Friday, 20 May 2011.

Islam: A look at the prominent prophets.

Part One- Adam.

In Islam we know that there were over 1000 prophets sent to earth by Allah, all of them humans and male.

However, in the holy book named The Quran just 25 of them are named specifically and stories or a few details are given about their lives and the people of their times.

However, just 5 of these holy prophets are extremely infamous, due to their great deeds, misfortunes and triumphs.

These 5 islamic prophets are also heavily mentioned in the Christian Bible and Jewish scriptures, although the details given of their lifestyles and sayings vary as to what is told in The Holy Quran.

Here I shall re-tell these 5 prophets stories using my Islamic beliefs, adhering to what is told in The Holy Quran and also The Sunnah which is a book containing thousands of hadiths. These are things which the prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, had said in his lifetime, or true accounts of things he had said memorized by his faithful companions, the saha’bas.

The Prophet Adam, may peace be upon him.

Adam was the first human being created by Allah (God).

He was not the first thing created (i.e- the plants, earth, angels, jinn, e.t.c) in the world but this subject will be discussed solely at another time. 

So, Allah had made Adam and placed him in high regard. He was made from the earth’s dust which was mixed to form a clay; Allah then molded the shape of Adam and left him to dry before breathing life in to his blessed creation.

Adam was allowed to live in a most beautiful garden, not officially stated,  but believed to be within paradise (Jannah) itself.

When Adam was created Allah ordered all of the angels to bow down before Adam. There was at that time a jinn living amongst them named Iblis (Satan). He was a most clever jinn who was well experienced concerning life on earth as he had lived there amongst his fellow jinn race, before humans (i.e- Adam) were created.

Iblis (Satan), being very superior and God- fearing had been allowed to live with the Angels in Heaven (Jannah).

When hearing the order to bow before Adam he refused, as he believed that he was so inferior to himself.

Allah was angered and sent Iblis (Satan) to reside in Hell for the whole time that humans would live on earth, before the Judgement Day. So Iblis (Satan) declared that he would lead astray as many people as possible so they could join him in the hellfire.

Allah had told him that the most righteous and god- fearing people would only follow Allah himself and save themselves from that inevitable torture.

Hawaa (Eve) had also been created just prior to this event, by a rib taken from Adam and with clay formed around that.

Adam and Hawaa lived together in the beautiful garden, spending their days in happiness and purity.

One day, Iblis (Satan) arrived in the garden with the intention of leading them both astray.

There was a tree that grew fruit which Allah had decreed to be forbidden to Adam and Hawaa.

It is not known in what form he visited them in. However, it is known that Iblis (Satan) told them many lies about how they would become Angels and other things if they ate fruit from the tree.

Adam and Hawaa had unfortunetly believed those lies and ate fruit. They were both to blame. The two of them suddenly understood that they were naked and began scurrying around and covering themselves with leafs from trees. This is also when they became like humans as we know ourselves and were able to procrastinate, urinate, feel sad emotions, e.t.c.

Allah was very disappointed in them for he had pre warned them of Iblis (Satan) and his evil doings. But they had not recognised that evil and so were sent out of that beautiful garden to reside on earth.

Their progeny (the rest of mankind to come after them) were decreed to live their life on earth also, until the Judgement Day. 

The two of them were sent down, one on each tip of a mountain top near Mecca in Saudi Arabia, in the Middle East. Adam on the mountain top named Safa, and Hawaa on the top of the mountain named Marwa.

This is the main story of the first humans and the first prophet sent to earth, named Adam and his partner (wife) Hawaa, (Eve).

To continue your knowledge of Adam and his and Hawaa’s life on earth you may find helpful information through Islamic websites, found through the Google search engine.

You may also like to read about their two sons, Habeel and Qabeel, (Cain and Abel) to gain extra insight.

With peace and blessings.     

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