Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1780819-Snow-White
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1780819
Love poem - I do like certain love poems. Hope this is one you may enjoy.
I’d been living with a hole deep in my heart
A shadow overhead that blackened every day
I’d forgotten how to breathe
Forgotten how to live
Forgotten how to love

I built so many walls to guard my broken remains
I was impossible to break down:
Impenetrable and strong.
Or so I thought

My ‘front’ was humorous, likeable
Everyone bought it, ate it up and believed it was truly me:
The strong girl. Really it was a strong pretence fronting a fragile soul

I was secretly empty, sad and lonely
But you changed that, you changed me.
You were what I was seeking:
Hope and love.

At first I was so reluctant
Terrified to throw myself to the lions so to speak
But you eased me in, promising to break my walls and care for my weakened heart

I fell for you so quickly
The beauty and strength of your heart captivating me like a Boa Constrictor to its prey:
So powerfully

I couldn’t free myself from you
I wouldn’t want to

My love grew stronger and stronger
My stomach feels sick and empty when we’re apart
My head feels light and dizzy when we’re together.
You just complete me

You fill my entire being with fear
It runs through my veins,
An icy liquid awakening me from the dead coma I was in before I met you.
You brought me back to life

The goodness in you stuns me
The love in you awe’s me
Even your minor bad points fill me with a warm glow
And a feeling unlike any other

You touch me somewhere and I feel it everywhere
You smile at me and my body goes into shock
The smile that’s only for me
The smile that freed me from the lonely wreck I had been living.

I’ve been in love before, been through Cupid’s motions
But this is different
This is strong, undiluted mature love
It’s only you I want, no-one else. No cheating

We’re adults and this is adult love.

I’m bound by you, bound to you
You are my everything
You’re the melody in my heart and the sanity in my head

Your eyes set me on fire, burning a hole straight through me
You see me, you really see me
You noticed my pretence but knew I was in here somewhere

My words aren’t enough
You’re too important to me
You’re the life that I live
You’re every organ I have and every drop of blood I possess
You keep me breathing.

You rescued me; my big brown eyed heroine
I was sleeping through life
I was Snow White, sleeping through her pain, awoken by your kiss June 23rd 2009

No seven dwarfs
No glass coffin
Just you
Just your lips
Just your love

You saved me.
© Copyright 2011 Lauren Mc (laurenmc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1780819-Snow-White