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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1784664
A Poem From My Mind
With self destruction as an excuse
I walk the plains of purple haze and screaming grains of sand glowing fluorecently
Only to find my existence remaining numb
Knives no longer hold attraction
Blood only reminds me of what I am equipped to protect
False breath escapes me while purity floods my lungs

Please do not ever flee through the holes in my heart
I ask that you walk these plains with me
And one day lead me to the white mountain tops
I am not prepared to receed from this corpse filled land
But with you, I want to learn to swim
And float
So that we may drift away and witness my sins suffocate

Reach out to love
Heartless hearts do not exist
Only distraught and hungry minds

I want to see the waters
I want to hear the thunder
I want to sense my honest existence

You have allowed it a place to live in me
Expect anarchy of a once loyal servant my old friend

All I desire is the true aspiration to be the man I need to be
Please oh please!

The beauty and serenity of the darkness has ironically disappeared
As has my love for you
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