Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1787795-un-named-as-of-yet
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1787795
Vampire Story I am working on
          I open my eyes, my head is pounding, my neck aching. I just lay on whatever surface I'm on, trying to remember what is going on. . . Let's start with what I know. . . My name is Ravan Evanna Rosal, I am 17 years old. I stit up as I try to see where I'm at, the room is dark, that much I know right away. It's very cold and dark where I lay. I sit up slowly. I'm so tired. There is a guy, not an ugly one I might add, crouched next to me.
         "I was wondering when you was going to wake up Miss. Rosal. How are you feeling my luv?" The long, fair-haired boy. He couldn't be over 18 years old, and he didn't sound to be from anywhere familiar.
         "W-w-who are you?" I stutter alot when I'm frightened or confused. My voice cracks at an unusally high pitch.
         "Calm down luv. My name is Thorne Christof Mather. I'm not going to hurt you m'dear." He spoke in his soft, husky, voice. Hinted with his accent. His ashen hair had fallen in front of his face, yet you could still see his shockingly blue eyes, framed by thick, dark lashes. He leaned closer to me and said, "give me your hands. I'll help you up Ravan."
          I took his hands and he pulled my up, gently but swiftly. "Mr. Mather, how do you know me?"
         "I've known you many years. We wanted to marry. Ravan, your parents regected me and you ran off. I caught up to you and you begged me to. . . change you."
          "What do you mean? I do not know you! What do you mean you changed me?! I don't feel any different!" I shouted at him. Once I finished he stepped closer and kissed my lips quickly.
          "You mean you do not remember me? Oh Ravan! This is horrible! I love you, and you loved me. We're bound closer now than any marriage and you do not remember me? Ravan. . . You must promise to try to believe me what I tell you. Do you swear it?" He put his arms around me and held me close to him. He put his cheek against my hair and breathed deeply.
          "Thorne, I cannot promise or swear to anything that is positive. I can promise to try though." I tried to pull away but he help me tight.
          " I do suppose that is all I can ask for. You do need to know this, I would never lie to you." He paused to kiss the top of my head. "You are Ravan Evanna Rosal. You are 17 years old. We knew each other for 2 years, and from the start we got along better than anyone could hope to get along with another. I'm 21 and your parents never approved of me. When I asked for their permission to marry you they regected right away. They didn't want you to marry an artist and live a life of poverty, they didn't know my parents died and left behind an extreamly large inheritance, we would never be poor. But my parents died along time ago, I killed them, on accedent of course. I wasn't able to control my powers as well as I can now."
          'Wait, what powers are you talking about?" I interupt him to ask. He sounds aboslutely crazy.
          "Ravan, if you would wait, you would know by now. You are as impacient as always my luv. As I was saying. . . I'm a Vampyre. Not a normal one obviously, I don't kill for the fun of it, I only do when I have to. I'm not going to lie and say I don't like the more brutal kills, but I don't kill all the time, and I never waste a drop of blood. You're a vampyre too Ravan." He pauses and finally lets me go.
          "No. There's no such thing. . . Thorne, I believed you up until that point. No!" I shout even though I know it's true, I can see it in the sadness of his eyes, the feeling that is growing in my stomach. I don't want to belive it, it's too abnormal.
          "Ravan, please. You know that it is true. You feel an ache in your stomach and you feel it growing with each moment you wait. Please Believe me. Please Ravan." He steps closer, begging me, pleading with me. "Please Ravan."
         "Thorne. . . How can this be possible?" I stutter over every word, my mind going much too fast for my mouth.
         "Raven, it's a mutation that formed long ago, and has turned into an infection of which there is no cure, luv, it's much to difficult to explain as of right now, I'm so very sorry. If it was easy to explain I would, right now. But I cannot." He grabbed my hands, softly, stepping closer. "I love you, and I know that you're horribley confused, but we must go right now. I'd rather not be caught here in this mourge, carrying out a girl whom everyone thinks is dead. As you can imagine that wouldn't be a very good thing."
          I follow him out of the room we were in, I wasn't able to see too much,
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