Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1789143-Unwanted
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1789143
Her worst nightmare becomes a reality, she is all alone now.
Drop after drop of tears fall to the dirty wooden floor as the small child cries. She is alone now and for good. Everybody that she loved once is now gone, she was left behind. At first she couldn't believe it was true, would not even DARE imagine it being what had actually happened. However, as she searched her home, her deepest fears became reality, they had left her. All the bags that were packed for the move across the country were gone. There was not even a single furniture. Nothing. The house was empty and hollow. All the memories she grew up with were long gone from the state. How could they leave her? She had asked herself. It just couldn't be true! This all had to be a nightmare, a terrible, horrible nightmare she would wake up from and have here mamma next to her! Unfortunately, this was not the case because this in fact, was her reality. Her family had packed their bags, including hers, to move away. During the night, as she slept peacefully, they left without her. Everything other than the beds were loaded the day before so there was nothing else to take other than personal belongings. There was no other conclusion, they had purposely left her alone in a large, empty house. What made her angriest was the fact they made sure to take their DOG that they recently got rather than HER! Even all her packed-up clothes were there! Now tears of anger washed over the shaken girl's smooth cheeks for now that she was left behind like some unwanted trash, she would have no choice but to try to live on her own. All by herself, alone. However, as she looked out the window in her bedroom, she promised to herself she would succeed in life and then, after she becomes an adult with a living, she would take her sweet revenge.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1789143-Unwanted