Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1789690-Vampire-Knight
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1789690
it's a vampire and a mortal with a little twist

Maria Winstead laid in her bed with her accident ex-husband that was her husband again on Christmas Eve at her father’s house. And her accident husband was a real accident the first time. Maria slid out from under her husband’s arm and walked to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror not sure, if she could see her husband behind her or if he was behind her. Look at yourself she said to herself, you’ve never been the same since you married him. Maria splashed her face with warm water. She then dabbed her face with a towel and walked out of the bathroom. It was true she hadn’t been the same when she married him. She hadn’t been the same when she accidentally married the first time. She walked back into her room and got into her bed. She laid back down laying her head on his chest. She had remembered the day it happened. She had remembered how it all started as if it was yesterday.
She closed her eyes and picture the day she had moved out of her parents’ house. She moved out when she was twenty-one. She had decided to move out when her father was at work. Her father and she were best friends. And even though she had changed so many times over the years, her father loved her the way she was and thought of her as his best friend.
Maria and her best friend, Pauline, carried boxes out to the car, Maria’s car, even though Maria thought that she should wait for her father she didn’t. She didn’t want to deal with his tears all over her clothes. Maria put the last box in the truck of her car and handed Pauline the keys to start the car.
Maria turned around getting one last look at her home until Christmas Eve when she would come back and stay the night. Maria’s mother walked outside with Maria’s little brother, Teddy, and gave her a hug. Maria’s mother began to cry. While Teddy jumped around and did a little happy dance. After all, all little brothers love to see their older sister leave the house. Maria kiss Teddy bye then he quickly whipped it off. Maria giggled few times then got in her car with Pauline’s and her stuff.
The two girls would be living together at an apartment complex called, Green Leaf. It was a complex in Bountiful. However, poor Maria had no job. Pauline offered Maria to let her pay for apartment bill until she got a job. And that was the deal Pauline would pay until Maria got a job.
Maria drove into the parking lot of Green Leaf. She parked in front of the building she would be staying in. Maria and Pauline got out of the car, began to pull their things out, and began to load it into the apartment they would be leaving.
Maria looked at the house remembering that it was much cleaner last time than this time. Muddy footprints were everywhere. However, Pauline didn’t have a problem with it.
“This is horrible.” Maria said to Pauline as they both put there things down.
“Well¾I said I would pay for the apartment. Not the cleaning problems.” Pauline said walking into one of the bedrooms.
Pauline has been telling Maria weeks to try out the job she has. Pauline works at a club by the name Nightmare on 13th. This club use to be a haunted house during Halloween. However, they changed it so it was a club at night and at Halloween still a haunted house.
“Maria¾I still think you should think about working at the club. You get to work there during Halloween too.” Pauline continued.
“Pauline¾nothing you say will make me work there.”
“Not even if I told you that you get paid forty dollars an hour.” Pauline said convincing Maria.
Maria froze in the middle of her room that was a cross the hall from Pauline’s. Maria poked her head out of the doorway and said, “Repeat that?”
“I said, ‘not even if I told you that you get paid forty dollars an hour?’”
Maria bit her bottom lip. She thought of it as a still. However, she wanted to see what she would have to do there at the club just to get the money.
“I will come with you to work tonight,” She began. “You know just to see if it’s worth it.”
Pauline smiled knowing that it would work. Pauline looked at the mirror that was in her room hanging on the wall seeing it was cracked. She got up and looked in the mirror. Instead of worrying why it was cracked, she just looked at her very short hair thinking maybe she should highlight her hair. Pauline put her clothes in the closet already picked out her outfit for work tonight.
Maria began to roll out her air-matrices and began to pump it with the electronic pump. Maria looked around her room seeing boxes of her stuff. She had never owned any furniture of her own that she was able to bring with her. Pauline had bought all of her furniture last week with the money she got from the club. Maria never like working. However, she knew she had to work to get money for furniture, clothes, and food. But working wasn’t her thing. She never had to work hard in school and all her other friends had to. She made it seem so easy to be her while other felt like she was a lucky girl for not working so hard.
Maria however, knew her attitude would have to change to get to the place where would like to be when she starts dating. A big house, a family with at least two children and husband that knew everything about her. From the inside and out. If I could have that, much I would be happy. She told herself.

“Maria¾are you ready? Or are you a little apprehensive?” Pauline called teasing after an hour.
“Actually yes.” Maria said, slowly. Maria looked at herself in the mirror seeing her wearing something she never thought she would wear again. She was wearing a white shirt that had black smeared from her bleaching it, and rips all over the back. She turned to see her back. The rips, that were originally there, had been stretched from when she was little chunky, when she was thirteen. After that, she began to lose weight.
“You’re ready or are you apprehensive?” Pauline asked again, confused this time. Pauline never was able to figure out stuff easily especially when she had asked more than one question at a time.
“Both,” Maria said. “I don’t want people to see this.” She continued coming out of her bedroom showing Pauline the stretched shirt.
“Well¾” Pauline began trying to think of a nice way to put it. “Um…it’s not that bad.”
“Oh shut up Pauline! You are a terrible liar.” Maria took a deep breath. She thought it’s better to be calm. After all Pauline was trying to help her get a job by taking her to the club. “Let’s go. Maybe my nerves will calm as we get closer to the club.”
Pauline smiled. The two girls began to head out the door and to the car. Maria sat in her car letting Pauline drive for once. Maria closed her eyes and took a nap knowing she would be up until late tonight. But then she saw a man with an interesting look that she really couldn’t see. She saw pale skin on the man. She couldn’t see his face or his hair. Then he turned around and walked deeper into the shadows. She thought to herself who. Who was that man she saw? However, she’s never seen this man.


Maria opened her eyes to see that her car was parked in the parking lot of Nightmare on 13th. Lights flashed ready and open she got out of the car and began to head for the entries. She planed for a line in front of the club. There was no line, but there was guard in the front to check ID.
Maria walked up to the man seeing his nametag said HI I’M HOWE. Maria gave him smile and said, “Hi Howe.”
He gave her a glare and said, “Hi,” unhappy.
“Um…my friend is in there. Pauline, she works here.” Maria said. Maria began to feel a cold feeling. It wasn’t cold season yet. Yet she felt cold.
Howe smiled. “Yeah, she told me that you would be joining her. But I would need to see ID to make sure.” Maria pulled out her ID to show Howe. Howe looked at it with a smile. He pushed the door opened and let Maria in.
Maria slowly walked into the club. She felt this flash of coldness. She could feel the hairs on her arms stand. She had a bad feeling about this place. She began to walk down a dark and creepy hall. As she walked down, she began to hear music playing.
Maria began to enter the bar room. As she walked into, she saw four girls dancing on the bar to the music that was playing. One girl had short black hair that flipped up. She wore a miniskirt with a black tank top that had some type of white writing. Another with bronze like long hair with blue bangs. She wore a pair of skinny jeans with rips and a red belly shirt. Third, one away from the girl in black hair was a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail wearing a pair of skinny jeans with boots covering the bottom of her pants. Her boots were folded showing the fur inside her boots. She wore a belly shirt long sleeve. Last was Pauline.
Maria shook her head. She thought Pauline was crazy for allowing herself to come and work in this club. Maria sat down at the bar. Pauline jumped down from the bar and says, “Maria meet the crew.” The three girls jumped off the bar. “This is Dakota,” She said pointing at the girl with the black hair. “This is Angel and this is Summer.” She continued pointing at the girl with bronze hair first then to the girl with blonde hair.
A girl came from the back of the club. She had long curly red flesh hair that had a clip holding her bangs back of her head. She wore a black belly shirt and a miniskirt. Maria wonder who it was.
“Who are you? Unless you are here for an application for a job here, you better get out of my club.” The girl said.
“Roxxie,” Pauline began. “this is my friend Maria. You know the one I told you I was trying to apply here. She came early with me.”
Roxxie sneered at Maria trying to figure her out. Roxxie laughed. “You must forgive me. I almost lost this club once and I’m not losing it again.” Roxxie then turned to Pauline and the girl and began to talk to them. As she talked to them, Maria caught a glimpse of something sharp in Roxxie’s teeth. As Maria studied it, she thought may be…may be it was Roxxie’s teeth. She had a sharp tooth that made Maria jump more. Her hairs on her arm and neck began to stand up. She didn’t know why. She really didn’t.
Suddenly one of the girls caught Maria’s ear. “Do you think he is going to here again?”
“Angel, are you kidding? He is here everyday. He may be doesn’t drink that much but he is only here for Roxxie.” Pauline said.
“How do you know he is here for me?” Roxxie said.
“Because, Roxxie, he never stops looking at you.” Dakota said.
Maria wanted to know who they were talking about. However, people began to pile in. The club had open. Maria froze couldn’t move. Men and women crowded around the bar for a drink then went to another room. Maria sat at the bar froze. She couldn’t move. She didn’t know why. Maria turned her head seeing Dakota and Angel dancing the bar trying to get money out of the men that wanted them to show more than they were allow to. Maria shook her head knowing that she didn’t want to marry anyone that would do anything to see more than what the girls wanted to show.
Maria began to feel sick. Pauline put her hand on top of Maria’s hand said, “Go ahead and go home. I will ask Dakota to take me home.”
Maria smiled then began to leave. As she began to push people out of the way to get back to the entrance she began to feel better. She felt this feeling in her guts that she’s never felt before. She turned back around and sat back down in her seat that was still open. She down as Pauline gave her an odd look. Pauline knew not to ask questions that weren’t her business. However, as she got a few beers for some men, she looked up to see the man that had been coming only for Roxxie by the name of Jonathan Roth.
Jonathan, however, wasn’t coming for Roxxie. He had seem he was coming only for her because of their past. They had once dated. They had once lost it to each other. However, when the day came for him to pick a choice to do something. It went off. After his mistake, he had dreams of finding a princess who had a soft face and rosy red cheeks that went well with long blondish locks. It was a girl that looked pale and had the chance to choose her life.
Jonathan and his friends walked over to where they sat everyday. His best friend, Jonah, walked over to the bar and got them a few drinks. Even Jonah would get Jonathan a drink Jonathan wouldn’t touch it. He wouldn’t drink unless it was necessary. He was more of a smoker than a drinker. He never like the taste of Champaign, or beer. He was only into Velvet red blood whine. A whine that was made from blood. Once in a while, he would drink ordinary alcohol to make it seem that he was a normal person. He wouldn’t be a fawned of it.
Jonathan sat there as all his friends drank their beers. Jonathan turned to the bar looking around. As he looked around, he accidentally eyed Roxxie. He began to feel a lump in his throat thinking the day his accident happened.

Jonathan sat in his hot tub with Roxxie with her head in his neck. He had just found out she had been a creature that he never thought that would come into his life. Roxxie had been eyeing his neck for hours. He knew that she was feeling pain in her throat. He didn’t want her to suffer. Roxxie watched the vanes in his neck. He finally grabbed her hands and said:
“Roxxie¾Foxxie?” He began. “You love me, right?”
“Yes,” She answered, nervously. “It’s just I’m…” She trailed off.
“I know. You’re scared.” He placed his hand under Roxxie’s chin and pushed it up so he could see her eyes. “I’m giving you permission to bite me.”
“No, buts. I’m willing to let you out of your suffer.” He said.
Roxxie began to stroke his neck and whispered, “You are a true knight.” She then found a point on his neck and bit him. The pain. It was too hard to relive it. It wasn’t long after they broke up.

Jonathan opened his eyes. He continued to look around then saw Maria. Even though he didn’t know her name. He felt a feeling he hasn’t had since he was human. He quickly gripped his neck feeling a burn in his throat. He couldn’t smell any humans scent but hers. He breathed heavily. Suddenly Maria turned her head to him seeing him staring at her. He quickly got up and walked out. He knew he had to get out of there before it turned bad.
Maria wondered what that was all about. Pauline was surprise that he had taken his eyes off Roxxie. He had seemed that he had been looking at Roxxie however, he wasn’t.
“Who is that guy?” Maria asked Pauline.
“That’s Jonathan Roth. He’s a hunk, isn’t he?”
“I don’t know.” Maria said losing concentration. “Was he really looking at me?”
“Girl that boy was for sure looking at you. Unless he saw ghost behind you.” Pauline joked.

Maria looked back to where Jonathan was. She looked around seeing he had left. His friends had stayed looking a Maria. Maria looked around seeing this place was not as bad as she thought. Pauline stood in front of Maria holding application papers. Pauline gave Maria the papers. Maria stared at them thinking it wouldn’t be bad. Being around her best friend. Getting use to drinking. Trying out new shoes. It was a new experience.
But Maria only had two things on her mind. It was the man she thought of earlier and Jonathan. After thinking for a while she thought to herself she said, could it really be Jonathan who is the strange man?

Maria had gone home early feeling sick again. The truth was she was trying to figure out if Jonathan and the strange man was the same guy. However, she couldn’t Jonathan off her mind. There was something about him that she couldn’t shake off. Even she didn’t even know why. She didn’t know him. Maria rolled over looking at the papers that Pauline had given her.
Maria turned on a lamp and began to fill out the application. She didn’t even stop herself to make herself feel guilty. Maria knew it was crazy, however, the only way to get to know Jonathan was to get the job at the club. All she could think of was Jonathan. What was it about Jonathan that she saw that she didn’t even know. She didn’t see his eyes that well, his hair was long but it didn’t bother her. She put the application down, turned off the lamp and began to fall asleep.
As she fell asleep, she thought she was someone in her room. A person in the darkness. She shut her eyes ignoring the person for a moment. When she realized someone was in her room, she quickly sat up and opened her eyes. She saw no one. She could have sworn that someone was there. May be it was Jonathan. Jonathan began to come to her mind again. She laid her head back down onto the pillow and fell asleep thinking of him.

After Maria was fast a sleep, Jonathan walked to the side of Maria’s bed that was on the ground and kneeled down next to her. Jonathan swallowed as he felt his throat burned. He could smell her blood. Blood that smelt sweet and innocent. He didn’t want to hurt or get her in the same place like Roxxie had gotten him. He looked down seeing the application papers to the club. He picked them up and stood up. He then walked out of Maria’s room out the window.
As Jonathan walked down the streets, he looked at Maria’s application. He began to read things that he knew he shouldn’t read. However, he wondered what made her tick. He read:
AGE: 21

He scanned through it until he got to the part wear it said WHY YOU WANT THIS JOB. He looked at it surprised to see what it said:
1. I need the money. 2. To find my inner self. And 3. To see if I would find a knight.
A knight? Jonathan asked himself. He looked up thinking of throwing away the application. However, he had no guts to throw it away. He folded the application, put it in his back pocket, and got into his car. He turned on his car and drove home. Some how he couldn’t get her off his mind. It’s happening again, he thought to himself. I can’t go through this again. You can’t put Maria through this.
He then began to think of why he felt this way but he didn’t know. When he got home, he sat in front of his piano with his hands on the keys getting ready to play but he was thinking of Maria still trying to get her off his mind. He began to feel tears gather on the rim of his eyes. He wondered what was wrong with him. He slammed his hands down making the piano make a big bang, then going up to his room.
He sat in his king size bed all alone. He closed his eyes trying to get his thoughts to clear. Suddenly the doorbell rang. He got out of his bed and walked through his huge house. He walked over to his double-sided doors. He looked outside seeing his friend, Jonah. He rolled his eyes and opened the door.
“Jonah, what you doing here?” Jonathan asked.
“Well you just disappeared. What’s up?”
Jonathan pulled out Maria’s application and gave it to Jonah. Jonah read through it.
“Are you stalking someone?” Jonah said, confused.
“No¾this girl was at the bar. I…” Jonathan trailed off. “I think I know her.”
“Um…and you think this because…?” Jonah said trying to get answers out of Jonathan.
Jonathan walked into his billiard room and poured himself and Jonah a glass of Velvet red blood whine. Jonathan took a sip of his blood whine looking at a picture that he had asked Jonah to paint. The painting was a girl, the girl that Jonathan had dreamed about for weeks and months. He looked at the girl seeing she had similar features as Maria. Same hazel blue eyes with blondish hair. White skin that was pale. But he didn’t know if he could read her easily. The girl he dreamed of, he could read her mind and understand her body language than anyone she knew.
“Jonah¾” Jonathan began, slowly. “Is it possible that the girl I dreamed of and the Maria girl are the same girl?”
“Um…I think so.” Jonah said, unsure. “Why do you even feel for a mortal anyway. Mortals do nothing but cause…well…hell for us immortals.”
“Not this one.” Jonathan answered chugging his whine down. “I think it’s time Roxxie got this application. Let’s see if I’m that knight that she wants.” Jonathan then turned around putting his whine down and walked out to his car.

Next morning Maria woke up with the light shinning in her room. Maria walked into the kitchen and began to pour a bowl of cereal. While she poured milk into her cereal bowl, her phone began to ring. She walked back into her room seeing an unknown caller.
“Hello?” Maria said.
“Maria its Roxxie. I got your application and we would like to have you work for us.”
“Wait,” Maria began. She knew she hadn’t even turned in her application in. “How did you get my application? I don’t even remember giving it to you.”
“Oh¾well I still think you should work here. You start tonight. You must earn me four hundred dollars or I have to fire you.”
“Four hundred dollars!” Maria said. Suddenly the line went dead.
Maria shut her phone as she went back to her cereal bowl. She wondered how she was going to get four hundred dollars. Pauline came out yawning. Maria picked up her cereal then suddenly got it taken away from her. Maria held her hand out with nothing in it.
Maria looked at Pauline meanly and says, “You must be tired,”
“You got that right. Roxxie made me stay two hours more than usual. If only we had another person to work with us.” Pauline whined a little.
“About that…” Maria began then trailed off. “Roxxie just called. I got the job.”
Pauline sat on the couch stun. Maria watched Pauline drop the spoon in her hand then watched the spoon fall into the bowl and bounced out. “Are you cereal?” Pauline is one of those people who will talk childish. So they will similar to ordinary words but they have a different meaning.
“Yes I’m serious. She just called me like five minutes ago.”
“This is exciting! You and I working together!” Pauline exclaimed. “How much do you have to make for your assignment?”
Maria didn’t want to think of that, but her best friend had asked a question and she cannot leave with her friend holding out a question. “I have to make four hundred.”
“Four hundred!” Pauline said.
“Exactly what I said.” Maria agreeing with her friend.
“That’s half what I had to make. I had to make eight hundred dollars.” Pauline began with an angry face. “Roxxie is getting back me back for being late last week.” Pauline placed her arms across her chest.
Maria left it at that. She walked back to her bedroom not caring for her stomach that was growling and now wasn’t. Maria lay on her bed wondering how those papers got to Roxxie’s office. She wondered if the figure she saw in the darkness. Maria closed her eyes trying to remember what that person looked like. Even though she tried so hard to bring the memory of the person in her room back, she couldn’t it was as if he was erased out of her mind.
Then her mind went blank. It was as if her mind had no memories. She tried to dream of her past when she was little, but nothing.

Maria opened her eyes. To Maria it had seemed that she had kept her eyes shut for only a moment. To the sun, which had gone down, it’s been hours. Maria walked out of her bedroom seeing Pauline getting ready for work. Pauline was putting her hair up in a bun.
Pauline looked at me and said, “Maria get ready. We have to be at work in one hour. And with the time you take to do your hair we could be late.” Pauline realize that Maria was in her owe world at the time.
Maria suddenly could see Jonathan behind Pauline. Jonathan raised one his bushy eyebrow. Maria stand there breathing hard wondering how Pauline didn’t see him. Maria began to lift her hand to point out that Jonathan was behind Pauline.
Pauline turned around seeing no one was behind her. She looked back at Maria, “No one’s there,” Pauline said. “Ok maybe you been sleeping too much. Get ready for work.”
Maria walked back into her bedroom and began to get dressed. Maria looked into the mirror and said, “I saw him. I saw Jonathan there. How is it he is gone?” Maria stand there looking at herself not knowing that Jonathan was behind her watching her. Maria could feel this feeling that he was behind her. She turned around to see no one.

Maria and Pauline got to the club an hour later. Maria looked behind her still feeling that feeling that someone was watching her. Maria walked behind the bar. Maria still felt that feeling yet no one was watching her.
“Here come the people!” Howe shouted from outside to the girls. Angel, Dakota, and Summer smiled.
“I hope he comes,” Dakota said. “He is so hot! H.O.T. Hot!”
“He’s maybe hot, but is he worth fighting for when we got Roxxie to worry about.” Angel said.
Maria knew who they were talking about. Jonathan. Maria had to admit that she couldn’t get Jonathan off her mind. As she cleaned the left over cups under the counter, Jonathan walked in with his friends. Maria legs began to feel numbed and began to tremble. Maria began feel a lump in her throat that made it hard for her to swallow.
As Jonathan passed Maria, he turned his head toward her and gave her one of his cricked smiles. But he deeply was trying to hide the fact that his throat was burning. Even though there was so many girls with blood that so sweet. But Jonathan can only smell Maria’s fresh sweet flesh blood.
“Maria you need to get out of your fantasy and back to work. You need four-hundred dollars or fired.” Roxxie shouted in the back.
Maria got out of the fantasy and worried about how to get the four hundred dollars. She couldn’t think of anything. Suddenly Pauline pat on Maria’s shoulder.
“Girl are you still thinking about that four-hundred dollars?”
“Yes,” Maria said. “It’s impossible.”
“No it isn’t.” Pauline said with a smile. “If you do what I did, you will get the money within an hour.”
“What did you do?” Maria asked.
“Ooh! Can I tell her?” Summer asked.
“Sure why not?” Pauline said as she walked over to a customer.
Summer pulled up a stool and said, “It was about a year ago. Her assignment was to make eight-hundred dollars. It was impossible to get that money unless you did; A. asking every person to have twenty shots with you, or B. betting yourself for the whole day to a person.” Summer took a sip of her beer then continued, “Pauline wasn’t a drinker back then so she bet herself out for the men. I then announced to all the men, ‘boys there’s a woman here and she hot and single’”
“Who won her?” Maria asked.
Summer pointed at one of the men in the Jonathan’s group of friends. Summer was pointing to Jonah. Even though Maria didn’t know his name, she was surprised that Pauline would even spend a day with him. He was a gangster. Pauline wasn’t into gangsters. However, the point of betting was to see who got a higher betting.
Summer smiled at Pauline. Pauline raised one eyebrow then pulled out a microphone. Maria turned around wondering what she was doing. Pauline turned on the microphone and began to announce something.
“Hey boys out there! Do you need a hot young twenty-one year-old woman?” Pauline announced. “Well I got you one right here. Betting starts at ten dollars.”
Summer pulled Maria out of the stool and pushed her onto the bar. Maria froze. When she saw Jonathan was looking at her, her legs began to get numb again and shake. Summer showed off Maria trying to get the bets to come in.
Out of nowhere, “Ten dollars!” Jonah said. Jonathan hit his shoulder wanting Maria all to himself. However, he could spit the words out.
“Twenty dollars!” Another one of Jonathan’s friends said. Jonathan sneered.
“Thirty dollars!” Another one of his friends said.
Suddenly from outside Howe shouted, “ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!” Maria’s legs began to stop shaking, but the numbness was still there.
Jonathan began to get an angrier. He didn’t like the fact that men were betting on Maria. He didn’t know why he felt this way. He didn’t know that much about her. All he knew was that she was twenty-one, single, and she was looking for a knight shinning armor.
“Two hundred!” Jonah shouted.
“Two twenty!” Howe shouted.
Jonathan began to feel the anger to stronger. “Three hundred dollars! And if she does a drink off with me I will raise it up to six hundred dollars!”
Maria looked at Pauline. Pauline smiled and gave her thumbs up.
“If you raise it up to eight hundred you can take her home!” Roxxie shouted to Jonathan.
“You got a deal!” Jonathan said.
Maria jumped off the bar as Jonathan began to head up to the bar. He pulled out his wallet and pulled out eight one hundred bills. He handed the bills to Maria. As she slowly gripped the bills, her legs began to shake again.
“Jonathan how many shots do you want the race to be?” Pauline asked Jonathan.
Jonathan continued to look into Maria’s eyes and said, “Twenty each round its tie. We each get ten.” without taking his eyes off of Maria’s.
Maria smiled as Jonathan slowly let go of the bills. Maria turned around and gave Roxxie the money. Roxxie smiled and pat Maria on the back.
Pauline pulled out twenty shot glasses and put them in two rolls. She then filled them up. Maria and Jonathan walked over to where the shot glasses were. Jonathan and Maria looked at each other. Pauline grabbed a timer then said, “Begin!” The two quickly grabbed one-shot glass at a time and drank it. They both went fast and finished at the same time. Pauline filled them up again. The two began again finishing at the same time once again. Maria legs had finally stopped shaking and she could feel them again. However, she began to act weird. She was for sure drunk. Pauline filled them up one more time. The two began to drink again only this time they only could drink three shots.
After an hour after Jonathan and Maria had, their drink off them had left. Pauline didn’t like where the path that Maria was taking was going. Roxxie laughed and said, “Man! I haven’t been this rich since I dated that butt.” Roxxie then counted the money over and over again.
“Do you even care that the fact she could get hurt and it will be on your head?” Pauline said.
“Trust me he won’t hurt her.” Roxxie said with a smile.

Maria opened her eyes. I was blurry at first as she tried to focus them. As she slowly sat up, she felt for her phone. She pushed one of the buttons on the side to show the date. The date was September 5. She head recalled that yesterday was September 4. She looked at the time 10:00 P.M. She had wondered how she slept for almost twenty-four hours. She felt a breeze of cold air. She then felt for he clothes trying to ignore the fact her head hurt more than anything she had before.
Maria found her clothes and put them on. As she put her clothes on, she realized that she didn’t have any of her clothes on. She didn’t like where this idea was going. She didn’t want to know where it was going. She turned on the lights seeing that she wasn’t even in her owe room.
In the room was a king size bed that was messed up from top to bottom. The room smelt like a gym locker. However, the room was beautiful. The room had flannel carpet. It was very soft and a pretty light brown color. There was a double-sided door to go to the balcony. Maria walked to the balcony seeing the biggest balcony she saw. She walked back in and saw a path to the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom seeing a master shower, a bathtub that was a big as a hot tub. The closet was about five feet long.
As Maria looked around the bathroom, she began to hear a piano play a soft melody. Maria followed the melody and walked out of the room. She could hear it coming from downstairs. Maria listened for a moment. It was a melody she’s never heard before. She slowly walked down the steps trying to see who it was. She tiptoed into the dinning room seeing a person with long hair.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. She quickly ran upstairs before the piano stopped playing she watched to see it was from upstairs. As the person walked into the floorer she saw it was Jonathan. Jonathan opened the door to his friend Joan. Maria, however, wondered who it was. She recognized him. It was the man that had won the betting for Pauline.
She listened closely what they were saying starting with Jonah. “So where is she?”
“Where’s who?” Jonathan asked.
“You know that Marley girl,”
“It’s Maria and I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know? You just called me like at two A.M. this morning and told me you just made out with her.”
“I did?” Jonathan said grabbing a drink of his velvet red blood wine.
“Yeah,” Jonah said. “You must have been that drunk. Anyhow she is a hottie for a girl who drank the same amount as you.”
“How much did I drink?”
“If you really need to ask you were that drunk.”
“I must have more than twenty of them.” Jonathan paused. “Anyhow…”
“Ssh!” Jonah said. “I think she’s up.”
The two men walked out of the room they were in, walked into the floorer, and looked up to see Maria sitting at the railing.
“Well¾I wonder how much she heard. I will let you Jonathan you have fun with your new girlfriend.” Jonah had walked out the door.
It was silent. An awkward silent. Maria wanted say something. More like ask something. Why was she at Jonathan’s house? How did she get to Jonathan’s house? As the awkward silent continued, Maria remembered what Jonathan’s friend had said to Jonathan. ‘You just called me like at two A.M. this morning and told me just made out with her.’
Maria gasped. She knew that Jonathan and she did more than just makeout.
“What is it?” Jonathan asked knowing something is wrong.
Maria slowly walked down the stairs and said, “We did more than just makeout,” She began to shake. Her legs numbed up and began to shake.
“I know we got married.”
Maria dropped her mouth. “What?!”
Jonathan pulled out at paper from his back pocket and handed it to Maria. It was a marriage papers. It had both Jonathan and Maria’s signatures. They were married. Maria looked at her left hand seeing a ring on the ring finger.
“What should we do?” He asked her giving her the first opportunity.
“I don’t know. I think the more appropriate thing to do is call and get a divorce.”
“Ok, I will call for the papers. If you want you can go take a shower or a bath.”
Maria nodded and went back up the bedroom.

Maria sat in the bathtub as the jets hit her back. She thought of how much trouble she could’ve gotten into. But all of it was in raveled in a moment. She had gone off and got married with a guy she didn’t know that well and she had done the one thing that she would’ve done if she were drunk or truly in love with him. However, she wasn’t in love with him. You’re not in love with him. She told herself repeatedly. But was no use. Her brain told her something else. You know that’s a lie. You like him. Why do think your legs go numb when you see him and they begin to shake. She had to admit to herself that it was true that she maybe had a small crush on him. But she wanted to know him more.
She got out the bath, got dressed, and walked downstairs. As she walked downstairs she over heard Jonathan yell, “We can’t wait six days we need them by tomorrow night.”
Maria slowly walked in as he continued, “Fine if that’s the best you can do. Bye.”
Jonathan turned around. As he turned around, he saw Maria. His throat began to burn again. He felt like he couldn’t hold himself back. He wanted to walk up to her and hold her hand. However, that would have been inappropriate.
“What did they say?” Maria asked.
“Um…They said that if we want it to come at night then it will take six days.”
“Why must it come at night?”
“Um…” Jonathan hesitated. “Because…because my job deals with me working at night and I sleep during the day.”
“That makes sense.” Maria agreed. “Well I guess I should get back to work.” Maria turned and began to head to the door.
“Do you think that’s such a good idea?” Jonathan said. “I mean you left work with no ring and going back to work with a ring can give you a bad impression.”
“I’ll just take it off.” Maria said trying to take off the ring. “I…I can get it off.” Maria pulled and pulled off the ring however, it would not move. Not an inch. “It won’t come off.”
“That’s because it’s a special ring. See it only will come off if we get a divorce.”
Maria dropped her mouth. “So you gave me a ring that won’t come off unless we sign papers saying we are divorce?” It was quiet for a moment. “What kind of man does that?”
“A drunk one. Now you can leave and let everyone think you are a slut or you can pretend you are missing for six days. Pick your pick.”
Maria didn’t want either one. She didn’t want people to think she was married or a slut. She didn’t want to pretend to be missing. She didn’t want to be in the same room with a guy she didn’t know that well. “Fine. But I’m not going to be nice for the next six days.”
“Fine by me.” Jonathan said walking to the piano and began to play a horror, scary tone.
Maria walked to the back sat outside with the backlight on. Maria sat there looking at the ring. The ring was huge. It looked like that it had three large diamonds staked onto each other. However, it was one big diamond. She sat there moving it back and forth. Then she realized that it moved. She sat there tried again to pull it off. However, it wouldn’t budge. It would only move side to side.
The ring diamond flickered in the moon light. Maria stood up and realized that the moon light was pointing in one area. Maria closed her eyes remembering what her father said about the moon shinning in one area.
Remember the moon will point in to a place where you will meet your first love. The moon is known as the love guider.
She opened her eyes. She feared to get up and walk over where the moon was pointing at.
Maria stood up seeing a wooden swing on the grass. She walked over to it and laid on it. She slowly closed her eyes bring back memories that she should for get because she was drunk. But she remembered them.
Her running off with Jonathan getting married. Then they drove all the way back up to his house and made out on his bed. She wanted the nightmare to end. Suddenly someone woke her up. Maria opened her eyes to see an old soft face lady.
Maria looked at her. She had snow like hair, a dress with flowers all over it, a cane, and skin that looked very soft.
“Hello young lady,” The old woman said in a tired voice. She coughed. “What you doing outside of Mr. Roth’s house? I’m surprised that he didn’t kick you off his property.”
“You know Jonathan?” Maria said.
“That cranky young man? Yes¾he is odd. That man never comes outside. Well¾at least not anymore. C’mon in. We don’t want Mr. Roth hearing what we say about him.” The old lady began to walk over to the house next to Jonathan’s house. Maria followed.
The old lady began to walk up the rock steps in front of her house. One of the rocks came out of slot and almost made the old lade fall. Maria caught the old lady. The lady turned around and said, “Thank you.” The old continued on up the steps and opened the door. Maria walked in seeing a small old house. Wallpaper that was old that had flowers all over it. On the walls there were pictures of the old lady and an old Gentleman.
“Is this your husband?” Maria asked the old lady.
“Sadly no. I’ve never been married. Or at least married with true love.” The old lady said. “That’s Old Man Mr. Roth.”
“Jonathan’s dad?” Maria quickly asked.
“No¾that’s his dad that took him in. Jonathan was abused in his life by his real father. Old Man Mr. Roth took him in as his owe. That poor old man. He was a very good man. That was until he was murdered.”
“Who¾who murdered him?” Maria said turning around to the old lady.
“No one knows. I was there when it happened.” The old lady sat down. “She had curly long red hair, sharp teeth, and the most scariest green and yellow eyes that I ever had seen. I almost lost my life that day. But Old man Mr. Roth saved me. I truly love that man.”
“How long ago was it?” Maria asked.
“Lets see. Mr. Roth was about ten and now is twenty-one about eleven years old. Old man Mr. Roth signed a paper saying all the money goes to Mr. Roth while I take care of him.”
The old lady seemed to be sad now. She seemed like that she didn’t like talking about Old Man Mr. Roth. “I truly loved him. He was my only love.” She continued. “Why am I telling you all of this? You probably don’t care. After all who cares about an old lady’s story?”
“I do. Its very interesting.” Maria said. “What your name?”
“Rosemary. Rosemary Anklet.” The old lady smiled. “What about you young lady?”
“Maria Winstead.”
“Awe! What a pretty name that is. Maria. No wonder why Mr. Roth Married you.” Maria smiled at Rosemary blushing a little. “Well you should go to your husband. And if you ever feel like you need to talk I’m here always.”
Maria nodded and headed back to Jonathan’s house.
Maria thought of how Jonathan was abused when he was a child. He didn’t have leftover burses or cuts. He didn’t seem like he had been abused in his past. However, he didn’t have pictures of his family from back then. Maria thought of it more realizing that he didn’t have pictures at all. No pictures of his past family. None of Old Man Mr. Roth. None of his past girlfriends. None of himself. She wondered if there was a secret. Was there a secret?

© Copyright 2011 Vamperella (cassygal.0104 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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