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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1793230
This is part two of the Saving Melody Trilogy, from Derick's point of view. Enjoy!
I gently placed her lifeless body back on the hospital bed. The monitors that were connected to her quit beeping. I had done all I could to save her. I failed. I couldn't save Melody. Her usually tan body had already gone pale and her long, jet black hair framed her face and covered her slim sholders. I just couldn't believe she was gone. The one girl I truely loved. The doctors that had been swarming the room were still with bowed heads. Why had I let this happen to her? Then I remembered.

"Daren." I said out loud. I knew I couldn't let him get away with this. With murdering my Melody. His alcohol had gotten in the way of his life. I remember when Melody and I were in third grade. We were just friends at the time, but I secretly had a crush on her. We would always walk out of school together and wait for our parent's car to pull into the parking lot. She would always have some great story about her and her dad's wonderful adventures. Sometimes they would go to the zoo or spend the weekend camping by the lake. She had loved her father with all her heart. Untill alcohol had taken over. Daren had gotten a new job with a big company. He had started drinking to be social, but it escalated untill it was out of control. I hated that man.

I walked up the familiar stone steps and came to the heavy door. It opened with ease. I walked in to find the same broken, bloody glass strewn all over the living room. He was sitting up against the back wall. He was holding a half empty brown bottle and was giggling to himself. At this point my anger boiled over. I was filled with complete fury. He looked up as I stepped further into the room. My face was bright red and I clenched my fists at my sides. His stupid smile faded away. "Who are you?" He asked. He should have known who I was considering that I was at his house so much. This infuriated me even more. "I'm your worst nightmare." I replied.

"G-go away." He slurred not only because of the fact that he was drunk, but also from pure fear. My muscles tensed at the sound of his horrible voice. "You killed my Melody!" I yelled at the drunken man. I glanced around the room. I noticed the broken lamp and Melody's blood puddled up on the other side of the tan couch. Pain and heartbreak flowed through my body as the memory of the terrible scene I had walked in on only a few hours earlier flashed through my mind. I took a step towards my love's murderer. He wimpered and pressed himself against the wall. He knew he was big, but I was strong and fast. "Melody's death will not go unpunished." I whispered.

My ferocity rose to uncontrolable levels. I glanced around the room again. I noticed the large fireplace on the other side of the room. I walked over to it, stepping over Daren and all of the bloody glass. The mantle was filled with framed pictures. To the left was Melody's sixth grade school portrait. There were a few random snapshots of Melody as a child next to a family picture of Daren, Melody, and Ellie, Melody's mother who had been gone on a business trip for the past month. The picture on the right was of Daren with little Melody sitting on his sholders at the entrance of the zoo. I picked up the photo. It was framed in a dark wooden frame and was slighty dusty.

"This is what you gave up!" I yelled at the man slumped against the wall. "She was the only daughter you had and you killed her!" I flung the picture at him. It bounced off of him and the glass shattered as it hit the floor. I turned to face the fireplace. He was to repulsive to look at. I noticed the pictures of Melody again. Her beautiful eyes stared back at me from the mantle. My anger ascended beyond control. I grabbed the sharpest object i could find, which was the fire poker that came out of the holder nearby, and turned to face him. He was still clinging to his now empty bottle. I came over to him and jerked the bottle from his grasp. "This is what caused everything to go wrong!" I yelled. I threw the bottle as hard as I could. It smashed into a wall and shattered. "Hey! I wasn't done with that!" He yelled. I threw him on his back. He had made me angry beyond control. I placed my foot on his chest and pointed my weapon at him. "You are the stupidest man that I have ever met!" I screamed. I shoved the fire poker into his body. It was placed in the center of his neck. Blood shot from him all over the walls and the floor. He gurgled and spit up blood. After a few moments he went limp. "What have I done!?" I yelled out even though noone was around to hear me. I fell to my knees beside the lifeless body of Daren Sargent.

"I have to get rid of him!" I whispered. I knew talking to myself wouldn't do much good, but it helped break the silence. I had to go over my options. Should I bury him? Or burn him? Maybe I could chop him up? I couldn't bare to think of all the blood and gore that was to be involved in that one. My head was spinning from all of my options and emotions. I was still on the floor by Daren's body. The pool of blood had grown and I was now covered in it. I stood up. The fire poker was still sticking out of his neck. I came closer and grabbed it. With all my force, I pulled backwards and jerked it out of his neck. His body rolled over and spilled out more blood. I was covered in it. "I've got it!" I shouted out. I had solved my problem of the disposal. I was going to put him in the lake.

I drug Daren's body over to the large decorative rug. He was extremly large, but managable. I rolled him over untill he was wrapped up tightly in the rug. I was hoping this would make it less obvious that he was a dead body. I dragged him towards the door. I didn't open it, but i peeked through the window nearby. It was already dark outside. I opened the door with a creak. His body seemed to be getting heavier and heavier as I dragged him to the truck and finally placed him in the back. It looked like I was simply hauling a rug. I was ready to go. There was just one problem. My parents. They were usually O.K. With me staying out late, but i was nervous. I would just have to take the risk. Maybe I could think of a lie before I made it home. I slid into the drivers seat and started the truck after three tries. I flipped on the headlights and slowly backed out of the driveway onto the street.

The drive to the lake was about an hour long. To me it felt like an eternity. Every time someone came by in the other direction I would cringe thinking it would be a cop and I was about to be sent to jail for life. I finally reached the lake and pulled around and backed up to the edge. I opened the tailgate and slid him out. I had to pick him up. I gathered all of my strength and took in a sharp deep breath. I lifted him by the two ends of the carpet and started swinging him back and forth, attempting to gather some momentum. I finally released him, and he sail through the air and landed in the lake with a splash. The rug helped him find his way to the bottom. I stood there for a moment, remembering Melody and all the terrible things that Daren had done to her, then I got back into the truck and started my drive back, thinking of an excuse for my late return. I parked the vehicle in Daren's driveway and then made my way down the street on foot. When I returned home, my mother greeted me at the door. "Where have you been?" She asked.

"I was taking care of a very sick man." I replied with a sly smile on my face. I walked up to my room in silence.

© Copyright 2011 Scarlett Secret (dani95 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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