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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1799758
A short story about the only survivor to a plane crash
Fin Howell. He was just an average guy, growing up in D.C. with his father, his sister and his brother. When he turned 19, he moved to San Diego, California, where he worked as a detective. 2 years later, he got a call from his siter, in Virginia, that they're father was very sick. He boardead a plane to virginia to spend some time there.
"So, what bring you to Virginia?"
The passanger beside Fin asked. She was an older woman, in her 80's at least. Fin looked at her and smiled politely.
"My sister. I'm visiting my sister."
He told her. She nodded.
"How lovely. You came all the way from California to be with family. That's just the sweetest thing."
She said. Fin thought about his family. Him and his sister had been really good friends, but he never really got along with his brother. He was glad that Eric, his brother, was in Paris, France. Fin would get a chance to talk with Sarah, his sister, before Eric arrived, if he was even coming. The plane was lowering onto the runway, just before it hit. Fin began to feel strange.
"Excuse me."
He said as he left his seat and ran to the bathroom. One of the flight attendants tried to stop him, but there was an insanely loud booming affect, followed by a blast throughout the plane, and the entire back splitting off and falling. The front of the plane, where dozens of people were began ripped out from where the back was now missing, tilted down and crashed into the ground, destroying a large portion of the runway. After a few minutes, Fin awoke inside of the plane, which was now a mile underground. The edge just barely stuck out.
"Oh shit."
Fin mumbled as he struggled to stand up. He was wedged between the back of the bathroom door, and a seat that had fallen. It was clamped onto his leg. The plane was lying vertically in the ground.
"Ah, freaking shit!"
He shouted. He placed his hands behind the seat and pushed as hard as he could, creating just enough leverage for him to pull his leg out, but the sudden motion sent him falling back and slamming into the door to the pilot's cabin. It remained closed, but the window was cracked.
"Ah, crap. Hey! Is anyone there?"
He called out. He tried to stand, but his leg was badly hurt from the seat that had fallen on him. He looked up, out of the plane. The air was tan and thick with dust. Everyone else around the plane was dead. The only sound was a loud creack just above him. He stared at the opened door to the bathroom, which was bending back further than normal. The seat on it was creating to much weight. I looked over at the cabin door. I twisted the handle and pushed, but the door wouldn't open. Another creak from the door caused Fin to look back up at it, and a hinge broke off. The door was about to break, and the seat would fall and crush Fin. He wasn't able to move out of the way, but he figured if he could get into the cabin the seat wouldn't crush him. He lifted his shoulder and slammed into the door, sending it flying open. Fin held onto the handle as he dangled above the dead pilots. The windows to the front of the plane were smashed, and soil had piled into the plane. Water was also sripping in fron the side window. Fin looked up as the other hinge flew of the door, sending it falling and hitting the open door to the cabin, blocking the exit and making the cabin completely dark. A loud thud echoed throughout the plane. Fin took a deep breath, and then let go of the handle, falling to the ground and twisting his foot.
"GOD DAMNIT!" He screamed, holding his foot. He laid with his back against the co-pilot's chair. The room was dark, and it smelled like manure to Fin, but he held on. He waited there, hoping help would come. Eventually he fell asleep. When he woke again, he woke to water filling his nostrils. He lifted his head and blew out, but he couldn't believe his eyes. The water that had been slowly dripping into the plane, was now dripping at a fast, constant pace. It had already filled up to the pilot's seats. Fin sat up and looked around. The door to the cabin still hung down, just far enough for Fin to not be able to reach it. He looked at his legs. one was crushed and bruised badly, the other was bent in a way that it wasn't supposed to bend. Fin knew he wouldn't be able to stand, but then he though about everything he could see. If the cabin was so dark, how could he see the details of his legs? He looked around for any source of light, when he saw that the door that had fallen and trapped Fin inside of the pilot's cabin, had a small window, and that window had cracked. Light was streaming in, but it was slightly cut off by the seat that had fallen on top of it. Fin cursed under his breath and looked around for any way to lift the door and set him free. There was a fire extinguisher on the wall, but it was on the other side of the cabin, and Fin wouldn't be able to reach it unless he crawled to it, which wasn't an option. Fin took a deep breath, and then a tear ran down his cheek. He shifted to the left slightly, so that his back was against the wall, and he fell back asleep. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he could tell he needed to get out, soon. His breathing became heavy, and he was struggling to get air. Water had filled up to his lower ribs. He shook his head and tried to focus. He looked around, for anything that might give him just a chance at surviving, when the fire extinguisher caught his eye. He figured he could float in the water over to it. He laid down and let go of his body, but gave a small push off the wall. He floated to the other side, where he grabbed the fire extinguisher, and pushed back to his original position. He didn't know exactly what he could do with it, but he knew it would help. He took the hoze out, which was only about a foot long, but he tried to throw it at the cabin door to catch it and climb up. After many failed attempts, the water was up to his shoulders. He looked at the water coming in, and it was now nearly a steady stream. He pointed the nozzle of the fire extinguisher at the opening where the water was coming in, and held the trigger, blowing freezing cold foam onto onto the stream. It began to slow, and eventually froze over, but now the water was much colder than before. Fin shook his head again, clearing it, and took a chance with his legs. He tried to stand on the bent one, and he got to his knee, but it snapped sideways and bone stuck out of the side of his leg. Fin screamed and screamed, until he couldn't breath anymore. He coughed, and began taking slow, steady breathes. He stood on his other leg, and insane pain ran through his body, forcing Fin to cry it out, but he stood up, balancing on one leg, and grabbed the door. He pulled himself up and sat on the handle, causing the door to bend, but Fin wasted no time in pushing against the broken door that sealed his path. He lifted it, barely, and sir flooded in. He sniffed in deep and blew it out slowly through his lips. He pushed the door back, creating a small clearing large enough for him the crawl out. He pulled himself up with all the upper body strength he could mustter, with andrenaline kicking in. He laid down, just outside of the cabin door, and breathed. Long, steady breaths. He blocked the sun from his eyes with his arm, and stared at his legs. His left foot was completely sideways, with the bone sticking out the other end. His other foot was thin and bloody. He fell asleep on the wall next to the cabin entrance, where he slept until the sky grew dark. He raised his back and sat up. He noticed a bottle of water, sticking out of an empty cart, lying just beside him. He ripped of the top and engulfed the water into his dry mouth. It felt like days since he'd had something to drink. He sat there until morning came again, when he awoke to a voice.
"Hello! Can anyone hear me!"
Fin shot his head up. He could hear a human voice. He laid back and looked up at the opening in the top of the plane.
"You there! We've come to rescue you! Take this rope!"
The man shouted. He threw down a long rope that fell to the ground, and lightly clashed against the siding. Fin crawled to it and held on tight.
"I've got it!"
Fin shouted. A creak boomed throughout the plane, and Fin looked up and a seat that had just fallen down. He looked back at his empty hands, and at the empty opening to the plane, which was still dark. Fin was confused.
But, but he wa juss there?"
He said to himself. He was slurring his speech.
"No, no he wu'nt. Nobody there, an I'ma die in this hole."
He continued. Tears ran down his cheeks.
"An I'ma die in this hole."
He kept saying as he crawled into a ball and wept.

4 days later.

"Eric, I'm so glad to see you! Thank you so much for coming."
Sarah embraced Eric, who was much taller than her, with a hug.
"I am so sorry to hear about father. I didn't even know he was sick."
Eric said. Eric leaned back and picked up his suitcase.
"Where's Fin? I figured he would have been here by now."
Eric asked. Sarah looked up at the sky, as if awaiting a plane to arrive at just that instant.
"I don't know. He left weeks ago. I guess he got caught up with work or something. I just hope he can make it to the funeral."
Sarah held her head in her eyes and burst into tears. Eric held her and she began crying into Eric's shoulder as he held her tight.
"Fin is a good kid. If he cares about us at all, he'll be here."
Eric told her as he looked into the sky, hoping for a plane to fly by with his little brother on board, but he felt strange. He felt like something terrible had happened, and a tear ran down his cheek also.

The End.
© Copyright 2011 That Guy (r3c0nx5044 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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