Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809108-Alfreds-Birthdays--Blog-Contest-Entry
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1809108
A boy becomes a man who becomes an Icon
On the evening of October 21st, 1843, Alfred sat beside his brother at the dinner table.

"Alfred, you are ten years old, today!  What will you do with your life, son?"  His father was genuinely interested.

"Well, sir, I can think of nothing but to be an inventor like you.  I want to give the world things it has not yet dreamed of." .

"Then you must work hard at your studies, if your mind is to reach into the realm of what can be."

*Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   

On the evening of October 21st, 1853,  Alfred sat once more beside his brother at the dinner table.

"Father, may I accompany you back to the factory after dinner?  We have a large order of explosives to be sent to the battle fields."

"You may, son, with my gratitude.  It is your 20th birthday, and you are concerned about our soldiers."

"Yes, father.  And about the safety of those transporting the explosives.  I am working on a safer way to transport them."

"That would be a blessing, son."

*Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   

Alfred sat alone with his parents at the dinner table on the evening of October 21st, 1864.  At thirty-one years, he wore the face of one much older, somber and burdened.  He could not force himself to have even a bite of dinner, much less a slice of the apple pie his mother had baked for his birthday.  Since his brother's death in an explosion at his father's factory, he had spent all his days determined to prevent such a useless waste of lives. 

*Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   

Alfred spent his thirty-fourth birthday in his laboratory, studying his latest invention, dynamite.  His creative genius, his sharp business mind, and his strong determination made him a multi-millionaire.  Still, he found little solace in either the inventions or money.  When his father stopped by, Alfred expressed his frustration.

"Father, what good is all the money if I can't give something meaningful to the world?"

" Alfred, think of all the many inventions you have given the world."

"Yes, and think of all the lives our explosives destroyed.  My intent was to make explosives safer, more useful.  I never intended to make war more horrid and cruel."

*Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   *Hourglass*   

On October 21st, 1895, Alfred spent his sixty-second birthday with his attorney.  He instructed him to draw up a will, leaving the majority of his massive fortune to establish a foundation.  By his direction, it would award men and women from around the world prizes for outstanding achievements in the betterment of the world.  Though he established numerous award categories, the most famous would be The Noble Peace Prize.  Alfred Bernhardt Nobel spent his life trying to make the world a safer, better place.  After his death, his wish to promote those ideals lives on, over a hundred years later. 

***The historical information is based on facts obtained from various reference materials.*** 
***The birthdays are purely speculation.*** 

Word Count: 477
The contest prompt was "Birthday" and was held during WDC's Birthday Celebration.

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