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Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1820628
Everyone has things that they just don't want to share.But people try to find out anyway.
I'm the leader, the mother, the bookworm, the teaser, the listener. I'm the sister, the protector, the stubborn one. I'm the pillar of strength. But even I have things I don't want to say. I'm not the perfect person they all see me as. I'm glad. I don't want them to be worried by my troubles. They have they're own problems. I've known some of them for years.

Kristen: My best friend,my sister. I've known her since 3rd grade and we're still best-friends. We tell each other everything. Or almost everything.

Anna: The talker, the arguer. Some days I really want to kill her, but then i remember I love her. I've known her since 5th grade. She's like my sister.

Hannah:I've known her a year. We have so much in common its scary. We're close but distant. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Seth: I've known him a year. He has the personality that makes me wanna smack him,and then he says something sweet that totally confuses me. But he's there when I need him.

Matt:I've known him a year and a half. He's there when I need him, and is the protective older brother figure for me. He's my confidant,and we both know how much I appreciate it.

Alex:I've known him since 1st grade. I tell him almost everything now. But some things I don't tell him. Because there are some things no one needs to hear. 

Have you ever felt that you have a secret, but it's not your secret to share? I believe everyone has a shell around they're heart, hiding the things that they don't want to share. They may not even know it. I didn't either until my best-friend told me,I have the hardest wall. And Alex is the boy who started to try to knock the wall down. And I love him for it.
© Copyright 2011 Sarah Jane Smith (peacepuppy5 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1820628-Sheltered-Heart