Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1821993-The-Hardest-Job
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1821993
A police officer has a long night and a hard job ahead of him.
The ringing phone snapped me out of my midnight slumber. I probably shouldn’t have been asleep at work but I awoke with a jolt and reached for the phone on my desk.
“ Hello.” I said, my voice still scratchy from the sleep. It was midnight, what could the problem be? The voice on the other line spoke with urgency in her voice. Her daughter, Ashley, had been gone for a while and she hadn’t come home. The woman feared the worst for her daughter. I quickly began assuring the lady that I would do all that I could.
I left my office and began the search for the teenage girl.
Hours passed and I found no trace of the girl. I had backup officers looking anywhere they could. Still, there was no sign of her. I began losing faith in this assignment. The badge that was posted proudly on my chest was all the inspiration I needed. I knew what to do. Rocky, our best German shepherd would have a long night tonight. We pulled up to the girl’s house, needing her scent. Her mother showed us to her room and Rocky began his job. He sniffed clothes, shoes, earrings, pretty much everything he could to get her scent. We left the house in a rush to find Ashley. The dog ran down road after road sniffing the air. Soon he found what he was looking for. He lunged forward running at top speed toward his target. The girl’s body was laid out on the ground. Wounds covered her face and body. Her mother would be devastated.
© Copyright 2011 kerrylewter (kerryl96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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