Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1831768-Trapped
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1831768
Will I make it out alive?
The lights flickered on and off. Pictures were torn off the stripe wall and scrambled throughout the hallways of the hospital. I knew I had to get out of here but I was trapped. They surrounded the building, waiting for an unfortunate survivor to slip out and devour them whole. We were all scared. No one knew what to do. I called the remaining people in the hospital to the main floor. “We have to do something and we have to do it quick. We don’t have much time left before they find out how to get into here. Everyone grab any weapons you see; syringes, knifes, anything will work! Hurry up! Meet back here in ten,” I commanded. I searched the hallways but I didn’t see what I needed. I walked into room 216. I searched the tattered room only to finding a blanket on the beds. Nothing useful. Suddenly I heard a low rumbling noise coming from the dark corner of the room. The flickering lights made it difficult to see what the creature was but I knew. I ran and didn’t dare look back. “Everyone grab a weapon and get outside! They’re in the building!” I screamed. My legs moved swiftly, dodging the clutter that covered the floor. It chased me with such speed but I was quicker. Without thinking a grabbed a syringe that laid on the floor. I picked it up and stabbed the creature with it. It screamed in pain. Then I heard more of its kind coming from outside. I looked around. Everyone was gone. I knew I didn’t have much time left. It was useless to try to escape now. As I saw the zombies from outside crash through the windows I stood there, waiting for my death to come.
© Copyright 2011 allisonman (allisonm14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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