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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1843280
A collective story about what happened when the Capital fell...
Turmoil in the Capital
It is the year 3788, The City of Shanksville, the Capital of the Galactic Republic. The Skyscraper City by its name, has its share of turmoil, but nothing compared it when the Capital became besieged by Former General Moralis. Leading his somewhat Confederacy, He lead a massive seige to Shanksville, and held the city of Shanksville for 2 years before the Galactic Republic. It was after this event that Republic kept a closer eye on their generals. This depicts the moments inside the city at the time of the attack.

This story arc is a collective story of other artists from DeviantArt.com, the characters belong to their rightful owners, to find the actual article of this Act please visit my DeviantArt page listed below.


Act Two: Invasions of Glory
Scene 1
<Sector 5, General Drax and General Solanos are charging towards the Hypervelocity Cannons>
Drax: How far are these cannons!
Adrian: Not too far!
Drax: Is there a faster option!?
Adrian: If you dodge those bombardments we can jump our way!
Drax: Try to keep up then!
Adrian: Your on!
(Drax leads with several high jumps through the city)
Wow! Dang don't go too fast! You'll fall into the lower city!
Drax: We'll see about that!
(Soon they jump across a large gorge with debris flying everywhere, soon landing on the other side)
Drax: BAM! Told ya so!
Adrian: Ok! You win! Look they're they are!
(They soon reach the Hyper-velocity cannons)
Take a cannon Drax! We're hunting for cruisers!
Drax: Haha! Yes! Time for the big guns!
(Cannons suddenly comes to life and aims/fires at one of the cruisers)
Booyah! Direct Shot!
Adrian: Not bad! Watch this!
(Adrian's cannon fires and hits three cruisers at once)
Drax: This is going to be fun!
(Exit Drax and Adrian)
(Enters Mistress Azul and her guardian Corro, Planet Sirus, Sekra City)
Azul: Well isn't today a lovely day to stroll across the city Corro?
*Corro Nods and smiles*
Azul: I think, it's time to visit Tretris Oakutarui, I never did get use that star-cruiser the Republic gave me awhile back. Lets go Corro!
*Corro smiles and follows*
(Enters A Sekra Police officer)
Officer: Mistress Azul! We need you at Sakura Tower, the Supreme Chancellor is asking for auidience!
Azul: What could it be?
Officer: We don't the full intel, but from we heard its very important.
Azul: If the Chancellor is summoning me and not of his ambassadors It must be important! Lets go Corro!
*Corro nods and follows Azul to Sakura Clock Tower*
(Sakura Clock Tower around 3:15pm)
(Azul and Corro arrive in the Transmission Room with a hologram of the Chancellor)
(Enters Chancellor Solanos)
Azul: Chancellor Solanos why have you summoned me?
Chancellor Solanos: Mistress Azul of Sirus, I have contacted you under an emergency!, The Confederate Systems of the Republic has made their attack against us, and already Shanksville is under immediate attack!
Azul: Thats horrible! But why call Sirus?! We're just beyond Republic Control.
Chancellor Solanos: Thats thing about Sirus, we never did get to register Sirus into the datalogs. The war with CSR has delayed our time to focus with them to add Sirus, but the good news, the CSR doesn't have the coordinates to your planet. Which means the next part I'm going to mention will be a bit hard.
Azul: What is it?
Chancellor Solanos: The Galactic Senate was at the capital when the CSR attacked, and we need a place for me, the queen and the senate to retreat to, we got alarms on Novalis, Oakutarui III and parts of the Inner Republic. Does Sekra City have the capacity for the Senate?
Azul: Well the Old Grand Chamber here in Sakura Tower would fit but not the size for the Galactic Senate. We can try that, if not Sekra Stadium should fit, the old place could work as a land pad, since we haven't built any.
Chancellor Solanos: We need an answer now Mistress! The city is under attack!
Azul: Send them to Sirus, we'll try our best to accommodate them.
Chancellor Solanos: Ok Mistress and thank you for this the Republic owes you for this.. What the! *transmission lost*
Azul: Chancellor! Chancellor! Do you copy! Chancellor!
*Corro looks at Azul scared and puzzled*
Azul: Its Ok Corro... We better get prepared for their arrival... lets go
*Corro gets a smile and follows her*

Scene 2 Evacuation
(Chancellory Towers, surrounded by the shield)
(Enters Chancellor Solanos and Senate)
Senator 1: Supreme Chancellor! Where are you taking us! Can't you see that your generals are losing and this city is under attack!
Senator 5: How are we supposed to escape! The CSR are outside the doors of this tower!
Senator 3: We better leave before the invasion happens!
Chancellor Solanos: Look We need to be quiet and hurry to these shuttles.
Senator 4: Vergence-Class shuttles? Against those CSR Cruisers! We won't make it out!
Chancellor Solanos: Thats where your wrong Belinning, I had this installed first ever Teleporter capable of teleporting these ships pass the armada.
Senator 3: We can possible escape but to where!
Chancellor Solanos: I have a friend on the Planet Sirus, the planet there hasn't been registered with the Republic and the CSR hasn't gotten a word about the coordinates so Its safe to escape. Also I owe her a favor from awhile back.
Senator Belinning: That could work, are you leading us to Sirus?! We don't have the coordinates aswell
Chancellor Solanos: Of course, My son will defend the city until We can get a large sizable fleet
Senator Belinning: I hope your son can do it, leading the Republic and defend the capital city.... Hate to be him...
Senator 5: Speaking to the same senator thats from Oltanis, the same species that started two wars with the Republic.
Senator Belinning: Hey! It was Emperor Vernindad that did that to us! You don't understand it all!
Queen: Enough bickering! We need to leave now or else we will launched into space like the people that disobeyed that paranoid lunatic we call Moralis!
Both Senators: Geez Killjoy much?
(The Royal Family and Senate arrive at 6 Vergence Shuttles, they take off and head to the teleporter)
(In a bright flash the 6 shuttles teleport to beyond the tractor beam reach of the CSR fleet)
Chancellor over Comm: Everyone punch in the coordinates....now!
(The shuttles suddenly jump to lightspeed and leave the battle)
(Planet Sirus just behind the Trigloom Nebula)
(The shuttles jump out of hyperspace)
Chancellor Solanos: There it is, Planet Sirus, The Nebula would get rid of anything that was attached to us during the jump. We better hurry and land before anyone finds the location.
(The shuttles head to Sirus, soon enters the atmosphere over Sekra City.)
Queen: Sekra City, I remember that old clock tower... And theres Shibuya7, Ah the memories..
Chancellor: Its been sometime since we've been here my dear. Look theres Mistress Azul and her guardian Corro! (To the shuttles) Ok everyone, the stadium is going to be our landing zone, no other place!
(The shuttles make a slow descent into Sekra Stadium, the leading shuttle containing the Queen and Chancellor among with several other shuttles land infront of Mistress Azul, Corro)
(Landing Door lowers)
*walks down the ramp*
Chancellor Solanos: Mistress Azul its a pleasure to meet you *bows*
Queen: Yes Its a pleasure to meet you again Mistress *curtsies*
Chancellor Solanos: And greetings to you Co*Corro gives him a big hug*rrrooooo....
*Corro gives him a lick*
Ok! Big guy! Thats enough already, but me down please!
*Corro puts down the Chancellor*
Queen & Azul: Aww he like you! JINX! Aooooh!
Queen: Ah lets forget that..
Azul: Yea *chuckles* Atleast it was fun while it lasted
Queen: It was, anyway thank you for taking the Republic Senate, the dang CSR has attacked us by surprise.
Azul: Its always nice to have the Republic here, and your husband still owes me that favor for what he did during the first visit.
*Background Corro goes back to bear-hugging the Chancellor*
Queen: Lets not put that to discussion, we tried our best to prevent that moment
Azul: Yea... that moment on the pod-race track.... Funny... but not for a chancellor
*Sudden gulp sound*
Both: ?
Azul: Corro! Did you eat the Chancellor!
*Corro sadly nods*
Azul: Come on... Out with him...
*He sadly spits him out*
Chancellor: Ugh... Still can't forget that moment...
Azul: I'm so sorry for this, Corro was just showing his affection.
Chancellor: Nah its cool, I still remember the last time he did to me.
Senator Belinning: (shocked) I can see why Sirus wasn't registered on the Republic Archives...
Senator 2: Yea... that shadow guardian just gave me the scardies...
Chancellor: Lets go everyone, Mistress Azul will take us to Sakura Tower.
(The Senate, Royal Family, Azul and Corro leave the stadium and head for downtown)
Queen: So how goes Sekra City, last time parts of the city was still being built.
Azul: Its going well, reclaimed parts of the wasteland, the Corrupted hasn't been a problem after the Pod race, I believe the sounds chased them off.
Queen: Thats great to hear Mistress!
Azul: Thank you!
(They approach Sakura Tower)
Here we are! Sakura Clock Tower!
All: Wow!
Queen: Heh... Newcomers...
Azul: This way everyone!
(Exit the Senate, Corro & Azul, Royal Family)
(Enters General Drax, and Adrian firing the Hyperveolcity cannons
Drax: Dang! Those cruisers have powerful armor!
Adrian: Aim for the bridge! It destroys the whole ship!
Drax: Got it!
*Drax aims for the Bridge of one of the cruisers, a large fireworks display the cruiser explodes*
Nice call!
Adrian: Yea it sure was! What the! DRAX LOOK OUT!!!
Drax: What the! *a turbolaser blast hits Drax's cannon, causing to explode*
*He flies several blocks*
*Adrian rushes to his aid*
Adrian: Drax! Drax! Are you alright! *starts to fade* Drax! Drax! Wake up! (Drax falls unconscious)
-Act II ends-
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