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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Other · #1857838
The talks continues..
What a day! Murphy’s Law was in full force throughout the morning and when things started to go good he came back for an evening visit.

First my block had no power due to some drunk taking out a light pole, which in turn made me sleep past my alarm that morning. Sleeping late also meant I never got a chance to check my email when I got up, so I had no idea if my new lady friend responded. Running out the door I jumped into my truck and started to back out my driveway. Reaching over to grab my cell, I noticed an empty spot where I normally toss it. Pulling back into the drive, I stepped out and saw it laying there. Great somehow I managed to run over my cell phone. Yep, this day is going to be great.

Once I got to work things started out fine, but didn’t last for long. I walked into my office to bring up my computer and then dragged my ass across the hall to the lounge to scrounge for something to eat out of the fridge. As I looked around trying to decide what to eat, I started hearing this god awful screech coming from my office. Knowing the sound of a cooling fan shredding itself to pieces, I dashed back, hoping I wasn’t too late. But the smell of cooked electronics was hard to miss, and sure enough my system was fried.

It’s a good thing I do this for a living. I started tearing into the computer thinking I should be able to get this done quickly; I just wanted to check for that once piece of email I always looked forward to. I started pulling components out, cleaning out the dust along the way, and making a list of what I needed. I reached over to grab my cell to place an order at my normal parts store. Fuck! I needed to replace that damn thing too.

Walking out to my truck I realized I still hadn’t had anything to eat. So I figured I’d drive thru McDonalds and grab a quick bite. When I pulled up, I looked at the line and saw that everybody must have had the same thought, so I chose to park and go inside to eat. Hell I could use the little down time after this morning. Moving up to the counter, I grabbed my wallet, ok tried to grab it, but I just ended up reaching into an empty pocket. So much for my late breakfast now.

With my stomach grumbling, I headed over to Sprint to replace my phone. They didn’t have it in stock anymore, but after looking at my account and with my insurance on the old one, they gave me an upgrade to a better phone at no cost to me. The first break I’d had all day.

Thinking about going back to my house and grabbing my wallet, I brushed the thought off and decided just to make it through the day and headed off towards the computer store I deal with. As I walked up to the store, I just happened to glance down and found a twenty dollar bill in the parking lot. Great, guess I can get some lunch after all now.

At the computer store my luck was still going good. The fans I wanted were on sale for fifty % off and they even had a faster CPU that would fit my system. Talking about a win-win situation. With the money I saved on the fans, I was able to upgrade my CPU, so I managed to still come out on top. While I was there I went ahead and picked up a few items that I knew I was going to need later in the week, and had everything charged to my account.

After a quick stop for lunch at Subway, I headed back to the office to try and finish my day. Getting everything out of the packaging, I started putting my computer back together when Mr. Murphy struck again. I had no Arctic Silver 3 compound to put between the heat sink and fan assembly and the CPU. Without it I would just cook the system again.

Looking at the time, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to make it back to the store before they closed and I was upset that I wouldn’t be able to see if I had any emails until I got home. So I decided to work on a couple of fast service calls on the way.

So much for that plan of action. Murphy kept me busy all night and didn’t seem to want to stop. Three hours in service calls turned into six and left me so frustrated, I just wanted to get home, kick back and relax, and maybe blow of some steam.

Arriving back at my house I start stripping down on my way to the shower, only stopping at the fridge briefly for a beer on the way. Afterwards I’d planned to sit down in front of the TV and find a decent movie to watch, maybe even surf the web some. Shit I never checked my email today! Did she write me back?

Snatching my laptop off my bed I headed into the living room to watch my movie. Quickly pulling up my email, I scanned through them until I found hers.

To Highlander35
"You struggle so sweetly." *walks slowly around you before pulling your head back* "Where to start..."

*makes a long swipe of the tongue up your throat, moving upward and grabbing your earlobe in my teeth, tugging it while flicking my tongue over it*

*Releases it to whisper in your ear* "You are going to scream for me, one way or another. You will decide if it is in pleasure, in pain or if you no longer care to know the difference."

Oh shit! I let out a soft scream just to release some tension; I wondered how I wanted to respond. Sounds like she wants to play a little dirty, now how to form my response.

Settling back into my couch I thought of what to respond with. Do I fight it or give in some? Hmm, maybe both.


Another long shift. Two gunshot wounds, a woman in labor, some stupid guy who thought it'd be a good idea to work on his weed whacker while it was still plugged in and a domestic violence call. I need a bath.

I was so tired and drained that all I could think about was bed. But that would come only after I took a very long, very hot bath with at least two feet of bubbles. I walked in the front door and immediately kicked off my shoes.

Walking through the living room, I glanced at my large screen television. "Not tonight, Sony, I have a headache." I didn't even think about making dinner as I headed up the stairs and into the bathroom to turn on the faucet in the tub.

Opening my closet, I chose my favorite lilac scented bubble bath and poured some into the running water. The aroma was immediately soothing and I started to strip out of my uniform.

As I pulled off my tank top, my nostrils were greeted with the scents of my profession. Disinfectant, hospital soap, sweat and sickness. That's what I smelled like and that's exactly what I wanted to wash away.

I didn't wait for the tub to fill completely. I slipped into the hot water and closed my eyes, relaxing into the moment of silence and calm. I sank down and let the water run until it touched my chin, before I shut it off.

That's the last thing I remembered before I awoke to find myself in tepid water. Shit! How long have I been in here? If my fingers were any indication, long enough for them to prune along with my toes.

I got out and drained the water. I wrapped a large fluffy towel around myself and headed for the bedroom. Guess I can see if he got around to responding to my email. Looking at the clock on my nightstand, I realized that I'd been asleep for over two hours.

With a long sigh, I booted up the laptop and put on a short cotton night gown. Plopping down on the bed, I dug out my favorite lotion from inside the drawer of the nightstand and began slathering it on while I read the screen.

To Raven007

*struggles some more, while jerking my ear away* “I don’t scream easily so try your best, but who says that I won’t make you scream first?” * leaning back into you now focusing on your face and thinking*

I dropped the lotion when I read that he might make me scream first. I was ready to scream as I read it! It was exciting and nerve wracking. As much as I like this, what the hell am I doing?

I needed to come up with a response and I needed one quick before I lost my confidence. What confidence?

Since I'd donned this alter ego of a sexy temptress, You mean slut! I channeled her again, hoping she'd guide me in what I needed to say. If anyone could have seen the smile on my face the moment the idea came to me, they'd think I'd just done something deliciously evil.

Let's see what he thinks of this! Your move Highlander35.

© Copyright 2012 Whiteboy (whiteboy75 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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