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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1858923
What all is in a kiss?
Waking up this morning, I hoped that this day ended up better then yesterday’s nightmare. I had planned on getting up early to try to get a jump start on my work load, but as I got up out I thought, why not take it easy today?

Knowing this would be a rare occasion of me being able to cook my own breakfast; I walked over to my kitchen wondering what I could cook that didn’t involve a Pop-Tart or worse yet going through a drive thru. Looking around, I pulled out some bacon from the freezer and tossing it in the microwave to defrost, grabbed a few eggs from the fridge to scramble, and the loaf of bread for some toast.

As the microwave was doing its thing, I figured I would go ahead and get my laptop to check my email just in case she answered me. That was the main thing that bothered me the most about talking to her. With our work schedules, and what I assumed were different time zones, I never knew when she would answer. I wasn't even sure if she replied right after she got the messages or if she waited a few hours?

Pulling up my email, I started weeding out the junk to finds hers. There has to be an easier way to sort this out. DUH! I need to make a rule that moves her emails into their own folder. Quickly accessing my contacts, I find her address and make a rule and folder. I clicked apply and waited to see what happens.

Yes, it worked! Looking at the folder I had just created showed one new message. I opened it up and read what my Raven wrote.

To Highlander35:

Good, I don't like anything easy.

*I tighten the restraints before sitting on your lap. With a devilish smile, I grab your head in both hands, pulling you close and kissing you lightly before gripping your lower lip between my teeth. I release your lip to suck it into my mouth and nip it again for good measure. I watch you face closely for your reaction to this attention and smile as an idea comes to mind.*

Perhaps I will make a trail with my teeth and tongue. I won't rush, I want to taste everything. Are you tasty, Highlander? Will I find you irresistible?

I can’t think right now. Where did that come from? Is there more of it? How am I going to answer that? I just sat there as those thoughts bounced around in my head. Maybe I’ll come up with something after I eat breakfast.

You simply don’t forget some things as I started frying up the bacon and I scrambled the eggs. It’s funny, here I am making food and she wants to pretend I am the food. How am I going to respond to that tasty remark? Do I consider myself tasty and irresistible?

I sat there and ate in silence, still thinking of a reply, when it bites me, literally. In the midst of taking a bite of bacon, I ended up biting my lip. That’s it! I pulled my laptop over and started typing.

Hitting send I wonder how she will respond to that. I think I’m going to be playful for now but later I need to be more demanding and fulfilling. Wonder if she is up for the challenge because I sure am.


"Hey Raven, wait up!"
Oh God damn it, Arnie! I'm not in the mood for you today. That's Arnie, or Arnold if you're being formal. He works on my shift in a different ambulance and he's been trying his very best to get me to go out with him. Normally my partner keeps him away but he happened to catch me alone this time.
Arnie is the resident man whore. He sleeps with every single female at work from dispatch to EMT and it appeared that I was next on his list. I guess he thinks I should be flattered. I wasn't. He was a creep as far as I was concerned and the thought of him made my skin crawl.
Sure he was attractive, but it didn't make up for his total lack of respect for women after he'd spent a few weeks satisfying himself with them.
"What's up, Arnie? I'm about to clock out." I wasn't even about to make eye contact with him. I did my best to give off all the negative vibes I could as I headed for my locker.
"What are you doing tomorrow night?" He was wearing his most charming smile.
Definitely not you, you asshole!
"I'm going to go visit my nephews. What are you up to?" I didn't care what he was up to. Opening my locker door, I could see his reflection in the small mirror I had attached to the inside of the door and his eyes were looking down, more than likely at my butt. Asshole!
"Well, how about the day after that? We never get a chance to actually talk, you know?"
He's trying really hard. If I didn't know him, I'd be convinced that he was actually a nice guy. He wasn't nice, not for long anyway and I wasn't falling for it. I bet Highlander wouldn't act like this. Wait... Am I obsessing over him here? I was. I couldn't stop thinking about my last email and how he'd respond to it.
The truth was, I didn't have any plans to see my nephews. I planned to do some research so that I could wow the pants off my secret lover. Lover? He's your lover now? When did that happen? Sony's going to be pissed!
"Well..." I didn't get to finish. The universe was merciful and my partner Tom showed up at that moment.
With a raised eyebrow, he glared at Arnie. "Something I can get for ya Arnold?"
I nearly fell on the floor laughing. Tom was about six feet, six inches, he worked out every single day and he looked like a man you didn't want to mess with. In reality, he was the one of the sweetest people alive, but he was protective. I was his partner and we'd been through a lot together.
There was no way he'd let scum like Arnie anywhere near me and I loved him for it.
With more satisfaction than the law allowed, I watched Arnie slink off in defeat. I jumped up and gave Tom a peck on the cheek and asked him to send my love to his wife and kids as I headed for the door.
Home again, I began my normal ritual including checking my email for messages.
To Raven007:
*As you kiss my lips I snap back with my own teeth trying to catch your lip*
Looking in your eyes I say, “you call that a kiss? I was expecting more out of you than that.”
*tries to grab your lip with mine again to show you how to kiss*
Oh My God! I reread the words over and over before I closed my eyes and imagined the scene playing out between us. To my surprise, I could feel my body tingle in response. I actually wanted to feel his lips on mine.
I'd never explored biting before, but even that seemed appealing in the moment. I wanted to respond, but I also felt the beginnings of desire building. I'd been spending days and days looking for his emails, anticipating them like a caress for my eyes.
I had even started dreaming about being with him. I could never see his face, but I knew it was him. SLUT!
I wasn't nervous anymore, I was getting hot and I wrote from that perspective.
To Highlander35
Laughing at your banter, I cross my ankles behind the chair, letting my weight sink down onto you. You can feel the heat from me as I slide my hips forward.

"I didn't know you wanted a kiss."

I finished typing up may email and sat there reading my own words feeling everything that I described. I wish I could feel him. My tingling became a pulsing and I knew instantly that I wasn't going to bed anytime soon.
I sent the message and powered down my laptop. I pictured his lips on mine as I began running my fingers softly over the fabric of the tee shirt covering my breasts. My nipples were already hard and I teased them, making myself ache.
A slight bit of annoyance entered my mind. I don't even have a name to call out! I forced that out of my mind and continued rubbing and squeezing my nipples. By the time my fingers made their way inside my underwear, I was already biting my bottom lip.
I'm so wet! It was more moisture than I'd ever produced and I covered my fingers in my own juices. I spread the wetness and rubbed my clit in small circles with pressure. I was arching and alternately pulling myself into a ball almost immediately.
I rubbed a bit faster and added my other hand to tease my entrance with those fingers. It's never felt this good! I was losing myself, images of straddling him filled my head and I pressed my fingers inside in synch with my mind's image of him penetrating me.
Fuck! I'm gonna come! It was powerful and long. It took several minutes for me to calm down and when I did there was only one thought in my mind. Please write back soon!

© Copyright 2012 Whiteboy (whiteboy75 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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