Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1859724-Dreamers-Fantasy
Rated: E · Monologue · Emotional · #1859724
Just a little piece I wrote a couple of years ago
They say the fires of my passion have grown dim. Once flickered strongly now they have become very thin. The dreams of the past seem like a distant memory and all that’s left are the hollow dreams. It seems nothing ever works the way I’d want and nothing I want ever really works. I always held faith things would work seamlessly. But now it seems I’ve tasted the bitterness of reality. The fantasies I once held so dear have all but fallen on a deaf ear. I’ve been holding on so long, I guess it’s time to finally let go. I guess I need to learn that some dreams just don’t come true. But, sometimes, I can’t help but to wish that I lived in a world where everything was as it seems and the restrictions of reality held no meaning, a place where loneliness holds none of its heart-wrenching charm. In this world success and failure would be without definition and there would never be any pain or betrayal to be forgiven. How I long for the place where no sorrow or anger touches my heart, a place where only peace and beauty can hold effect, where the worries of life hold no power. In this world my finite nature would just dissolve, and for eternity I would live with happiness within my eager grasp. I could soar through the world and the limitations of its atmosphere and off through the galaxy. I’d watch all the planets fly by as I went, waving hello to all of their foreign inhabitants. Every night I’d gaze up at a new night’s sky, of which beauty I simply could not describe. As I’d watch the sky, angels that looked strangely liked the Beatles would descend, and play me a song about happiness. I’d think to myself “I’m pretty sure Paul McCartney isn’t dead,” but that thought wouldn’t very much trouble my cloudy head. A campfire would always seem to be near, and the fire would not only warm my body, but warm my soul. For eternity here I would reside, if it weren’t for the memories of you that echoed through my mind. My memories echo throughout my paradise bringing me to realize that one life with you is better than an eternity spent within a paradise of my own creation. With this realization now upon me, I crash down my fantasy and bring back the hardships that reality presents. For all the pain, sorrow, and evil that exist within reality, it has one thing over any fantasy I could hope to conjure. You make life worth the pain, the sorrow, and the evil, you make life worth it. I don’t need some fantasy to make me happy, all I need is you, and I think I’ll be fine. They say the fires of my passion, once strong, have now grown dim. Well luckily for me, you were there to ignite them back to life.
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