Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1859925-The-Young-Bride
Rated: GC · Other · Adult · #1859925
A young bride struggles to understand her husband.
I started shaking with fear as soon as I heard his truck pull up. I ran to my room and hid under the bed. He came into the house slamming the door behind him. He tossed his keys on the counter and opened the refrigerator. I heard the beer can as he popped it open. He took a good long swallow then he yelled out, "Myla, get in here!"

I was really scared, but I knew that if I didn't come immediately, he would beat me. I also knew that if he was drunk, he would beat me anyway. What to do? What to do? With shaking hands I opened the door and slowly walked toward him. "I am here, sir," I answered.

"Where the fuck were you?," he slurred.

"Sir, I was in my room, sir, awaiting your arrival, sir."

"Where the fuck is my dinner?" he demanded.

"Sir, right away, sir, what is your desire?"

"Have you not fixed anything for me? Are you stupid? Did you not know that I expect dinner and complete obedience when I come home? How stupid can you be?," he shouted.

I fell on my knees in front of him, "Sir, please have mercy on me, I will make anything you wish. Please only enlighten me as to your desire. I will obey you, master."

"I am fucking hungry you, stupid girl! I want to eat now!"

"Yes, Sir, as you wish. I will prepare what ever you desire as soon as possible, Sir."

"I want to eat NOW!" he screamed as he began kicking me.

"Yes, Sir, yes, Sir," I cried as he struck me.

I laid in the floor covering my head as he kicked my stomach repeatedly.

"Get the fuck up and cook for me", he screamed!

"Yes,Sir, Yes, Sir", I cried as I rose to my feet.

I snatched oped the freezer and grabed a frozen dinner. I quickly ripped it open and stuck it into the microwave. My hands were shaking so bad I could hardly press the buttons.

"Please, please, my master, have mercy on me, Sir, I beg you, please, sir." I cried.

"Shut the fuck up, Myla," he shouted as he pointed his finger in my face. 

"That food better be ready by the time I get out of the shower", he threatened.

I had been his bride a mere five days. At the tender age of 16, I was forced to marry this 34 year old man. My family was from Iraq and my brother arranged my marriage. I didn't want to marry this man, but my brother wanted the bride price so I had no choice. 

My brother, Yumek, was in charge of my future because our father had been murdered 4 years ago by the Taliban. My mother and little sister are still living in my brother's care. His wife is a devout Muslim and she cares for them all under obedience to her husband and Allah.   

I am used to obeying my brother without any problems, but my brother would give me details as to exactly what he wanted. He would tell us what he wanted for dinner every morning before he left the house. He would instruct me as to what chores he wanted me to do. I was kind and obedient to my brother.

But with this man, I am lost. He tells me nothing. I don't know how to please him. Nearly every night since our marriage, I have failed him because I don't know what he wants.  He becomes very angry with me. He yells and screams and he whips me with his belt. I am willing to please my husband, but I don't know what he expects from me.

I wish so much that I could speak to my brother for advice, but my new husband forbids me to speak to anyone.

I pray to Allah, but I get no answers.

I really want to be a good and obedient wife, but I don't understand my new husband or what he wants from me.

What do i do? What can I do?

I will endure a beating from my husband every night of my life to bring honor to my family, but I would much much rather please my husband and not have to endure the beatings.

Allah, please help me!

Almighty God, please help me! I don't know what to do nor who to turn to....

I am so lost, please, if there is a God in heaven, please, please help me.

The next morning my husband came to my bedroom and told me that I was to stay in there until I had permission to come out.

"Yes, sir", I humbly replied.

I sat quietly in my room staring out the window.

My husband's house is very large and the pure grandure of it amazes me. I had never been in such a nice place before a week ago. It is no wonder the man could offer my brother such a large bride price for me.
My husband's bedroom suite is extravagant. He has a king size, four post bed with a canopy on it. His flooring is made of marble. There are huge windows covered with burgandy drapes. The master's bathroom is lined with mirrors that reach from the ceiling to the floor. But, I am only allowed into my husband's bedroom suite when he calls for me.

Suddenly, I noticed a truck coming up the driveway. The closer it got, the more I believed it was my brother's truck. Could it be? Has my brother come to visit? My heart was fluttering in my chest. I was full of excitement. I started to race toward the door, but then I stoped short - remembering my husbands command to stay in my room.

My heart sank as I wondered if my husband would allow me to speak with my brother. Oh please, oh please, oh please let me speak to him my mind pleaded.

I heard the doorbell ring and my husband greeted my brother.

I paced back and forth in my room wondering, hoping that I could speak to Yumek. After a few minutes, I stopped pacing and sat in a chair. I could hear the men talking, but I could not make out what they were saying.

The men talked for about 20 minutes then I heard only silence. I sat in dismay.

Suddenly, my bedroom door opened and there stood Yumek. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. I jumped up and ran to him for a much needed hug. All of a sudden, I found myself on the floor as Yumek had struck me with the back of his hand. I looked up in shock with a little bit of blood dripping from my lip.

"Your husband has said he is having trouble from you, Myla. I can not allow that! What is your problem? Do you want to place shame upon our family? I will beat you until you die if you don't please your husband as you have pleased me," he shouted.

"Truly, truly, Yumek, Sir, I want to please you and my husband, but, please, Sir, my brother whom I love and respect so much, I beg you to allow me one moment to explain.

I want to please my husband. I want to please him with all my heart. I just don't understand what he wants of me. Please, please my brother, I want to respect him and obey him, but I don't know how.

Every night I wait to fix his dinner, but he does not tell me what he wants. Please, please, my brother and my master, please understand, I want to please you and I want to please my husband, but I do not understand what he wants. He does not instruct me as  you did, my brother, Sir, please help me, my master. Maybe, if you could just talk with him and tell him to tell me what to do. I would surely do it."

"No, no, I can not and I will not tell your husband how to treat you, Myla. It is not my place to do so. If he does not tell you what he wants then you have to figure it out! Sister, you must figure out what he wants and obey him!"

"Yes Sir, my brother and master, but I don't understand him. He does not tell me anything, but he expects me to know. I don't know, Sir. Please, please help me, Yumek."

"Figure it out, my sister. You are smart, figure it out."

"Yes, sir. I promise with all my being, I will try to understand him and obey him. I only wish you could instruct me further, Sir."

"You are very fortunate that your husband has allowed me to speak with you. Please, my sister, obey and honor him."

"Yumek, Sir, I swear I will do my very best to bring honor to you and to our family."

Tears began to flood my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

"Come, come here, Myla."

I arose and slowly walked over to him wondering if he was going to beat me or if he would hug me.

As he put his arms around me I wept bitterly.

"Myla, you must serve your husband in every way you can."

"Yes, Sir" I whispered.

Yumek let go of me and started toward the door, turned and spoke one more time, "Myla, I want you to thank your husband for allowing us to talk, as I will also do the same. He has shown mercy on you by allowing this discussion to take place. Be sure to thank him."

Yumek opened the door and walked out.

I sat in my room and watched my brother drive away with tears flowing down my cheeks.

It wasn't until about 10:00 that night that my husband called for me. I followed him into his bedroom. "Master, I want...

He turned to me, pointed his finger in my face and said, "Don't speak." I nodded my head.

He undressed me and motioned for me to get into his bed. After he finished having sex with me, he just pointed to the door in gesture for me to leave. I slid out of his bed, picked up my clothes, and silently walked back to my room.

I tossed and turned the whole night unable to sleep. I replayed my conversation with my brother over and over in my head. But how? How do I figure it out?

Then when morning finally came, I went into the kitchen and started cooking. I did not know what my husband wanted to eat so I cooked eggs and bacon and pancakes. I, also, brewed him some coffee - and I waited.

As soon as he came into the kitchen, I placed the plate of food on the table and poured him some coffee. I stood by silently while he ate. When he finished, he pointed to a chair and said, "Myla, sit"

I obeyed.

"Myla, I trust that your talk with your brother yesterday helped you. This breakfast was very good and I thank you for preparing it."

Wow, my eyes opened wide and I smiled at him.

"Master, may I speak?", I asked.

"Yes, Myla, what is it that you want to say?"

"My Master, I wish to thank you for allowing me to speak to my brother. Master, I wish to please you, I just, I just..." I stampered.

"You just what, Myla?"

With my voice quivering in fear I continued, "Master, please tell me what you want - I mean - Master, Sir, please tell me what you want for dinner. Please tell me the chores you wish for me to do. Sir, please enlighten me that I may obey you. I want to serve you, Sir, but I am unsure how."

"Myla, did you not learn how to cook? Do you not know how to clean house?"

"Yes, Sir, I know those things."

"Well that is what I want you to do."

"But Master, please, Sir, let me explain further. I am afraid. I am afraid, master - afraid that I will cook chicken when you want beef. I will cook spagetti when you want chicken. Master, please forgive my stupidity and enlighten me."

I lowered my head in respect and waited.

"Myla, I don't care what you prepare for my meal, I only care that it is ready when I want to eat. I expect you to maintain a clean house. I expect you to obey me when I tell you to do something. That is all, Myla."

He rose from his chair, reached over and lifted my chin, "Now Myla eat some breakfast and clean up the dishes." 

"Yes, sir, my master."

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