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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1863357
a girls memories come back to her...
  As I'm searching through my glove compartment for my registration papers I stumble across a picture. I immediately stop and stare for a few moments as I notice it was a picture of us. Old memories start to come back to me, and I smile.


  I sat there in class waiting for the teacher to start our next lesson, then you walked in. It for me was like love at first sight, I looked at you and our eyes met. There was an instant connection, I felt butterflies in my stomach as we stared at each other. You look away and I smile, you were new to the school so you were quiet shy. You walked in and sat in the seat next to me. I was so happy you chose the spot next to me. I turned to you and said Hello, you replied with hi, after a few minutes of talking we really started to hit it off.


    We walked along a crowded street, you took my hand and danced with me. It was our second date so we decided to hit the town. When you took my hand and danced with me it was so much fun. The music playing from the speakers of a restaurant up ahead, I loved the song that was playing, it fit the moment so perfectly. As we danced I didn't care who was watching, it felt like as if no one was there but only us. Then suddenly you leaned in and kissed me. Immediate fireworks went off in my head, I felt like I completely melted in your arms.


  We lay together in a field, and you kiss my cheek. I blush and my cheeks turn bright red. We weren't officially dating yet but it felt like we were. He starts to tell me how beautiful I am and how pretty my eyes were. He said he loved the way I laughed and the way he was when he was with me. Then he sat up and he said

"Ashley? I want you to know something..."

"What?" I responded.

He pulled me into his arms and planted a kiss on my lips and whispered in my ear.

"Ashley I love you."

I sat there completely shocked yet quiet happy and I replied back.

"I love you too."


  I run up to him during school when he's with his friends and embrace him in a big hug. The side of my head up against his chest, I can hear his heart beat and it makes me feel safe. The warmth of his body up against mine makes me feel complete and happy.

Then he does something that completely broke my heart. He pushes me away and yells at me.

"What the Hell are you doing!?!?"

"But I thought......"  he cuts me off.

"what was it that you thought huh? I don't like you like that!" he gives me a glare and pushes past me as he leaves, his friends then follow. As I watch him walk away a tear trickles down my cheek and I whisper to myself...

"But I thought you loved me......"


  "Ma'am? License and registration please."

I snap back into reality and set the picture down.

"sorry officer, here you go." I pick up the registration papers and hand them to him, he then walks back to his car and runs them through his computer.  My last thought at that moment  was a song that popped into my head that just fit and the lyrics that came to mind just stuck, and I started to sing them to myself.

"Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dream, I'm trying not to think about you can't you just let me be! So long my luckless romance my back is turned on you, should've known you'd bring me heart ache, almost lovers always do."......

© Copyright 2012 EmilyDlover (writergirl92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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