Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1864464-Mystery-Dragon
Rated: · Short Story · Animal · #1864464
I wake up wondering whos in the kitchen. Not what I expected
Mystery Dragon
by Eellusion

I heard the loud clattering coming from the kitchen as I clambered out of bed. A quick glance at my clock told me that Dad and Penny were at work so the house should have been empty but for me. I stood and listened as silence fell over the house, nothing but the magpies and cicadas outside telling me that it’s going to be a hot day. Shrugging I figured that I had just imagined the noise and ambled off to the toilet.

Again the clattering of pots came from the kitchen just as I was drying my hands and I knew this time I had not imagined it. “Dad?” I called “Penny, is that you?” Sticking my head around the bathroom door I waited for an answer, but instead heard a scampering of small feet across the lino. Smiling I called out to the mutt, “Mop did Dad let you in again?”
Rounding the corner into the kitchen I called to the dog, expecting to be barrelled over by the mutt. “Mop?” instead of the dog I find the kitchen empty except for pots and lids littered over the floor.

Confused I crossed the kitchen to the back door, still looking around for the dog. Calling her name again I opened the screen door, just to be greeted by a wet pink tongue and fluffy white and black paws. “If you’ve been out here than what’s in there?” I asked the dog indicating the kitchen, just as Mop pricked up her ears and ran into the kitchen yapping in all directions.
From the corner of my eye I saw a quick flash of colour run from the kitchen with Mop close behind, still barking. I followed as the dog chased something out into the yard.

Suddenly Mop stopped under the old gum at the back of the yard, threw back her head and howled up at the branches. Coming up to her I looked into the branches for brown fur and spinney tail of a bush rat, instead finding nothing but branches and leaves.

And then, just as I was about to turn and head back in, two gleaming golden eyes peered through the branches from a scaly blue head, a horn on its nose which led to a muscular body with wings coming from its shoulders. My eyes widened as my breath caught in my throat as the small blue dragon spread its wings and leapt off the branch and flew up into the clouds.
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