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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1873778
A short story beginning about happiness and death
Danny Biggers and his wife of 4 months live together on a house they bought together just prior to their wedding day. Alice was very traditional and had it all set up so they could return from their honeymoon to their new home and start their new lives together.
Following their honeymoon John carried his new bride over the threshold just like she had always dreamt of when she was a child.
Danny was returning home from work when he was taken down by a running tackle from his beautiful and energetic wife in the front yard. Alice kissed his face repeatedly with a smile plastered on her face. John, held her giggly and thrashing body at arms length and asked through a smile, what's got into you?
Alice smiled even bigger as she replied you did, and shoved a pink plastic wand in his face that had a dark blue + sign in the view window. He pulled her tight and said oh my God Alice you did it.
We did it she replied. She was glowing like an angel when she said were going to be a family John.

Approximately nine months later on a Monday morning as John was getting ready for work, Alice woke with slight cramping. John bent to kiss his wife goodbye and at that exact moment her water broke.
They spent the next couple hours in the hospital preparing for a natural child birth. The pregnancy was progressing very fast and soon the dr discovered there was a problem...

The C-section was put off too long due to Alice's pleas to try everything possible to keep it natural. She began bleeding internally and Alice was comatose following the C- section.
Danny refused to meet their son until he and his wife could meet him together. He spent every minute of every day with Alice and never left her side.
After the third afternoon Alice opened her eyes and saw Danny asleep in the chair next to her. She tried to speak but her voice was so raspy and dry the words were barely audible. But audible enough that Danny snapped awake and was on his knees at her bedside squeezing her hand.
Oh Alice, my beautiful wife. I knew you would come back to me. He sobbed.
After alerting the nurses ,who gave Alice ice chips and took her vitals, they all agreed to have the big introduction in the morning when the doctor got there.
Late that night a nurse entered Alice's room. Danny awoke, nodded to the nurse and rolled over in his cot and resumed his slumber.
Later that night Alice's heart monitor sounded an alarm as the nurses rushed in to begin their work of finding and resolving the problem. But it was too late, Alice was pronounced dead just hours before she was to meet he's son.

Alice woke to a feeling of extreme heat flushing thru her body. It was near impossible to breathe as she opened her eyes and stared into the face of a smiling man who whispered goodnight and then seemingly vanished. She was completely unable to breathe and her heart beat was racing so fast it was like one continuous beat. She saw her husband rush to her bedside and saw him screaming to someone but all she could hear is a silence similar to that of being under water. In complete confusion she thought of her baby and released what air she had left in a silent scream. Then darkness, quickly replaced by alertness again, but her eyes seemed to have lost all color from her vision as everything seemed to have a gray tint now, and everyone was gone. Everyone that is but the man who told her goodnight and flashed her the chilling smile.
You were going to die anyway, I just expedited the process. The strange man said.
Where's my baby i screamed. I glanced back at the hospital bed and then to the door and I ran right at the evil demon with both hands I'm front of me as I cried out at the top oft lungs. I braced for the impact that I was sure would send him flying into the wall but to my surprise I passed right thru him and went spread eagle onto the floor. No pain, I was ok. I hurried to my feet and ran thru the doorway into the hallway of the maturity ward. I hurried down the hall to the nursery hoping to find my baby but when I got there the nursery was empty.
I spun around to see the demon standing behind me laughing. He said thru his laughter. You'll never find him.
The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital room. I saw a nurse coming into the room with a tray. She started down a list of hospital rules as she wrapped the blood pressure cuff around my arm.
Looking up at her I asked um mam do you know where my baby is?
She froze in place and looked down at me and said you don't have a baby here miss.
What do you mean I don't have a baby here. I'm here to deliver my baby, and ... I'm pretty sure it's been delivered, Alice said as she looked down at her belly. The nurse turned and walked thru the wall. Alice shrieked in dis belief , then she sprung from the bed and thru the door of the hospital room into the street. As confusion started to rack her brain she just kept telling herself this isn't real, this isn't real. Over and over in her head as she ran as far and as fast as she could possibly run. All of the images of her life kept flashing thru her mind at warp speed, faster and faster until all she could see was a constant flash made up of every moment of her life and a steady hum of all the moments screaming thru, and bending her mind. But Alice was not going to break. She would not give in to this torment.
Alice stopped running and looked around and noticed she was in a forested area. Still the world was colorless but she was ok, and she outran that evil demon who forced her into purgatory at the worst possible time. She never got to see her son. She never got to hold him, she didn't get that moment where her whole family, Danny, baby, and herself got to put the three of their foreheads together and exchange looks with one another, knowing that no matter where u turn you will see someone who loves you.
"Oh God why is this happening to me?" I cried out to the echo-less purgatory night. I thought to myself, is there really a God after all? Could he, knowing how much I wanted the little miracle he blessed me with, have allowed this to happen? I just don't think that's possible. Cruelty on that scale is not even thinkable when I think what I'd been taught about God. So if there was a God it sure wasn't the God I'd been taught about while growing up.
I wandered into the trees and found a spot for me to try to rest my pulsating mind and perhaps spend the night in since there was no apparent way I could go back home. I realized that there was no physical pain or fatigue, or even hunger. But the emotions were stronger here by a thousand times at least. I guessed.
Probably designed that way so all minds would be shattered by the insurmountable rush of memories and emotions. But like I said before i won't break. No Way
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