Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1891239-The-Stranger
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Erotica · #1891239
Erotica about a woman who meets a stranger that opens her up to a whole new world.
Chapter 1
Dark red silk consumed her as he towered above. She couldn’t help feeling excited and scared all at the same time. The man reached down, gently stroked her long brown hair from her eyes. The touch sent shivers down her spine, little goose bumps sprouted up off her skin.

“Are you cold my love?” The man said in a gently yet husky voice.

That voice, the sound brought another shiver to her body. How could she possibly speak, it took everything in her to just keep her eyes open.

“I…I… No I’m not cold at all” Her voice was shaky and sounded so unfamiliar to her. The man bent down and brushed his lips across her jaw line. Once more shivers coursed through her. “Oh God please don’t expect me to talk anymore.” She thought to herself. Making coherent conversation at this point would be nearly impossible for her. She wished she knew who this strange handsome yet mysterious man was.

“My love, I want you to roll over and just relax” He purred in her ear as his hands started to massage her shoulders.

Without even thinking she flipped herself over only to realize she was naked underneath the silk sheet. She felt him pull the sheet down her lower back and brush across her plump bottom, then slide all the way down her legs to her toes. Never had she ever thought a sheet being pulled off of her could be so sensual.

Gently she felt the bed dip down on one side; turning so she could look out of the corner of her eyes she saw a muscular bare leg. It wasn’t until he was completely straddling her that she realized he was completely naked. She could feel his harden cock poking into her lower back as massaged her. Once again shivers of pleasure coursed through her and she could just make out the beginnings of wetness coming from between her legs. God she didn’t know who this man was but she wanted him so bad. She could just imagine how large his cock must be fully erect, the feel of it sliding in and out of her tight passageway.
Knock Knock….

“Oh please go away” She thought to herself only to realize suddenly that everything around her was growing fuzzy. She could barely feel mystery man’s hands massaging her or his cock poking her as he moved to reach up to her shoulders and neck.

Knock Knock Knock…

The knocking was growing louder and Sophia realized all at once she was back in her own tiny bedroom. Gone were the red silk sheets, and in its place rough cotton ones. The only thing that remained from her dream was the wetness between her legs.


“Sophia open this door now!” Came the stern male voice.

Sophia knew exactly who that voice belonged to. Suddenly the events from last night came flooding back. Her in the bathroom praying the stick didn’t turn up positive and Patrick pacing the floor in her bedroom screaming that this was all her fault. She knew exactly why he was here, after she told him to leave she told him she would call with the results and never did. It wasn’t that she was trying to hide it from him, but the way he acted towards her really opened her eyes to the kind of person he is. Part of her had just really hoped that he would just disappear if he didn’t hear anything.

“Sophia I swear if you don’t open this door I’m going to kick it in”

She had no doubt that he would do that, when he got angry everybody better watch out. Sophia decided that it was best not to keep him waiting any longer. “Give me a minute, I just woke up and I’m not decent.” That was the only excuse she could think of. She really just needed a moment to get herself straight, get her thoughts together and get the last remaining reminisce of the dream out of her head before facing Patrick.
“I don’t care, have you forgotten I have seen you naked. Open this door now; we need to talk about last night.” He sounded a tad bit calmer than before, and Sophia thought she heard a hint sadness as well. She couldn’t make him wait any longer. Quickly she got up off her bed stopped long enough to smooth down her hair in the mirror, and then unlocked her bedroom door. Standing in the hallway was Patrick, still wearing the same clothes from the night before, the smell of beer lingering around him.

“Wow don’t you look a mess.” She couldn’t help herself.

“Stop I want to know what you found out.” Then casting his eyes to the ground, “I also wanted to apologize for the way I was acting. It just really scared me. Neither of us is ready for that kind of responsibility, we are both just kids ourselves.”

He was right they were just kids. She was newly 21, getting ready to start college again and he was 25 with plans of seeing the world before settling down. “You have nothing to worry about the test was negative. I guess all the stress of starting school and all I’m just late.”

Even though this was a good thing Sophia couldn’t help but feel somewhat sad by the rush of relief that Patrick was showing. “That’s great news, babe why didn’t you call me and tell me? I have been so worried about what we would do if it was positive.”

She couldn’t answer him; suddenly everything she thought to say to him last night vanished. All she could think about was the fact that she really wasn’t pregnant. She didn’t want to be, but with this scare she started to think about herself in terms of being a mother, but that was something she could never share with him.

“Sophia come here, are you alright?” Patrick asked his arms outstretched towards her, concern all over his face.

“Yeah I’m fine. I’m just relieved that’s all” she lied, walking towards his open arms.

Slowly he folded his arms around her, kissing the top of her hair then gently resting his chin on her head. As soon as he embraced her she melted into him. All the anger she had towards him vanishing completely. It was always like this, but every time he touched her it felt like he was speaking directly to her body.

Tilting her chin up she tenderly kissed his neck, he responded by turning her so her back was pressed against him and his arms wrapped around her waist. “So I take it all is forgiven.” He whispered into her ear as his hand slid down between her legs, gently rubbing her over her thin nightgown.
© Copyright 2012 Elizabeth Wolf (justme85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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