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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Erotica · #1904179
Continuation of Give In To Me Chapter Three
Chapter Three - Give In To Me
Copy Right 2011 – All Rights Reserved

Andre watched the Princess sleep. ‘Even sleeping she makes my heart beat faster.’ He knew without a doubt in his mind that he would have her. She was his and he didn’t plan on sharing. He lay down next to her on the bed and wrapped her into him enclosing her with his wings. ‘She even fits perfectly into my body.’
He brought his lips down to hers and gently kissed her. Instantly a shock went threw his entire body sending electric currents everywhere. He took a moment to bask in the feeling and decided to explore her beauty while she slept.

He kissed her again reveling in the electrical current that was shared between the two of them. His hands slowly caressed her body sending Andre over the edge. He became so aroused that he needed to explore her beauty even further. He brought his hands to her breasts and started squeezing and molding them to his hands. As he did this ‘his’ princess moaned.

Andre’s pants were becoming too tight, he decided to take them off. He went right back to exploring her breasts. He looked at her nipples that were pressing against her shirt just begging him to suck. Slowly he lifted her shirt and placed one in his mouth while his other hand unclipped the front enclosure of her bra so he could glide his mouth and hands over her perfect rosy nipples and beautiful breasts skin to skin. Andre’s heart was beating so fast, he felt he needed release.

Between looking at and touching the princess’s body and the electrical currents running between them he thought he would burst. He very carefully took off her jean shorts and slid them ever so slowly down her legs.

When her shorts were finally off he stood back and looked at her, pure perfection just as he imagined. She was wearing the littlest white lace panties that were staring at him, begging him to take them off of her. Before he did, he brought his mouth down to that very sexy triangle hidden beneath the sexy fabric and placed it over her and took a nibble and let his hot breath out onto her hidden passion. He ever so carefully slid her panties down her body dropping them to the floor. He stepped back and couldn’t help to scan every inch of her.

Andre was so hard just from looking at her that it was driving him crazy. He stood along side of the bed now placing tiny little electric kisses down her entire body. He moved his mouth to her perfect breasts again and started licking and sucking them one at a time focusing intently on her delicious nipples. Grazing his teeth over her right nipple and sucking gently, the princess let out a moan and thrust her hips in the air. Andre smirked and said, “Is that an invitation my little princess?” and continued what he was doing.

She moaned again driving Andre insane with passion. He trailed his tongue from one breast to the other then continued down her entire body stopping at her core. He brought his finger to that delicious bud and started rubbing her swollen clit making her moan again and thrust her hips even harder.
“I’m sorry Princess, I need a taste of your fairy juice. I really need you to remember this feeling always, when you do, you will see me.”

He moved his mouth right to the center of her core and started to lick her and suck her, tasting her delicious juices as they started to flow. She tasted like the sweetest treat he had ever tasted. He needed more. He gently spread her thighs, resting her ankles around his waist and slipped his finger inside her making her even more wet so he could drink and taste even more of her. He was driving himself insane with passion. His throbbing manhood wanted release, his blood was boiling, his heart was racing and the taste of her was driving him out of his mind.

He placed another finger inside her and started pumping in and out of her lapping up every drop of her delicious nectar. Andre let out a growl, turned slightly so he could get his other hand around his engorged shaft and started to pump himself while he was fingering her core and licking and sucking on her button. The princess let out a moan and Andre knew she was almost ready to erupt. He quickened the pace letting out a moan from deep within himself from the whole experience and lifted his face but for one second and said, “Cum for me Princess, come join me in paradise.”

As Andre said that he felt her body tighten and convulse around his fingers as he sucked every last drop of her, he exploded like he’s never exploded before. Both their orgasms went on and on, almost like their orgasms were linked; the longer he could make hers last, the longer his lasted. He kissed her delicious cove and sucked on it one more time, not ready to give up the most incredible feeling he had ever felt.
He carefully dressed her and put his pants back on then lay down next to her for the second time. As he got closer to her he once again wrapped her in his magnificent wings and watched her sleep. “Mine” was what he said before he fell asleep along side her.

Elizabeth woke up and felt amazing. She slept so soundly and peacefully for the first time in a long time. She went to get out of bed but felt an electric shock from her neck down. She looked around and couldn’t figure it out. She felt it again, this time on her mouth, an electrical shock that made her heart rate quicken. “Is someone there?” she asked looking around. “I can sense you. Why don’t you just show yourself already?”

‘Hmmm, maybe I can make myself appear.’ Andre closed his eyes and concentrated. Nothing. He decided to try again. He lifted Elizabeth’s hand to his mouth and kissed it sending a warm electrical current to both of them. Elizabeth pulled her hand away, got up and quickly started making the bed. Andre decided that he would try something again. He brought his lips directly to her neck and gave her a warm gentle kiss.
Elizabeth jumped back and started looking around the room. She couldn’t see anything or anyone. She walked over to her closet and started looking for something to wear. She wanted to look tempting because she was going home and would hopefully see her secret crush. She closed her eyes and smiled visualizing his gorgeous face and delicious body. Andre was standing directly behind her and was able to see her vision. “Oh hell no. He will not have you, I will make sure of it.”

Andre closed his eyes and sent her a vision of him instead. Elizabeth saw the image and just shook her head. “Where did he come from? I don’t remember ever seeing him,” said Elizabeth. “I think I’ve been here too long, I need to get home.”

Elizabeth took a shower and decided to finally pick out something to wear. She pulled out a beautiful white dress with a heart shaped top and two little sleeves that fell off her shoulders. The body of the dress was beautiful and flowed as she moved. She fixed her hair and put on a little make-up, put on her beautiful sandals and walked downstairs.

Andre was sulking because all his little princess was thinking about was another man, a man not even worthy of her beauty. It was making him sick with envy. He walked over to Elizabeth and wrapped her in his wings bringing his mouth to her ears where he whispered, “Andre.” Elizabeth looked around but didn’t see anything so she dismissed it. She started to gather up a bunch of things and place them in a bag and headed out the door towards the woods. She walked to the same spot where she met Bacchus and started an incantation. She created a vortex and quickly slipped through. Andre swiftly followed before the vortex disappeared.

As soon as Elizabeth entered her realm, she became herself, Princess Arabella. Her beautiful blond hair became longer, her eyes deepened, her lips became a little fuller and her body looked even more tempting. Andre watched as beautiful, elegant white wings formed and a beautiful dainty crown appeared on top of her head. When she took a step, it looked like she was gliding.

She walked over to her left and stood before a beautiful sparkling pond that glistened like a million diamonds were hidden inside. There were gorgeous deep emerald green trees in bloom and various flowers, all vibrant and colorful. The lilies scattered across the pond were of the purest white Andre had ever seen. He watched as the princess stood there just breathing it in.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge animal came charging at the Princess knocking her down. Andre was just about to help her when he stopped mid stride.

“Butterscotch! I missed you so much!” the Princess said as the animal just licked her all up.

As Arabella gracefully lifted herself off the ground a half dressed male came running over and lifted her into his arms and spun her around. “I’ve missed you so much.” He said as he kissed her all up. “Don’t ever leave me again.” He gently placed Arabella on the ground and stepped back to look at her, “I don’t get it. How is it possible that you are even more beautiful now then you were the last time I saw you.”

Arabella smiled, “That’s because you missed me,” she turned to him and asked, “Have you seen any of my brothers lately Drystan?”

“Your brothers haven’t really been around lately. Your father has them training with Brogan, your future husband, remember him Arabella?”

Butterscotch let out a growl and Arabella said, “See even Butterscotch doesn’t like Brogan.”

“Arabella, your parents set this wedding up the second you were born, I don’t think anything can change that.”

“Why can’t you marry me? We can go to the old witch on the mountain and have it done. Come on Drystan, think about all you will gain.”

“Probably because I’m your cousin. Don’t really think that would sit well with anyone period.”
“You do have a point,” said Arabella. She bent down and started playing with her bobcat. “How did you know I was here Drystan?”

“I can smell you Arabella. You have a distinct scent that is absolutely amazing; unlike anything I have ever smelt. Oh and Butterscotch took off like a crazy cat and that helped confirm it was you.”

Arabella pushed Drystan and asked, “Do you think anyone else knows I’m here?”

“Um, yeah Arabella, I’m positive they know you’re here.”

“ARABELLA!” yelled a very huge, very angry fairy.

“Yes, that’s my name,” huffed Arabella.

“I left explicit instructions that you were not to leave the earth realm until the next moon,” barked her brother Arlan
“I am no longer taking orders from you or anyone else. I am Princess Arabella and will do as I please.”

“We’ll just see what Brogan has to say about that now won’t we little sister?” said Arlan snidely quickly turning and walking away.

Arabella walked over to her favorite boulder that was slightly emerged in the pond and sat down on it. She put her head down and just sat there. Drystan walked over to her and said, “I have to get going, but I will be by later to check up on you.”

Andre sat there watching the entire scene and now more then ever he needed to be there for Arabella. He concentrated on making himself appear, this time it worked. He looked down and actually was able to see his entire body. He was really excited and needed to make his first move on the woman he claimed as his.

“Princess?” said Andre.

Arabella slowly looked up and couldn’t believe her eyes. Before her stood the most amazing male specimen she had ever seen. This man before her was approximately six feet three inches, his hair was as dark as night which made her want to run her fingers through his handsome waves that accented his remarkable face. His eyes were an amazing turquoise color and almond in shape. His body was pure muscle tempting and inviting anyone to touch it.

“Are you okay?”

Arabella wrapped her legs into her chest and said, “Do I know you?” as she watched Butterscotch come sauntering over and plop himself down right alongside Andre.

“We met many, many years ago Princess. My name is Andre, I am the son of Xavier and my mother is Gabriella.”

Arabella smiled and said, “Yes, I remember now. What brings you here to this realm Andre?”

Andre smiled at Arabella and said, “There has been chatter in a few realms that Princess Arabella’s life was in danger. Me being a concerned individual came to offer my services.” He bowed before her and held out his hand to her. “Besides, I would never want to see anything happen to someone so lovely as yourself.” He brought his hand to her chin and lifted her face so he could look into her eyes. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek sending a tiny little shock that sent shivers down both their spines
Arabella took a moment to catch her breath. ‘Wow, what the heck was that. How did he do that to me? That was amazing.’ Arabella looked up at Andre and said, “That is mighty kind of you but I am really fine. You shouldn’t concern yourself with my affairs.” She started to get up but Andre moved in front of her keeping her right where she was.

“Too late Princess, I am very concerned with your affairs,” said Andre firmly.

Arabella huffed and said, “Then unconcern yourself Andre, I don’t need anyone else skulking around me.”

Andre made a face of mock horror, “Skulking?”

Arabella tried to get up and for the second time Andre wouldn’t budge. He just stood there looking down at her. His eyes never once leaving hers he said, “Chatter is also saying that Brogan is not what he makes you believe he is. He may possibly be the one who has caused all these problems.”

Arabella looked at Andre shocked and rendered speechless.

“I am not here to hurt you Princess, I am here because there are others that are concerned for your safety and the safety of your family.” He placed his hands on her arms and gently pulled her to her feet. He looked into her eyes and said, “Think Arabella, remember all that has happened and you will find your answers.”
Arabella couldn’t help but to look into Andre’s eyes, they captivated her. His touch was doing things to her that she had never felt before. Tiny little electrical currents were flowing through her entire body just from the nearness alone.

“I forgot how beautiful your wings were Andre. I remember when we were little I loved to touch them and rub my fingers through them.”

Andre smiled and said, “Would you like to touch them now my Princess?”

The sound of the way he spoke either her name or princess sent shivers down her spine.

She smiled at Andre and asked, “Do you mind?”

‘Mind? I am begging you to touch me.’ Andre stood there with his legs open and his arms crossed and said,

“I welcome it Princess or would you prefer Arabella?”

“I like the way both of them sound Andre. Whatever you are more comfortable with is fine with me,” she said as she put her hands out and slowly ran her fingers through his wings. She closed her eyes relishing the way they felt against her skin.

Andre quickly became aroused and wanted to see what would happen if he kissed her but decided he would bide his time with her. He waited for her to finish and when she did he smiled at her and said, “That brought back memories Arabella wouldn’t you agree?”

Arabella looked up at Andre and said, “Thank you, it did.”

“Then why do you look so sad?”

“I’m not sad.”

“Princess, you cannot lie to me. I can feel your sadness.” Andre gently pulled Arabella into him and wrapped his arms around her and encased her in his wings for a few seconds. He looked down at her and placed a kiss gently on the top of her head and said, “Better now Princess?”

Arabella looked up and smiled, “I forgot that too, you can take away anything with a warm embrace. A girl could get addicted to that Andre.”

“Would that be so bad Princess? Imagine having a man devoted to you, loyal to you that can take away all your problems while wrapped in his warmth.”

“I am not that fortunate Andre. My intended is a dark lord, but he doesn’t have wings like yours or the ability to take the pain away. I think he is more the inflictor of it.”

“Arabella, does he make you feel this?” Andre crashed his lips down on Arabella’s lips and licked the bottom lip sending a shiver throughout her entire body. She parted her lips and Andre slipped in his tongue and found hers and deepened the kiss. Shock after shock was felt by each of them. His heart was beating so fast he thought it would fly right out of his chest. Both of them stopped the kiss at the same time and looked in each other’s eyes. Andre placed another kiss on her lips and took a half of a step back to look at her.

“Well Arabella, does he?”

Arabella slowly let out her breath and said, “No. It doesn’t feel like that.”

“Arabella, someone’s approaching, I will be close by.” And he vanished into thin air.

Arabella brought her fingers to her lips and couldn’t get that delicious kiss off her mind. Never in her life has she ever experienced something like that apart from a wonderful dream she had the other night. She smiled to herself because her body’s still tingles from that wonderful dream.

Andre watched her touch her lips and was delighted. “I will have you Arabella,” whispered Andre as he waited to see who was approaching.

“What are you doing here Princess?” asked Brogan angrily.

“I don’t feel the need to answer you Brogan!”

“You will answer me now Princess or I will.”

“You will what Brogan?” asked Arabella.

Brogan took a breath and said, “Or I will come over there and kiss you, my Princess.”

The thought of it actually made Arabella sick, “I’m leaving now. I missed Butterscotch over here and just wanted to see him,” she said as she started to pet him and love him all up. She looked up at Brogan and asked, “How did you know I was here Brogan?”

“I was visiting your father when I heard your brother yelling about you never listening. Let’s get one thing straight Princess, you are my intended, you will do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. Got it?”

Arabella smiled at him and said, “Brogan, why would you say that?”

“Because you are spoiled and always do as you please. It won’t be that way with me, that I can promise you.” He then turned and walked away.

Arabella walked over to her boulder and started crying. She couldn’t seem to stop. Andre appeared before her and bent his head down towards her and said, “Arabella, come to me.” He held out his hand for her and she took it. He gently pulled her into his embrace and wrapped his wings around her and held her there for as long as he could. He made himself invisible so no one would see them or interrupt them.

“Arabella look at me,” said Andre.

Arabella looked up at Andre and he gently wiped away her tears. “You will not marry that man Arabella, I can’t allow it. He is violent and will hurt you.”

“There is nothing I can do about it Andre.”

“Ah Arabella, need I remind you that your magic can bring Brogan to his knees. You have the gift form both sets of grandparents, your mother and your father plus the gift of the three sisters your father gave to you. You need not be afraid little one, all you need is practice.”

Arabella wrapped her arms around Andre’s chest and hugged him tight. She felt her body heat up, but this time it responded differently. She felt a wave of heat from the center of her body straight down to her core.

She slowly pulled away and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek and said, “Thank you Andre, it was a pleasure seeing you again please tell your parents I said hi and hope they are well.”

Andre took off the invisible protection and unwrapped her from his embrace and asked, “Arabella, are you dismissing me?”

She smiled at Andre and said, “Never Andre, I just don’t want to take up any more of your time. Thank you for helping me,” she turned and tried to walk away but Andre was again in front of her.

“I will see that you get home safely Princess and I can promise you that this will not be the last time you will be seeing me.”

“Andre, can I ask you something?”

“Yes, anything.”

“Whenever I touch you or you touch me I feel some sort of current run through me. Do you feel that at all or is it just me?”

Andre stopped in his tracks. ‘She feels it too. She is the one for me; I think I’ve known this since the very first time we met. Perfect.’ He pulled her back so she knew he stopped walking, looked directly in her eyes and said, “Like this Arabella?” He stroked her cheek gently then ran his fingers across her sweet lips sending a shockwave after shockwave through each other’s entire bodies. Then he brushed his lips against hers and said, “Yes my Princess, I feel it too.” Andre held out his hands and with a puff of smoke he produced a beautiful deep blue crystal pendent for Arabella.

“This will keep you safe Arabella. Anytime you are in a situation you need to get out of, place your hand over it and wish for safety. It will lead you to a safe place.” Andre lifted Arabella’s hair and breathed in her delicious scent as he placed the crystal pendent. “This is where we part ways my Princess.” He kissed her and vanished.

Arabella touched the pendent and felt a small jolt throughout her entire body. She stood there mesmerized from the sensation and didn’t hear someone approaching till it was too late. A hand came over her mouth and the next thing she saw was darkness.
© Copyright 2012 DecemberRein (decemberrein at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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