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by Aelyah
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1911958
An evening in the City of Light

Dahlia dropped a few coins in the small cardboard box. She almost bolted when she felt the bony hand of the beggar on her arm. Her struggle to escape only strengthened his grip on her. He raised his head and the hood of his gray jacket, too large for his body, slipped a fraction. Green eyes speckled with gold searched her and she almost missed the shriveled skin on a face like parchment. He held her stare and the hunger in his eyes made her gasp for air.

Before she could utter her retort, he whispered and pushed a velvet box in her hand.

A silver star sparkled against the gray plush and mocked the trail of stars on his weathered coat.

He released her hand and the hood fell as he dropped his head to his chest.

Dahlia walked through the brisk evening. A man with a white scarf and a raised collar hurried by her, eager to start his evening in a nearby pub. Couples whispered with purpose and tourists checked their maps.

She hesitated, unsure where to go. Left or right, it would lead her to the small pizza shop famous for making the best calzone in the City of Light.

Someone bumped into her and mumbled a polite excuse. In the light of the street lamp, silver stars sparkled on his fashionable hoodie. He continued right so she took the left.

Dahlia climbed the steep slope and, breathless, opened the door of the pizzeria. Green eyes speckled with gold on a handsome face assessed her from under a gray hood.

She extended her hand.
"I believe this belongs to you."

He sucked in a deep breath and took the box then laid a strong hand on her arm.
"Can I buy you a calzone, are you hungry?"

"I'm ravenous."

© Copyright 2013 Aelyah (aelyah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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