Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1915925-Dear-Me-Contest
Rated: ASR · Letter/Memo · Other · #1915925
My letter to myself with my writing goals for 2013.
Dear me,
                   Welcome to 2013 it’s a pleasure to see you made it this far. Many things happened in 2012. Some of them good and some of them bad but in the end we spent a great deal of time procrastinating. Who does dishes instead of writing Seriously! We have a few issues to deal with and here are some goals.

1.          This year we will pull Telaena out of the naughty draw and look at her with fresh eyes. Those of the past who have pretended to be muses and friends are no longer around trying to co-op the story line to fit their own desires. I think we need to stop punishing her for the crimes of others. Remember since those people are no longer around take great joy in killing their characters! Mwahahahaha *cough* *cough*

2.          Stop smoking. It is making it hard to maintain evil laughter.

3.          Use the type writer. We bought it for a reason. You spend too much time rewriting scenes and not enough time writing new ones… Can’t Ctrl+A and delete on a typewriter.

4.          Cut down on the fan fictions. Yes they are fun to read but they are simply another form of procrastination. Well ok maybe not give them up but only before bed… and maybe on the train.

5.          Do at least half an hour to an hour every day, even if it is only planning.

6.          Get a story board, it is too hard to read everything of spread sheets, print things out. Post it notes are about to be your best friend.

7.          Yes study is important. Study will lead to a well-paying job that will fund your writing. Remember: Don’t get caught writing story in class. You lost two whole chapters last time your notebook got confiscated.

8.          Writing Fan Fictions is fun, but you will not get published if that is all you write… try not to spend all your writing time on them. Although they are pretty awesome stories.

9.          I know it is something we often forget so I will repeat it. Stop deleting everything!!!

10.          Remember you have a writing.com account for a reason. Get back into the communities, edit, review and post before they send out a search party to make sure you are still breathing.

Remember Tamora Pierce herself said your writing had promise, she read the prologue and wanted to know what happens next so finish it and send it to her. If it is bad she will tell you!

Your writing is not what you are it is a part of who you are.

Don’t be afraid of starting in the middle of the story if you have to. A story is a living thing, you don’t have to start at the head to see it all.

Good luck baby girl!

Yours Sincerely
Amanda Irazusta

P.S. Find out what is up with semi-colons, those things are just confusing.

P.P.S. Buy a dragon to guard your manuscripts and name it 'fluffy'.
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