Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1916067-Best-Of-Enemies
Rated: GC · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1916067
How can two enemies become friends?
Workplace Rendezvous


“God, I hate that woman,” I complained about my new co-worker. My sister raised an eyebrow but said nothing. “She totally pisses me off and I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve it.”

Julie sighed. “Dean, you can be so dense sometimes. From what you’ve told me, Lisa is a high-flyer, brought in to put some backbone into the company, and she’s been partnered with you. I know how much respect and appreciation you’ve gained at Consolidated; you’ve taken all the flak recently and still come up smelling of roses. Can’t you see Lisa is, well, scared. She can’t come to terms with your status in the company and is scared you’ll undermine her.”

I stared at my sister uncomprehendingly. “You’ve got to be joking, sis. I’m not a threat to anyone, least of all Miss Snootypants.”

Julie looked me straight in the eye. “If the truth be told, I suspect you fancy her. Why not admit it, Dean?”

“Lisa? Me? You must be joking.” My sarcasm could have stripped paint.

“Whatever you say, brother mine. But don’t forget how well I know you! Listen,” Julie continued, “give her a chance. Let her know you’re not a threat. Let her know you want to work with her, not against her. Let her know you recognise her skills and will support her. She’s not a threat to you, why be a threat to her?”

“But I’m not; I’ve never …” then commonsense started to kick in and I realised Julie was trying to tell me what was, ironically, one of my own favourite sayings, “co operation, not competition”. And maybe, just maybe, there was just a tiny grain of truth about my personal feelings towards Lisa. If only we could get over the conflict.

“Okay, Julie, maybe you’ve got a point. I’ll try your way because mine is sure not working.” Julie smiled and gave me a sisterly pat on the head.

I had never really wanted to be Lisa’s enemy; when I was first introduced to this gorgeous, smart and funny woman, I found myself unexpectedly tongue tied. I rather enjoyed some masculine stirrings, but they became blunted by the ongoing conflict. There was no denying her beauty and elegance, but I came to see this as contaminated by her arrogance towards me. My male ego must have been quite fragile if I had been hurt in such a way; I just hadn’t been able— or willing— to let her barbs go.

Next day, an opportunity to talk to Lisa wasn’t long in coming. She stormed into my office; a tall slender beauty with dark brown hair, and flashing angry eyes, ready to do battle. She wanted to complain to me about a control issue in an area nominally my responsibility.

My instinctive reaction was to confront her, making an issue of her complaint. Then my sister’s words flashed through my mind. This time, I listened. Actively. Listening for clues between the words. Lisa eventually wound down and looked at me irritably.

“Okay, Dean, so what are you going to do? It’s your problem, you know and …”

I forestalled any further accusations. “Yes, Lisa, I know. You’re right; I need to act and I will fix it today. Thank you.”

Lisa stared at me open mouthed. She clearly hadn’t expected this and stammered, “Oh … oh, alright then; thanks,” and left my office trying to process what she’d just heard.

I fixed the problem, and had another visit during the afternoon.

“Dean,” she started hesitantly, then plunged in, “look, is this softly, softly approach some game you’re playing just to blindside me?”

At other times, this accusation would have led to a harsh verbal brawl. I took a deep breath and said, “No, Lisa, I realise I haven’t been very fair to you. I think we can work well together without being at each others’ throats all the time. What do you think—have we got a chance?”

Seeing Lisa lost for words was a new experience and I waited until she stammered, “I … I guess so. Thank you, Dean, this will make my job so much easier.” She stopped, obviously with more to come. “Dean, you have such a powerful reputation here and I felt you wouldn’t be prepared to accept me. I was hired to do a job, and I was scared you might feel threatened by me and would try to undermine me, so I put on an aggressive face. I’m not usually so difficult,” she finished, blushing.

“I’m sure you’re right, and it’s been stupid of me to treat you as if you’re some kind of threat.” I felt elated, but I also felt something else. I felt drawn to this smart, beautiful woman, and now the barrier was weakening, I wondered whether there was scope for a more personal relationship.

“Lisa,” I started, somewhat tentatively, “You don’t have a ring on your third finger, although I know it’s no guarantee of anything—are you … well, are you attached or anything?” I knew it sounded weak, but she didn’t take advantage.

“No, I’m pretty much over a bad relationship, and I think the pain of the break up may have made me grumpy and difficult. Anyway, why do you ask?” she said ingenuously, but her eyes smiled as she did so.

“Well, I know I could get myself into trouble over sexual harassment, but I did wonder whether you might be interested in getting together sometime; I can be a gentleman when I need to.”

She flicked an eyebrow in a manner very reminiscent of my sister. “What makes you think you’re harassing me? I’ll let you know if you are. On the other hand, how about coffee and perhaps a meal after work this evening—if you’re free?”

Taking a chance, I took a soft, perfectly manicured hand in mine and kissed it. “If this is the other hand, I’d love to take it—and the rest of you—for coffee and a bite to eat.”

Her smile widened. “Dutch?”

“Deal,” I laughed.

The meal was excellent, her company exhilarating and the time flew by. As we left the restaurant and prepared to head home, Lisa smiled, “Your place or mine?”

I gave a mischievous smile. “I’m not the sort of guy who expects sex on the first date.” I watched her eyes flash and twinkle.

She chuckled, a low, soft sound, guaranteed to make my blood run faster. “What a pity,” she whispered huskily, “I’m that sort of girl.”

“Oh well, make it your place then,” I said, and she laughed out loud.

I followed Lisa to her unit, tastefully decorated and furnished, but I didn’t have much time to appreciate the decor before she linked her arms around my neck and whispered, “Kiss me as if all you want is to get me into bed right now.”

It was, and I obeyed orders, kissing her lightly to start, then running my tongue across her lips before she opened her mouth and worked hard to capture mine. We clung together, the heat rising as she ground her sweet body against me. I responded by stroking her breasts, revelling in the throaty hum it generated.

“Wait, Dean,” she murmured, turning away from me, and undressing quickly, then turning back to reveal what I already knew would be a mouth watering body. “Like what you see?” she giggled.

I undressed almost as quickly, then picked her up squealing, and carried her to the bedroom. We rolled onto the bed, and I caressed her silken skin, delighting in her soft moans. I kissed her again, and slipped my hand down to her breast, an engorged nipple demanding instant attention. Pinching and twisting her nipples caused a rewarding squeal, and her moaned demand, “I need you inside me now, you big ape. Please …”

I caressed her mound, feeling the heat and moisture. She writhed and made incoherent sounds of passion as I stroked along her vagina, finding her clitoris and generating gratifying gasps of pleasure.

“Please, Dean, please …”

“I love it when a woman begs,” I teased and Lisa took my rigid, almost painful member in her hand and squeezed.

“What part of ‘now’ don’t you understand?” she demanded.

I gave an evil laugh and pulled her on top of me. “Not one thing,” I replied, as she held herself over the heat seeking missile my manhood had become.

“Yes, oh god, yes,” Lisa moaned, lowering herself onto me, engulfing me in her sweet velvety heat.

We moved hard against each other in a wonder of mutual lust and desire. Her nails dug into my shoulders and she enveloped me in a fiery passion as her sexual muscles rippled and gripped me. Her screams became a crescendo of need as she reached the summit and plunged into a spasming, moaning, writhing orgasm, her juices drenching me. I needed nothing more to take me to my own pinnacle and fill her, brimming, with my seed.

Eventually, we relaxed and rolling apart, turned and looked into each others eyes.

“Friends?” I asked.

“I certainly hope so,” Lisa laughed, “or at least best of enemies.”

1528 words

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