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Rated: E · Sample · Romance/Love · #1924839
This is a story of two friends who will find love in unlikely places.

Chapter 1

Abigail Rachel-May Collins was born and raised in Savannah Georgia to Theodore and Charlotte Collins. The third eldest of five children was the only one of her siblings to bring her mother’s mousy brown hair and father’s hazel eyes. At 5’7, the twenty-seven year old with tall lean legs, Abigail was a force to be reckoned with in the fashion world. She did some modeling as a teen but found out she liked working behind the scenes instead. Now Chief Director at Evina’s Magazine having worked for the company since graduating from college, Abigail felt a sense of accomplishment. The road to being Chief Director was stressful and at times she wanted to quit but Abigail did not want to fail. She had to prove to her family that she could make it on her own without their money. Abigail could recount that summer morning on her twenty-second birthday, when she announced to her family that she was taking a job at Evina and not at Collins Law Firm. The look of disappointed on her father’s face was the hardest thing she could watch and later that night, while everyone was asleep, she grabbed what she could and walked out of her parent’s house. That was five years ago and now she was being summoned back to Savannah Georgia. She read the letter one more time,

“My dear beloved daughter Abigail,

I have missed you so much and words cannot express how hard it has been these past five years to not write or call you since you left. Do not think for just one second that we did not know where you were? Remember the firm has excellent private investigators and we found you within a month of you leaving Savannah. Your father and I love you deeply and we wanted the best for you. I know we should have been more accepting when you wanted to work in fashion but honestly, we did not think that’s the right fit for you. Although you may not like to hear this, but I have to say that your place is at the firm with your brother and sister. There’s so much I want to share with you, but it’s going to wait until you are here for the summer. That’s right! Abigail Rachel-May you are hereby summoned to Savannah Georgia for your sister Anna Beth’s wedding to Spencer Hatcher. I spent nine long hours in labor with you, it behooves you to honor my request and I expect to see you Saturday May 15. That is three weeks from now. So get a move on it. Love your mom.

She picked up the phone and called her assistant. “James, I need you to book me a flight to Savannah and cancel all my meeting. Also send Craig to my office”. “Yes Ms. Collins,” James answered. Abigail picked up her cell phone and called her best friend from college Cassie. “Hi this is Cassie, I’m unable to come to the phone right now but please leave a brief message and I’ll get back to you,” beep… “Hey Cass, this is Abi, so I got a letter from my mom today summoning me back to savannah. Call me back a.s.a.p.”

Abigail went back to work, making sure everything would be in order when she leaves. Craig Nevelson would be the acting-editor while she was in Savannah and would answer to the board of directors. “Ms. Collins, your brother Aiden is on the line 2,” James said through the intercom. Her twin brother Aiden was the only one she kept in contact with after she left savannah five years ago. Aiden shared the same eye color as his sister but that was where the genetic similarities ended. He had Sandy blond hair, toppled at 6’2, broad shoulders and narrow chin and jaw liked his father. Anyone standing next to Abigail and Aiden would not have believed that they were twin. They were two completely different people. She was outspoken and too caring about people’s feelings while Aiden was honest and direct to the point. Aiden was the peacemaker in the family, and the family architect. He owned his own Architectural business and it was prospering nicely. Like his sister, he too wanted something different than working in the family law firm.

“Hi Aiden,” Abigail said smiling into the phone.
“Hey sis”, he retorted. “Did you get mom’s letter?” he asked.
“Yeah I got mom’s letter.” A little heads up would have been nice,” she scolded.
“Good news, I’m bringing Cassie with me…. Aiden are you there?” she asked.
“Yea, I’m still here.” “How is she?” he asked.
“You’ll just have to wait and see” Abigail responded.
“So our flight lands at 12:15pm on Saturday, don’t be late!” Abigail said.
“I won’t!” I must go Abs; I’ll see you on Saturday. Love you!” Aiden said.
“Love you too!” she responded and hung up.
Picking up her purse and keys, Abigail walked out of her office to do a little shopping. “ James I won’t be back today, send all my calls to Craig. Also you are free to take the day off and I have informed Craig that are still in charge of your column” Abigail said as she passed by James’ desk. James deserved a promotion she thought to herself. He was loyal, a great team player and very good thinking on his feet. He was a great assistant and would be lost without him, but he would be a valuable asset to her team if promoted to copy editor.” She called Cassie again to see if she wanted to go shopping but it went straight to voicemail.
“Yes Ma’am,” James answered smiling. James loved working for Abigail. She was a tough and no nonsense boss but also fair. She had taught him so much in just two years that he would use to move up into the fashion business. He hoped to become Chief Editor of a magazine someday and make his momma proud. James was born and raised in Tucson to single mom Althea Montgomery. Being poor, and surrounding by women all day, James got his first taste of fashion at age seven, from a magazine at one of his mother’s cleaning jobs. After reading that magazine, James knew that he wanted to be in fashion. In high school, James was teased and called Gay because he liked sewing his own clothes and dressing different than the other kids. His own mother thought he was gay and began setting him up on blind dates. After several discussions, he finally convinced her that he was straight.
Abigail decided to hit up Mystique, her favorite boutique to find a dress for the wedding. As she

Chapter Two
Twenty-seven year old Cassie Simmons was on the fast track. She had already made junior partner at Grant and Braxton Associates, had a fabulous loft in the trendiest neighborhood and was dating Maxwell Staunton III, heir to the Moroccan Hotels. Cassie not only had the brains but she was very attractive too. At 5’7 with smoky grey eyes, and black wavy hair, everywhere she went she was hit on. Every Friday night Cassie would be the last to leave work and this Friday was no different. It almost 10:00pm and Cassie was still at her desk going over the Macchiaveni case. She was deep into the case that she missed the soft knock at her door and was startled to see Conrad Braxton standing in her doorway.
“Cassie, go home the case will be here in the morning” Conrad said.
“I know Conrad, but there’s something that I am missing and I can sense it” she retorted.
“Maybe a goodnight rest, will help you find out what you’re missing tomorrow” was his reply.
Giving up, Cassie closed the folder, grabbed her purse put the folder in and told Conrad goodnight and headed home. While in the elevator, she reached for her phone and noticed that she had missed seven calls; one from her mom and two were from Maxwell and the rest from her friends. Maxwell would have to wait, she thought and walked to her car. The night was anything but quiet. Below the garage she could hear music blaring from the bars. And that’s when it hit her, the missing link in the case. How had she missed it, she raced up to the elevators and pressed her floor. Niles the security guard on her floor smirked at her, and said, “Back so soon?” Nodding she headed to Conrad’s office but as she got closer she could hear Conrad talking on the phone. “No one has put together the link yet, I made damn sure of it…. Cassie’s smart but she will not figure it out and if she did, then we will just have to take care of her like the last time. All is good on my end! Say hi to Chrissie and the kids for me, bye John. “ Cassie backed away from the door before Conrad could catch her, counted to ten and knocked on the slightly ajar door. “ Hey Conrad, I think I figured out the link on the case… just in the instant, her cell rang and Abigail’s number displayed. Sorry she mouth at Conrad and answered, “Hi Abi. No I haven’t listened to my voicemail yet…. What! Savannah, when do you leave? The fifteen? That’s in three weeks…. You want me to come with you? I can’t right now, you know I’m working on this huge case… That’s not fair! Grrr…. I’ll talk to my boss… Bye Abs, see you in a bit.” Cassie hung up. Sorry Conrad, so about the Macchiaveni’s case. Conrad stopped her. “Cassie the Macchiaveni’s case is going to Nicholas. I know you have worked hard on it and you would do a great job at representing the firm, however, the board of directors feel that Nicholas have a better shot at getting a conviction. I truly believe you could get a conviction but I have to do what the board wants. And when you come back from Savannah, we will have case for you. Don’t bother arguing with me, you need to take a vacation,” he said.

Cassie was stunned. She had worked really hard to get this case and now it was being taken away. She felt numb to the core. All those hours of studying the case went down the drain and now a snake like Nicholas is swooping in to take credit for the work she had put it. Abigail and her mother had warned her that although she made junior partner, she still wasn’t one of the boys. Hurt by the firm’s action, Cassie turned and went straight home. It was the longest drive of her life. Once inside her apartment, the tears she had held in streamed down her face and she sobbed hysterically. She called Abigail. Abigail picked up on the first ring. “Hey Cass!” she said.
“My case was taken from me and given to slime ball Nicholas” Cassie sniffed.
“What!” Abigail responded.
“I think the Macchiaveni’s family is paying the firm so we could lose the case” Cassie said.
“You have to report this” Abigail retorted.
“I can’t I don’t have any proof! I’m thinking about quitting” Cassie replied.
“Oh Cass!” Abigail exclaimed.
“I’m so sorry! But I’m glad because you need a break. You’ve been working way to hard and those jackasses didn’t even appreciate you. I say quit! You deserve better.” Abigail said.
“You’re right Abs, but I feel like I wasted my entire life with nothing to show for it. Who’s going to hire a twenty-seven year of lawyer?” Cassie exclaimed.
“You didn’t waste your life Cassie, and I bet when we come back from Savannah, there will be plenty of firms beckoning you over” Abigail said tenderly.
“Hmm, who would’ve thought we would be back in Savannah” Cassie said.
“I know right, but I miss it Cass, and honestly I miss my entire family including my pig-headed father” Abigail said.
“So I haven’t gone shopping in a while, want to go tomorrow?” Cassie asked.
“Absolutely! Afterwards, grab lunch.” Abigail said excitedly.
“And I was also thinking that we hit up Rivola Spa, to get work done” Cassie said.
“Brilliant, it’s a date! Well my bed is calling me. See you tomorrow at noon?” Abigail asked.
“Noon sounds perfect” Cassie answered.

Chapter Three

“I’m so glad you came with me Cassie” Abigail said.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” Cassie replied.
“I’m a bunch a nerves. I don’t know why I am so nervous? It’s not like I’m going to see the Pope or the president” Abigail said.
“By the way I forgot to tell you that Aiden is picking us up at the airport,” Abigail announced.
Cassie took a deep breath and nodded. Just hearing the name Aiden, made her insides squishy. The last time she had seen or talk to Aiden had been five years ago. The fateful night of the magical kiss began to play in her mind. She could recall how his lips felt so soft against hers and the way he cradle her head. Just thinking about Aiden quickened her heart. “Lord, I got to stop thinking about Aiden” Cassie said to herself.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard Skylites airlines! This is your Captain speaking; our approximate arrival to Atlanta, Georgia is 2 hours and 55 minutes. The weather is nice today and we are expecting a smooth flight today. Once again we thank you for choosing to fly with us today and we hope you enjoy your flight.”
“Have you figured out what you’re going to say to your dad?” Cassie asked.
“No clue! What can one say to her father after vanishing for five years?” Abigail said.
“I’m sure you will think of something to say in the moment”.
The flight to Atlanta went by in a blur. Abigail and Cassie remembered listening to the flight Attendant and then waking up to the Captain announcing their arrival. They hastily grabbed their luggage, left the plane and went straight to the gate for their connecting flight to Savannah. With only a few minutes to spare, they both hit the restroom, to freshen up. The flight from Atlanta to Savannah was only 37 minutes and they needed to look their best. When they got to their gate, their flight was boarding. They landed in Savannah got off the plane and went straight to baggage claim.

Abigail spotted Aiden before he spotted them. “Aiden,” she yelled. Aiden turned towards the sound and saw Abigail and Cassie walking to him. As his eyes connected with Cassie Aiden’s heart skipped a beat. “Gosh she gets more beautiful each day,” he said to himself. After exchanging pleasantries, the group headed home. On the drive home, Aiden couldn’t help starring at Cassie through the rearview mirror.

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