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Rated: E · Other · Sci-fi · #1925715
Something is wrong with Dr. James Moling.
BY Jay W. Eccent

"My god, man. You’re speaking of playing the role of the all mighty!”

Father Cromwell spoke, astonished, as he listened to who he had thought was his friend for so many years.

"I’m a doctor, Father. You’re a man of the cloth, plain and simple as that. My machines will make life better for mankind. I will create life.”

Cromwell's eyes grew bigger as his pigment turned pure white.

"Universal Armageddon, Sir, That’s what you’re cooking!” The priest replied in disgust.

It was dark in the confession box, split between the two old friends. Dr. James Moling and Father Cromwell Jr. spoke, no, argued. The wall not blocking the echoes throughout the chapel.

"You go about using the word science as if it were the will of God!” Cromwell screeched, his voice carrying what seemed to be miles. Again, the small box didn't block the father’s speech.

Through the opening he saw into the other part of the box the shadow of James. A man who had changed. The Dr. seemed bulky in some way, bits of his face popping out. The priest could only see the so called good doctor's shadow.

About the scientist were more shadows, the small room was filled with the dance of many small, bug-like anonymities.

Still, Father Cromwell could not see James’ face, body, or hands. However, what he could see of the shadows he could tell that there was something strange about his old friend’s hands. Just, dark obscurities. Again. That was all.

Another alarming bit was that there was a constant zap sound coming from the Doctor's part of the box.

"You have changed, James. From the time we use to play chess in the park on those sunny days. Now you have secluded yourself in that home you bought upon Old Hill. Why come out to talk to me? Away from being a hermit?”

"I have a confession to make. It's been a year, Father, since my last confession.”
James said.

"What? What did you do?”

"It's not what I did Cromwell! It's who I have become. I’m not God, Father. Oh, I have changed alright. I am Satan!” James exclaimed then continued. "And my machines will rule the world!”

"Blasphemy! Madness! You, James, Lucifer?”

"YOU WANT PROOF!?” James yelled out loudly in anger.

A crashing sound made Cromwell jump. It was very quick that James ended up outside the box, chips of wood on the hard floor.

It also was fast when James broke his fist into the wood door to Jr's room in the box. Grabbing his robes collar and pulling him through the small, wood door. The object they had been sitting in crumbled in an instant.

Still holding the priest up in the air, James dropped his cloak revealing a marvel unseen by any in existence today.

"Here is your proof!”

Sweat poured off Father Cromwell Jr. as he stared directly into mechanical eyes.

Into the eyes of Hell.

"You’re a machine.”

"Yes, and I will create more like me!” James continued. "I will create life as I have upon me you see. These creatures are nanights.”

The priest looked at the abominations crawling about the doctor's body. Bulky machines stuck out from James’ face and other parts of his skin.

"You’re next, Father, You will be my helper. The Antichrist as it were, helping me, Lucifer, create life on earth.” James laughed as he hit Cromwell over the head.


Father Cromwell Jr. awoke from darkness. Into Hell. Pain ran through him as he felt bug like creatures crawling over his body which felt like millions of needles. The priest could not move for he was strapped upon a table. James walked from the darkness into Cromwell's site.

"Welcome. You are now changing. From now on, like me, you will be perfection. Wires will twist through your body; you will be as omnipotent as I".
© Copyright 2013 Jay W. Eccent (jayweccent at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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