Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1927491-Abuse-Me-and-Eternity
Rated: ASR · Other · Emotional · #1927491
Just a reflection on my morning that turned into so much more. Read all the way through.
I watched as a child was throttled, cared for just enough to stay alive. It was just another paycheck for them, just another way to meet ends. The lack of love making me question if it was even a real human. So cold, so cold... like a iceberg digging into a ship's hull. Helpless I sat there, just as the child, unable to think of a proper way to act. My blood boiled, I could feel it in my veins. I was to real to be a dream, fantasy, nightmare. All I could do was sit there quietly as I watched the abuse, the slow killing of a girl. Animals can learn to take care of another's young, cats and dogs both able to co-exist, but still I see the inhuman, inanimal, behavior before me. Winter was cold this year, but I always adapt, always live without change of mind. This person was cold, death has more kindness than this. I'd cry if I could find tears that would wash this scene  from all time.

A fire burns in my soul, my spirit rises with a holy rage for justice. I feel the blood pump faster through my chest, all my veins become visible on my reddening hands, my knuckles extend forward as fists form like molten metal. My very being wishes to act out on this crime, but in the end I can do nothing with this fire inside. It is just a reenactment of a crime long put to bed. The scene so known to be act put before me on screen only gives me a fire I can't relieve. This morning my mirror reflection was full of expectation of the day. With only the pressure of school to make me sign. Now as I see my reflection in the computer screen, I see only a white fire in my eyes and red rage hiding in my face.

Everyone looks at this as a reason for God not to exist. Surely a being perfectly good, loving, all knowing, and all powerful could not stand for this.

God, however, in all His goodness first desired love to love, and in doing so made us like Him a being of love. The only way to make us love was to give us freewill, and a choice to love.

An angel of the highest rank given the same freewill and choice as us, and already living in the glory and perfect of heaven, chose to usurp the power of God and claim worship for himself. In this folly, he took a third of the angels as followers in his fall from heaven doomed for destruction, having seen perfect love and rejecting it completely. In this doom angels become demons and the Devil ruled them.

Seeing the love still on humanity, the Devil came to man and woman with the ultimate test of love to a God with just one law. In arrogance, humanity through off the restraints of God to become their own masters. With freewill abused, humanity all turned to their own desires do what is right in each individual's eyes. This was the devise of Satan, the Devil, to steal the love that God held dearest, and take from man the deed of creation before his sentence could be past.

In pain, God presented man with a way to come back to Him and a love so sweet. In an act of love, mercy, and justice, God became a man, lived a life completely good, took the place of the guilty, us, and die to pay the price. And to finally break the Devil and take back the deed of creation for man, He descended into Hell and in three days rose again. In the ultimate quest for love divine, God die and rose again while we did not love or desire Him. The death sentence for our rebellion was on Him, and if we accept what he has done for us we will live again in a love we forfeited before we were born.

I don't mean to preach, that's not my purpose in this. I came on today to pour out my blood in printed ink. The reason I don't shoot myself, or the people who are bad, is because I have a Hope in a world with no hope. My God believes the world still needs saving, and I believe it can.


If I'm wrong I sleep for eternity, but if your wrong and reject the grace given to thee...*Sad* I will shed a tear for you*Cry*, before I'm lead to peace and joy unending in a love made for you and me.
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