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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1929814
/ness But then again, who isn't?
I'm attracted to smooth skin

And Willingness


Seriously Sooooooo fucking pissed right now all that is gone now

I was writing that fucking note for at least 4-5 god damn fucking hours

4:01    9/24

Watch What I Can Do

As I bring the heavens crashing down upon your brow

Observe as I rip time and space a new black hole

Watch me shoot into the sky and pierce the crown of god

Look at my powers growing, will they soon become beyond control?

Watch what I can do, as your sanity wanes and reality fades

See What I Am Capable Of

you will Never be the same again...

Will I ever be satisfied?

Will my hunger ever cease?

Will happiness be enough?

Or will I constantly strive forward, always wanting more

Like so many poor people do..

See the comet streak across the sky

Or is that a diamond from within a dead titan's eye

Fiery and furiously it flies with great speed

I run up behind it and catch it with ease

Within my cut palm a bloody star glistens and shines

There is no End, to that which is Mine

Dead deer lie rotting in the dark woods plains

The shadow of night releasing phantoms and ghouls

Fed huntsman are there, to fight the true demons and beasts

We're always not around when needed the most

4:40lieing on my bed and don't want to get up

Another day on planet grey, and I'm too sick and tired of this song

Speaking of music, time to put some on

No Signal

-story of man who get's trapped at an abandoned radio tower

•          The Majesty Of Not - How Nothing Is Pure Bliss

•          Single female cop gets promoted to a detective who's first case is to look into the leader of a local mass cult


The Passenger - The story of a stanger*

6:00fuck, I have to go over and help my mum plug in the dvd player


Just You Wait And See What I Fucking Do Next Yeahh

Ironyy.... 0_o

I sit down on my bed and suddenly things start getting louder outside

*dog barking, vehicle beeping (backing up?)


Still so fucking mad I lost all that shit, now I gotta try and remember all those fucking thoughts I had While I was High

Let go of the hot breath within you

Let the sighs of lust come loose

Tie my words around your soul

I'm gonna hang you with my conviction's noose

Let shadows crawl inside your head

Don't fear the dark, don't fear the dead

As madness begins to surrmount you

Give in to the current

Be who you were born to be

Never let go of yourself

As God's above have politics and wars

Let us revel in simplicity and love

I smash on it more and more

Wipping my fists like flailing maces

Curled fleshy comets repeatedly assaulting my target, accurately, without remorse, without regret, without mercy..

Hail the Red Storm as it passes by pacified

Sheathed is his sword, bloodied or clean

Crimson - The Story of the most Badass character


don't fear what will not be

Fear what May

Of Infinite Times, And Places, All Things Come To Be

Watch As I Bleed Black All Over Your Face

Inky Thoughts Staining Your Mind And Getting You High

Scars Always Tell Stories, Mine Will Tell Legends


As I let go of one's attention I gain anothers

Such is the way of my world

I do not lose love for anyone who strays from me

We all have our own lives, we each a different ride

Tell me stories about ghosts that haunted kings

of golden ruby crowns bathed in blood, rotting from the inside out

Cursing your soul


Is this better?

Seems more organized anyways..

Font 12 it is for now

I have the feeling that a common fear among all men is the joining forces of all women

Let one slide, then two, but not three

So many strikes before you're out with me

The mind plays tricks with itself

It does this to keep itself sharp and on edge

But things always get messy when the heart get's tangled or the soul leashed


Clutch - King of Arizona

keep an eye on the time, and another down the line

Time and Death will always be intertwined


Witchcraft - If Crimson Was Your Colour

The fist of giants comes down hard

But it's what they can't hit that lives to tell the tales

Speaking spirals into the strings of the souless

There is nothing that can be done but compliment the inanimate


I tread on the shattered planes of existence

I travel down and through darkness, to the other side and beyond

The splintered dreams of the dead rattle as the winds of thought blow through

The Wasteland is no place for fools like you

Wait 'Till You See The Next Thing I Do..

Girls want to have you chase them, because they like feeling like their worth going after

To some, you have to prove it before you even do that

Women often like to be reminded that they matter, but girls feast on the attention given to them


...wonder why she said that?

I imagine being hitting with a blast of energy that both electrucutes my soul and mind while leaving my body unscathed

I swim in a black pool of infinite self

There's is no reason to ever feel bad for me


It's hard to watch awesome music videos (such as for Long Distance Calling) while also trying to keep up with writing

I want to feel you shiver and count the goosebumps on your arms

I want you to feel coldness and warmth to my touch, for That is how I will be remembered

•          The Man Who Cried Gold

•          The Little Fire Moth


A moth was flying around my open window, though I don't know how it got past the screen but that is a mystery I may never solve

He preceeded to fly sparatically and went straight for my light, bouncing around it blinded by the light

Death is not the reverse of life

It is merely it's shadow in comparison

And is in fact more diverse than most of the living think


Song I have to show _____

Long Distance Calling - The Very Last Day


I still can't tell yet...she's a tricky one to read


The Protector (of Angels)



I can feel the walls beginning to crumble around me

There's nowhere left to hide

I can only sprint forward and do my best to survive


part of me wants to get more snacks, part of me want's to hit the hay, and another part just want's to keep playing borderlands until I pass out



aaand another part of me wants to smoke more and another part wants _____ to kiss me


7:10am    10/7


Vengeance Is Mine

Kissed _____ last night

Just glad to have gotten it over with

Did you see a sign on the front of my lawn that said Dead Nigger Storage?


You may not understand all the things that I do

Why I do them, or how

But I promise that everything I have done, was for a reason

And though some of it may have painful, and some of you may get scared

Fear not.

For it’s just a show

And The Show Must Always Go On

-I Am The End

-I Am The Beginning


I look at the word count: 1498

Now no longer, but for a short moment, an entire universe flows through my mind with the flash of a thought, and leaving as quickly as it arrived, like a bolt of lightning

Shivers and spasms hit me on and off, a series of pulses surging through my soul

I couldn’t even get off..

I feel something is happening to me, and I’m not entirely sure what

I begin to feel the darkness within me

I wonder if it’s spreading, or if I am only feeling the roots being watered and nourished

There’s A Storm Coming

Know this..

I Am Not


A Man

When we can’t settle for anything less, we Fight More



Who says a rock band can’t play funky music,

Who says a funk band can’t play rock?

Funkadelic – Atmosphere


One isn’t enough

I have to have more

I Have To Have More

I Have To Have

I have to have

have to have


In the years to come Tears Will Be Shed, Blood Will Be Spilt, Steel Will Clash, Hearts Will Break And Heal And Be Stronger Than We Ever Thought Possible

The Remnants of What Was




In the morning

In the evening

In the afternoon

And at night

In the shadow of time where space fades, darkness hides a realm beyond it, where every thought, every idea, dream, concept, is held

Swimming like illuminated phantoms in the black

They are constant, flowing in streams and connecting to each other, like a series of rivers forming a web

They Are, but also are not

*Death Kills All Who Fear Him.

For All Others He Merely Shows The Way

Sometimes it takes something terrible to create something More

To make something Wonderful, sometimes blood is a needed ingredient

Why Men Want Mad Women/Whores


In the end, what does it come down to?




All of these?

Or, perhaps, none of them

It comes down to Experience, yes.

As well as Love.

As for Power..probably to some degree as well

It comes down to necessity.

Nothing is White.

Everything is Black.

We are the stain of perfection, admist the chaos of existence

And though it may have it’s borders, it’s boundaries, and the laws and forces that divide and unify

Existence Is Chaos, The Constant Growth Of Change





But seriously..



Great, Fucked –Up Again Already

Hey you know, Fuck It

Maybe I just shouldn’t try anymore

Completely give up

No..no, I know I won’t do that..

Maybe a break though, shit..

Why do girls Always have to be so fucking fragile -_-


I often wonder-11:28-

If it’s going to happen or not

If the walls and barriers to this world will crumble and a true Invasion will begin

I also often wonder if I’m mad

I suppose anyone reading this can see why

Page 16 of 16

words 2, 012

Least it’s raining, to match my mood

Scattered and falling, leaking over my enemies and friends


Fuck this shit man

I fucking told her too, I Fucking TOLD HER

‘Just so you know, I’m a heartbreaker’

And of all the things to be mad about..

Oh yeah sorry I kissed the girl WHO I FUCKING LIKED BEFORE YOU


I can’t stay mad though, I know she’s young and emotional but…Gods Damnit, she needs to harden the fuck up a little

You think THIS is rough??

Hell, trying living a day in my mind


I wish I could write like ryan plays music

Full of passion, willfully, precise, loose, and masterfully

I hope she doesn’t blame herself for this, that would be too much

I honestly don’t think I can open myself up completely to someone else

It takes so much energy, so much time and patience..

On Both accounts

Goosebumps, how I love them so

I wish she was right here, right now, and I could explain how my feelings for another do not affect my feelings for her

I want to hold her, touch her skin, whisper my secrets to her, make her a catalyst to my corrosive ways


1:39[pm]    10/8/12

The Kiss That Ended The World

I just want to bash my head in against the wall

Snap my arms in half and stab myself with my broken bones

Do I even get credit for trying?

I could consider if the alcohol had affected my judgment, but that’s a scapegoat          

All in all I did what I did because I thought it was right, it was what felt right anyways.-


tyler yearns solely to defend freedom and infinite acceptance


christ I don’t even know what to fucking write about

2:07[am]    10/9

Alright time to get back to the ol blackboard

I am the ravenous dog

I Am The Ravenous Dog

I Am the Ravenous Dog

I Am the Ravenous  Dog

I am not the ravenous dog

I Am Not The Ravenous Dog

I am Not the Ravenous dog

I Am The Ravenous Dog

I Am The Ravenous Dog



Might have to go downstairs, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep with this throat thing and I’m thirsty as Fuck

4:18about to finish the eggplant parm I grabbed then munch on cheese and drink cranberry juice until that nightime stuff kicks in


10:03  10/10/12

First person to walk upstairs, probably my uncle chris since I haven’t seen him all day

That and he went straight for the bathroom, so it most likely is him

Not really sure what to write..

_____’s coming over tomorrow

Asked what my turn on’s were earlier tonight..

Jesus christ..
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