Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1932584-Diary-Of-A-God-Fearing-Woman-Chapter-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Drama · #1932584
Chapter one in a series of side-splitting, tear-jerking, feel-good events
Diary Of A God-Fearing Woman
Ella Rowe thinks her life is dull, dismal, and boring. She has high hopes that God will someday have a plan for her life that includes adventure, excitement, and maybe even a handsome stranger. Little does she know that she's about to find out that God has a sense of humor...

Chapter One
Dear Diary,
I wasn't kidding at all this morning when I wrote about wanting to strangle the cat. I found him in the garbage can at lunchtime, scattering trash everywhere. I got a broom after him and threatened to bake him in my next pie if I caught him again. I don't suppose he understood me but he sure did run fast. I only keep him around because our cashier, Dess, loves him. Stupid cat...

Today we baked 12 made-to-order cakes, 3 extra pies, and 3 dozen cookies besides our usual sweets. Between keeping the front stocked, taking orders, and trying to fill them, I'm worn pretty thin. It being May, it's possible that I will need to hire help for the summer. It's just so hard to find someone to help out who is trustworthy and can bake too. Oh well, the Good Lord will work it out.

On a different note, that handsome hardware guy came back today. He bought 2 doughnuts instead of 1 this time so they must have been good. As far as I'm concerned, he can come in and buy doughnuts ANYTIME he likes! And... upon pausing and reading that last line, it sounds quite desperate. I'm a mess. 28, big hips, lifeless hair, and a constant dusting of flour on every outfit I wear is NOT going to find me a nice guy to date. Dear old Grandma Rachael should be making her weekly call any day now to see if I'm still single.

Okay, enough with the self-pity. I have a birthday cake to do before I can head home for the night and I can hear Dess locking up. If I can just keep telling myself about James chapter one, verse three, "Faith worketh patience", I think I might make it.

As always,
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