Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1937508-What-is-happening
Rated: E · Article · Legal · #1937508
Political views of yours truly
Where is the world coming to? What has happened to us? What's the government coming to??? What is happening to the prices..? The demand..? The constitution itself..? There is no privacy, no freedom, no safety, no "America, land of the free and the new beginning" no, no, no. Not anymore... It has become the complete opposite. We built this country on an idea. An idea, that itself has turned to nothing more but but a fragile wall that one small wind could blow it all apart... We came to the new land to get rid of a dictator.. Where are we now? Yes, we can vote on who's president. But that makes it no better if the people have no say in our laws.. There's republicans and there's democrats... Ever single debate if one says yay, the other will always say nay. People can agree! Say... Ummm, the desicion of weather to put bar codes on babies. Clearly this is wrong, but in the debate if the first person to be asked is a democrat they'll say not to, it is totally immoral. But when we get to the republican party they will have no choice but to argue that this is right, even though there is no way that this will be seen as right. People should be able to agree. The whole deal about government being able to look at all cell phone conversations is completely and totally wrong!!! Freedom? Ring a bell anyone? Especially in teens, if every little detail is taken serious in what they say, well, we're just all completely insane for having an opinion that wasn't ment to be serious. This is completely unreasonable! Thank you for taking the time to read this. It is only few of my many opinions. But I figured this would get boring after a while. Again thank you, and I hope you agree!
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