Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1939473-Knights-of-the-Rose-Vine-Crest-Chap3
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by Chace
Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Other · #1939473
Chapter. 3
Chapter 3
Alone in a mirror I stood in a long white gown fitted to my body that hugged my young curbs sweetly exposing my slim waste a tiara design wrapping around my waste with a silver tint. Long sleeves coming to a point looping around my middle finger the skirt cascaded down to the floor with the neckline a simple modest scoop all drawn in a beautiful satin fabric. My vale cascaded as long as my gown with a tiara nestled in my half dun up hair of a halo of braids the rest of my hair hung down my back.
I jumped hearing a knock at the door.
“Come in,”
The door opened to see it was Edward. I smiled nervously,
“It’s time isn’t it?”
He stiffly nodded. “You look lovely,” My eyes cast down. “I am not ready for this Edward,” He walk over and took my hand. “There’s no turning back,” I sighed “I wish there was,” He pulled me in a hug and in my ear he muttered something in knight. I smiled knowing the meaning. "I love you,"

He walked me to the alter and when it was time he took his place and left me alone until the double doors opened. The music changed and there I knew it
was time. With a simple long stem red rose, all eyes on me I made my way down the isle. My mouth felt dry and my insides shook. “This isn’t happening,”
I looked down the isle and there he stood, my husband to be. He stood in a black formal Knight uniform embroidered with sliver vines, straight legged dress pants and a dress jacket fitted perfectly to his slim frame his fencing sword on his left hip held with a sliver chain and black shiny boots.
He turned to me when I approached the steps. His eyes where memorizing a beautiful bright forest green. There I realized who it was. “Lieutenant Corneal William,” I thought. He offered his hand to help me up the stairs I normally wouldn’t except help but something in his eyes told me to. He help me up the stairs and placed a kiss on my hand.
“My Lady,” I bowed my head respectfully with a nod.
“Lieutenant Corneal William,”
He respectfully bowed his head back to me with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth his eyes down casting, it amazed me how dark and long his eyelashes where, his midnight black hair was pulled back at the nape of his neck looking about shoulder length. His bangs framing his face. I have seen him around court normally in the presents of the king, but never up close. He was truly beautiful.
I wondered what was going through his head as we passed our vows. The rasp of the preachers voice was started to affect me like nails on a chalkboard by the time of the rings, I wanted this to be over but yet again in Williams presents, I wanted it to last. With his long figures he gently slipped on the golden band on the respectful finger of my left hand, his hand we warm soft and rough at the same time. I then slipped his on his respectful finger. By the time of the kiss, that’s when my nerves began to show, I’ve never been kissed and the thought of it doing it with every one watching scared the hell out of me. Like he sensed my distress I felt his figure tips on my jaw line and made me look at him. His eyes where intent but genital but held a shadow like he was shouldering a heavy burden. He leaned in slowly and kissed me softly. I held in a gasp as I felt my body come to life. I heard applause. He pulled back and helped me down the steps the preacher announcing the newly weds. We soon went our separate ways dinner and then conversations with Campaign. I felt unnerved knowing tonight would be the first night with him.
I sat on the bed with my back to him as I heard him take his sword off his hip and place it agents the wall by the bed. He turned to me I down cased my eyes and bit my lip. I heard him sigh knowing I was nervous.
“This dose not have to be done tonight,” He comely said, My stomach did a flip hearing his sooth voice for the first time since the ceremony . “Lady Renn?”
“Isn’t that what happens on the wedding night, someone or both louses their innocence,”
I felt him sit next to me,
“Yes, but if you don’t feel comfortable,”
“But it must be done, I’ll just follow you,”
He stood me up. “Are you sure,” I nodded.
He gently help me out of my gown and vale until I stood in nothing but my undergarments. I took off his jacket and unbuttoned and took off his white dress shirt. I gazed at his well defined chest, it made me want to run my hands over it but I made myself not to..
“Fully undress and get under the covers?” I nodded and did as I was told snuggling under the warm covers. He soon got in himself fully unclothed and crawled up on top of me, nestling perfectly between my legs. I gazed up at him and he kept our eyes linked as he entered me, I gasped, my whole body tensing.
“Relax,” He commanded. I tried to do as I was told. He put his forehead to mine trying to sooth me. “Do you want to continue?” I nodded mutely. I heard him sigh and in one swift movement he fully entered me. I let out a pained scream digging my nails in his shoulders

He held on to my hips as he moved slowly looking down at me. The pain passed. My back raised these new feelings raging through my body. He goes down and nuzzles my neck brushing his lips agents my virgin sensitive skin.

I smile at the memory, but our wedding night was the only time he ever held me that close.

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