Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1939759-Musings-or-Ramblings
Rated: E · Monologue · Biographical · #1939759
Just ramblings about what I think about love and relationships. I'm too tired. :)
He said he would love me. Love me no matter what. The very idea of that is unfathomable. The very thought of that is deeper than the oceans. And I'm floating in the middle of it. To those who feel they have never felt this kind of love, I am sorry. I can not describe it. I can not tell you the usual cliches for this feeling because they simply are not good enough. I can only tell you how I feel. I feel giddy. I feel hyper all the time when I think of him or he's around or I know I'm going to see him. My skin tingles just being near him. My body knows not just his body, but his walk, his smell, his voice, how he sounds when he's tired or hungry. It's an amazing thing to be so connected to someone. We know what the other is thinking, what they're going to do, what they want before we know it ourselves. We are willing to give everything up for the other. And for a day, just a day, maybe even an hour, I wish we could trade places. I wish he could know what I see and how I feel and why I think I'm so lucky to have him, why I look forward to spending my life with him, why I'm scared shitless of doing something wrong and losing him. And I wish I could see what he sees and know what he knows. How an amazing guy like him could want me, what he sees in me that makes him feel the way I do. Surely such perfection in a man can not belong to me. But it does. How lucky am I!!! I can only be me, since he likes it so much, and cross my fingers that he keeps believing what he does. Because I'm not letting him go.

Find someone like that if you haven't already. Don't say it's cliched to be in love, don't say you'll give up, don't say been there done that. Find it keep it. It's happiness. ANd who doesn't want that?
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