Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1940199-The-Switched-Weekend-Chapter-3
Rated: · Other · Other · #1940199
mother son bodyswap
Chapter 3: As Jessica sat down on the bed, she slowly began to slide the pearl bracelet on to her wrist, while at the same time in her mind she chanted"William, my son. William, my son. William, my son." As she sat on the end of the bed, she began to feel light headed and soon her mind was filled with a white light as she fell back onto the bed, passing out.....When she opened her eyes what seemed only a few moments later, she could tell right away something was different. The ceiling she was looking at was a different color. Her room the ceiling was a baby blue, now it was just plain white. Slowly leaning forward, Jessica could not believe her eyes. She was now in her son's room, sitting on his bed and..wow, it had actually worked. She was looking at herself now in his body! Her hands began to roam her new form, so different from hers, relishing in how she felt. She had just gone from being a 36 yr. old woman to being a 18 yr. old man...and she felt amazing!!She felt so alive and invigorated, she felt.."MOM!" That would be her son, no doubt waking up in her body upstairs. As she started to go upstairs, she did feel a small pang of guilt. Her son had never asked for this, but once she had that bracelet in her hand and had decided on her son, she could not look back. Reveling in her new youth, she bounded up the stairs two at a time and jogged to her room. Sure enough, sitting there on the edge of the bed was herself with a very shocked look on her face." Mom, is that you in there?" she heard her son ask her with her former body's lovely voice. "Yes dear, and I'm assuming that is you inside my body,correct?" she heard herself say, now with the strong, masculine voice of her son."Yeah, it's me..what on earth happened Mom?"Jessica, who had been prepared for this event if only a little, could only wonder how shocking this must be for her son."Honey, you feel fine right, your not hurt or anything, on the inside I mean?"'No, I feel okay, just weird you know." her son said as he stood up from the bed..."Whoa!" Barely suppressing a laugh, Jessica reached forward and with her sons strong arms caught her former body as her son began to wobble on the 4 inch high heels she had put on herself before switching bodies. "Hey, this is a new perspective!" he said looking down at his former body. William was only 5'8 and his mother, with her heels on, was 6'2."A new perspective indeed."she said as she took her arms away from her son who already appeared much steadier on his feet. "Wow, I feel so tall! her son exclaimed as he began to turn around, looking at everything differently. Especially himself as he turned and finally saw himself in the mirror."Oh my goodness, I look so beautiful!" he said as he approached the mirror and began to let his arms wander over his new feminine body. Both individuals had gotten caught up in what had happened to them and were unaware of the time. While William was exploring his new body in the mirror, his phone rang. He watched his mother(inside his old body) reach into her pocket and take his phone out, looking at the call display.."It's Jenna, what should I do? he heard himself say. As they decided what to do, the call went to voice mail. "Look, I have no idea how this happened, but until we figure it out, I think the best thing to do is to pretend to be each other." William heard himself say from his former body."Otherwise, what are we to do. No one would believe us if we told them anyway, they would think we were nuts. At least your not in school and I'm not working this weekend so that's nothing to worry about." "What about my weekend at the lake! William heard himself say in his mother's high pitch voice."Sorry honey, until we figure this out, it looks like I'll have to go to the lake and you will have to go out for dinner with your father this evening. Please honey, we'll figure this out, just be really nice to your father okay? I know this is weird(and so exciting she thought!) but he's so looking forward to spending time with you this weekend, I mean me I guess."okay, what else can I do." he thought to himself. Just then, both their phones rang...
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