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by jisha
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1943061
Love finds you twice in lifetime
Word Count : 1903

"...Mama said she'd raised me better."
Then why was I here? Why I could not tell what I felt. It looks like I lost forever.
It was in the year 2001, one morning we had unexpected long queue of travellers checking in. We have a hotel business run as our family tradition. My grandfather always believed in serving people of East coast town. That is when this beautiful hotel was rented by him through a span of loan he had taken. The hotel was named after our family and was called the Wings ton’s home. We provide our guests sweet rooms to comfort, food and small hang out place to backpackers. Attached to the hotel was our family store in small room facing east. I Dylon wingston and my uncle Canfon wingston run this place now.
Addressing to busy people I did not notice until the bell rang and she walked in.
She was a beauty I have never seen before. Her strong physique, personality was an instant attraction.
Through the heads swarming in front I could see her eyes, shining blue. Adding to the beauty was the glowing bright orange sunlight behind her like aura.
Jacob, the real estate agent was showing her the house. He was going on with the maintenance work that needs to be done etc.
But Jamie just kept walking around to see. It was one of the beautiful houses she could have. House was in the deep woods with cold sea breeze touching her skin so softly. Like the wind wanted to whisper to her. God she missed these so long times.
Jacob breaks her thought of line “Are you going to take it?”
Yea I am taking Jamie says turning back to house.
Jacob walks away with more of murmuring on the repaint of house.
Jamie steps on the board and floor cracks. She knew it would be lot of work before its human able for stay.
Lying down on the floor she was lost in thoughts. There was fire fly buzzing by.
The light brings back her memories. It was haunting her for a while. Now it’s clearer like happening in distant. There were sounds of gun fire. People were screaming, running, trying to escape.
The bright lights were blindly her. She tries to cover her eyes. She realises she is in her house safe.

She turns around to get some sleep. She hadn’t slept for a while now.
Sun was coming out. First rays beaming out from the horizon. Added along were the birds chirping. Jamie was awake. She gets up, gets ready and walks out of house.
Jamie loved long walks. She went on walking till she reached the town. Shops were just opening. Few people here and there busy with morning work. She walks in to the store.
Canfon greeted her morning. Morning she says.
Looking around the store she felt it was very early for shop to open.
Canfon understood it and said go on take what you looking for.
We are always open for service. He adds to it with a smile. He was 60 year old man.
Jamie got her things, checked out at the counter when Dylon entered. He could not resist the temptation to touch and feel her. But he does nothing and gives way to her. He had the impulse to know her but the strangeness stopped him.
He looked at her,walk away.
All day she cleaned her house, painted it and was set for the night. She did not know how hungry she was until then. It was late night when she reached town to get some food.
Walking by the street she could see people were chatting, laughing and getting set for the night.
She just walked to wards the coast. It was chill night. She was not feeling cold.
Her thoughts were her company. She walks up to the brim and looks down. Water was splashing up in small tides.
Come on Jamie Says Ashlyn what you doing by the lake side? Party is in.
Both go in together and Ashlyn introduces her friends to Jamie.
This was party for farewell to Jamie. She was the only one selected from the town.
This is the day when she meets him first time,Sage.
Hi Ashlyn am I late for the party. Sage gestures when he sees her and comments “wow didn’t know you had a beautiful lady this evening”.
You are not even one second here and you are flirting saying this Jamie moves to get a drink.
Time passed by.

Sage and ashlyn were sitting at the bar having drinks, sage still looking at Jamie.
Knowing his looks ashlyn says she is isn’t for you. She doesn’t believe in love. Flirting is just far away. She winks and goes off.
Sage knew then and there. He made his choice.
You are standing here alone by night he says.
Jamie was surprised. She did not know she had company.
Well I was looking at the water. They just wash away all that belongs here.
A moment of silence goes by.
Are you hungry? There some food available if you like to join?
She could not disagree. I am Dylon by the way he says walking besides her.
His company was a charm to her, nonstop chattering away on the town, place he had grew up.
All Jamie did was smile. He too was better off far away but stayed for his mom when she had few years left.
When he was talking about his mother, tears swelled in, thinking of the times both spent together. Though all stays as memories the love was something that would never vanish.
I do appreciate his mother has raised him well thought Jamie.
Love was not what I had known in my childhood but knew when I met him.
He was not the one you would not notice. Always around girls, he was their favourite.
It was not a surprise to see him as my senior in armed forces trainee. He had that built in him.
His name was Sergeant Sage.
This was the training days of my life. As a child I was fascinated to join the task force.
This kept me going. My only distraction was him. All the time around, every corner you turn.
He was always with a girl. It was not until my first mission that I knew him.
Our troop was sent to capture gumellia leader in Caribbean area. The plan was to attack at dawn when they least expect it. Gumelia gang members executed the local people and their bodies were scattered everywhere.
Amidst I saw a child crying and no one was around to help her. My intention was not to distract from firing but her cries ringed in my ears more than shots.
I escape off from the back hiding the fire. I reach the kid when I heard a shot.
My friend and buddy Dragen steels took the bullet protecting me.
The blood spilled on me and I was short of moving. Back at the camp I was still in state of shock.
He barged in saying what were you doing out there? Were you acting stupid, to get yourself killed?
I did not know what to say.

Later I heard he spent his time in bar drinking profusely.

The other times I tried to meet him he avoided me, like he was angry with self.
This continued so till my second mission.

What I did not know was how things would change afterwards.
Thanking him for the dinner Jamie set off to her house.
Dylon did not sleep that night. He was running every second spent in his head again.
Next day was very beautiful. It was early spring. Town was decorated with all colors of flowers.
People worn fancy dress and loud sounds of dance,song.

Jamie was surprised and happy.

I could not help noticing her. Jamie enjoyed for a while and not to be seen later.
That is when Maggie who lives around the corner screamed shark in the water,Save her.
Somebody dialled in 911. Angie age 11 was in water surrounded by shark.
We had to wait until cops arrive.

Suddenly I hear a splash and looks away to check. Far from the coast she took a dip.
That day nobody in town would have forgotten her had they known who saved Angie.
Jamie was sitting near the coast crying as loud as she could.

I ran to her and hugged. I was not sure of reason but something told me she should for now.
That night Jamie slept a long one, years after in his arms.
It was difficult for his anger to fade. But as time passed we both became close.
We were at peace, wars were at end.

Our usual day was drill, long walk and drinks at night with friends.
Someone said spring time was love time.

During one of the walks was when we found love in each other, our soul and body united in the lights of sunset.
Later in summer at friend’s party he surprised me.
Sage was down on his knees, took Jamie’s hand and said “I never want to bind you by ring, nor with marriage but I want to be always there for you love”.
Jamie was happy. She was safe and warm in his hands.

She looks up to see his face only to know she had done wrong.
The moment called her to hate self and her hatred build up.
She cursed and said No this is not happening. I would never cheat.
Dylon wakes up hearing her disturbed voice.

Seeing her angry he tries to console her. It only turns her angrier.

Dylon suppress his feelings as he was not able to find right words.

Jamie runs out and keeps running. Wind was whispering in her words trying to talk to her.
She blocks the thought arising in her mind.

She has cheated Sage.
Unable to express Dylon kicks himself before he goes in search of her.
He knew if his mom was here she too definitely want her for him.
Meanwhile Jamie in coast side is weeping and cursing self.
She knew there was only one love in life. It has come in hers. There is no second chance.
Dylon knows where she would be and comes to her by sea side.
He stops to explain himself and how much he loves her.
Jamie turns to face Dylon when she sees him again smiling at her in mischief.
He says “This is your destiny my love. You will find peace here.
Look to your right and you will see the sure sign.”
Saying this he winks at her.
Jamie looks right to see the sun set. She knew what he meant.
Sage was fading away slowly. Smiling he says remember I will be always there for you my love.
There was large force of wind blowing the water away from the land.
Dylon goes to Jamie and kisses her.
Jamie felt like she was back home and kisses him.
Sage had died in their third mission together in the year 1995 in the arms of Jamie.
Ever since he was there to help Jamie find peace. Now he is free and goes far seeing his love happy as before.
© Copyright 2013 jisha (jishan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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