Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1949710-Merlins-curse-Ch-2
by Kiriel
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1949710
Chapter 2 of Merlins Curse we are introduced to the main character and his family
Chapter 1


I shoot out of bed. God, I hate sleeping potions because i wake up feeling hyper and overly energetic. As I wait for the buzz to die down i think about this week. Just recently, my Mother moved us to a new city to follow her job as a Professor in Nature Magic. We are here in this city so she can work on a big "Top Secret" research project. As I look into the mirror I am faced with a startling face. I saw a tan boy with Purple hair, cat ears, and tail. " God Dammit my charm slipped off again! I rush around my room in a hurry, doing a flip over my bed and landing on the other side while I start looking for my charmed ring. As i reach under my bed i feel it just outside my grasp. I then get out from under it and open up a old musty book. I find the page I am looking for and then mumble a few words. In seconds the ring flies out from under the bed and into my hand. As I slip it on my purple fur is replaced with pure black fur. I then look into my mirror and stare into my eyes which have the distinctive pupil of a Nature Witch. As I am okaying myself my Mom yells,"James time to go to school. get something to eat, and i have a surprise for you." As I walk downstairs I am thinking that my mom must have forgotten when my birthday is since its tomorrow. As I reach for the fridge something tackles me from behind! I turn around and see a purple cat trying to attack my leg. I lean down to pick it up thinking it is a joke from my mom when it starts to change. It grows until it is an inch shorter to me, loses its tail and ears and grows clothes. "This has got to be the best present I have Ever Gotten!" I yell," Dad! Your back for my birthday!" My Dad, now in his human form says," You know I would never miss my boy's Gifting Day." I respond," I know, I know." Growing worried I asked, "So how long before you have to go on another assignment?" "Well son I don't know. You know how busy the Boss likes to keep me." Not wanting to dwell on the sad things I announce," I'm off to school now!" As I say this I am running out into the front yard. When I get onto open ground I mumble some words while holding one of my many charm bracelets. after I finish the incantation I Jump into the sky and fly away towards school. While I am flying I am wondering how the first day of school is going to be like.
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