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by Kiriel
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1955142
Our second main character is thrown into the deep end of the magical world.
Ch. 3

As our hero James is about to see his new school, another person, just as important to the world, is waking up to go to work.

I wake up groggily to the sound of a rooster outside my window. As I get out of bed and climb down the loft ladder I can already hear my 6 brothers fighting in the dining room over the remaining scraps of breakfast. i hesitate before stepping out of the barn to check the calendar. I thought so, today is the day all country folk dread. Today is my Cursing Day, or before the Cursing in 1910 it would have been considered my 16th birthday.

After seeing the depressing news i head into the kitchen to find my brothers have eaten all but one pancake. I walked up to it thinking that they are such 'great' brothers when I notice that the pancake is covered in dirt and is sticky with syrup after hitting the ground. Also right next to it was a note saying," Sorry for the mess little bro, we have to go to a wrestling tournament today. Good luck with the dishes!" After reading the note I flip it over excepting a birthday note or something but find a list of chores to do while my family is enjoying themselves.

Oh, by the way, incase I haven't mentioned it before my name's Jed. My family consists of Me, my brothers, and my Dad. We live in on a ranch about 30 miles from the nearest city, which is Westport. After my Mom died my brothers became obsessed with wrestling and any sport where they can hit things. My dad has encouraged them to continue and for me to start. You see, in the country people still hold on to views from long ago. Out here it is all about brute strength and no brains. I am just the opposite. I have an almost photographic memory, have read through thousands of books and would have a doctorate at the age of 14 if my dad had the money.

That day after finding the note I sat in the nearby cornfield crying and praying to God or Merlin or anyone to change my life for the better. As i sat there with dried up tears on my cheeks I could hear the panel van my dad drives pull up. That distant humming was drowned out by a buzzing in my head and what felt like a sledge hammer hit my body in multiple places at once. As the ground met my unconscious face a ripple formed in the air. During this process I was watching my body from above. My body was shaking as ripples of energy exuded from every side of it. This energy blew away everything around my body while it also made my body grow more and more feminine. As the corn field formed into a giant crater my body grew breasts, lost all of its clothes, lost my "thing" and grew a slit. My family comes running over as my skin lost all of its hair, my cheekbones raised, and I grew female curves.

I wake up thinking," This isn't going to go down well."
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